Today in Fire Emblem Heroes, it is the beginning of new Three Heroes Quests, featuring Tiki (Adult), Clarine, and Odin.

These quests will give you the opportunity to earn a three-star neutral copy of each of these Heroes, as well as 6 Orbs. The quests are available from today, and disappear on the 22nd of October, 6:59AM UTC.
Round 1 of he previously revealed Heroic Feats begins today!

If all players culminate a total of 10 million uses of Heroes with Fury 1, 2, or 3 equipped, everyone will receive a four-star neutral copy of Hinata! You can send multiple Heroes with Fury (even multiples of the same Hero) into battle and they will all count towards the goal. Gather up your Furious Heroes and use them as much as you can in your daily Heroes endeavours to help reach the goal! If you still have October’s monthly quests to complete, there would be a good place to start.
Also worthy of mention: This is only round 1 of Heroic Feats. There will be 4 rounds in total, as suggested by this Tweet from the Official NoA Twitter. Keep your eyes open for news on who will be our free Heroes in future rounds. Round 1 ends on the 12th of October, 6:59AM UTC.