Tag Archive for Shouzou Kaga

Genealogy of the Holy War Roundtable Discussion from 1996

Artist and translator garmmy has uncovered a gem from the distant past: a roundtable discussion with Shouzou Kaga, the creator of Fire Emblem, from the “Genealogy of the Holy War Fan Special” book.


In this discussion, three hardcore fans from Japan met with Kaga to chat about Genealogy of the Holy War, which had only released recently. The book was printed back in June 1996, so there isn’t anything new per se, but there’s still loads of really cool tidbits.

The discussion itself is in Japanese, but garmmy has translated it in its entirety–and you can read it in full on their blog. As the blog mentions, the discussion goes over big spoilers for the game, so be wary if you haven’t played or finished it yet.

Below, I’ll share some highlights from the discussion, as well as provide some (hopefully useful) commentary.

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Vestaria Saga Official Website

Today, Shouzou Kaga unveiled the official website for Vestaria Saga, ahead of its release in exactly a month’s time.


Note: All images belong to Shouzou Kaga.

Like the game itself, the website isn’t exactly the most pretty thing ever, since Kaga developed it in his spare time for free. However it does its job well, providing helpful information about the game.

Now, there’s a lot to digest, so to save time (and my sanity), I’ll merely summarise the pages and point out the key details.

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Vestaria Saga: The Final Stretch + Difficulty Concerns

In a recent blog post from 21st July, Kaga revealed that Vestaria Saga I is currently in the final stage of debugging and that it will be released as scheduled during Summer 2016 (by 21st September).


Additionally, Kaga updated his Q and As post to clear things up for those concerned about the game’s advertised high difficulty. A special thanks to Kirokan for helping me translate the post!

To begin with, Kaga states that the game is designed for experienced strategy RPG players. Typical strategy RPGs tend to get easier towards the end, but Vestaria will become more difficult the closer to endgame.

If players don’t properly plan how to distribute experience, items and funds from the start, the game may end up unwinnable. Also, Kaga advises against only training a select few characters, as all units are fielded in the final map.

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Vestaria Saga: Kaga Q and As

With all eyes on E3 this week, we’ll just briefly divert the hype train to a humbler station. A week ago, Shouzou Kaga showcased the second trailer for his upcoming pet project, Vestaria Saga I.

Dachua versus Akkord.

Dachua versus Akkord.

Naturally, following the reveal, it appears Kaga has been receiving a lot of questions from fans. Below are some of his responses to common questions, which he collected in this recent blog post.

(Special thanks to Kirokan for helping me with the translations!)

Q) Are there any arenas?

A) I’m afraid not.

Q) Are there ways to grind for experience?

A) Possibly, but you can bet there are limits.

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