History of the Emblem is a growing YouTube channel that explains the stories and lore of the Fire Emblem games, among other topics. As it happens, our very own website is featured in their latest video!
The video, which is just under 6 minutes long, outlines the history of Serenes Forest all the way from its conception to the present day. Oh boy, seeing the older versions of the website really brings me back…
A big thanks to History of the Emblem for spending the time to gather and present all the relevant information. If you’d like to support them, please do give their channel a visit. From what I’ve seen, their videos are informative and pretty funny.
On a related note, our website reached its 14th anniversary last month. I am really grateful to everyone who visits this site–no matter how often–and to all my staff members for helping to keep the site running smoothly.
This year, on top of the all the regular Heroes and Cipher news coverage, Three Houses is going to be a huge focus for us. Both pre-release and post-release. If you’re interested, I hope you stick around for all the good times to come!
Below, you can find a write up of this website’s history that I provided to History of the Emblem, for their video.