Starting today, the first seasonal Fire Emblem Heroes event–the Spring Festival–is underway. During this event, players can try to summon Easter-themed versions of Chrom, Lucina, Xander and Camilla.

Accompanying these “new” Heroes are a set of 3 Paralogues, offering a total of 9 Orbs if beaten on all difficulties, as well as timed Spring Festival quests (including one which provides a bonus 2 Orbs).
The Easter-themed Heroes and timed quests are set to expire during 14th April 2017 at 6:59 UTC. In particular, the special Heroes will only be available during this event (at least for this current year), so good luck if you’re egg-hunting!
Aside from the festivities, plucky data-miners have discovered a new Voting Gauntlet for April, which you can read about and discuss over here. The March Voting Gauntlet was a lot of silly fun, so here’s hoping the next one will also be a good one!