I thought this might happen; I need a rest, Nintendo!
Anyway, at The Game Awards, Nintendo dropped a trailer for the Fire Emblem Engage Expansion Pass.
Wave 1 will release alongside the game on 20th January 2023, containing:
- Emblem character – Edelgard, Dimitri & Claude
- Emblem character – Tiki
- In-game support items, accessories and Silver Card
Three additional waves will be released throughout 2023.
The trailer also confirms a theory that Eirika and Ephraim will be a shared Emblem.
Meanwhile, Nintendo Japan shared a more in-depth look at Wave 1, plus the future roadmap.
Wave 2
- New Emblem(s)
- New support items and accessories
Wave 3
- New Emblem(s)
Wave 4
- New story (with new characers, maps and story separate from the main game)
- New classes
A new story isn’t unexpected, since we had Cindered Shadows for Three Houses. The expansion pass featuring Gradlon’s insignia makes me curious if it’ll explore the Fell Dragon’s sunken realm in more detail…
Also, Nintendo Japan shared a video tour of the Somniel base:
I’ll probably be analysing this video and the rest throughout the weekend, in-between work and sleep.

Oh, there’s more! Nintendo Japan posted a new Topics article covering the Expansion Pass and Somniel, but also sharing info for the 6 remaining Emblems!

Wait, it doesn’t stop there. The official site also updated, with profiles for all the retainers! Unbelievably, my guess for Kagetsu being Ivy’s retainer seems to be correct.
OK, seems like sleep might be off the menu for a while.