In Fire Emblem Heroes, the summer season is upon us! This time, the summer banner didn’t leak, but it seems something else leaked instead…
Anyway, “Summer Vacation” runs from 17th July 2022 (UTC) and features (presumably) the first of two waves of Summer-themed Heroes.
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
The featured Heroes are all royalty from Radiant Dawn and Three Houses: Dimitri, Micaiah, Claude and Harmonic Edelgard and Altina.
In addition, Elincia: Seaside Queen will be a Tempest Trials reward. She’ll be a Blue Bow Flier. Other rewards include the Atk/Def Catch 1 and Inf. Hexblade 1 Sacred Seals.
Please continue for a breakdown of the Heroes from the trailer!