Tag Archive for Three Houses Heroes

Heroes: Male Byleth reveal video, and free Orbs to celebrate Three Houses release!

The official Nintendo Mobile YouTube channel has released a new reveal trailer for Byleth: Tested Professor! You can watch it here:

You can view the Japanese reveal video here.

Byleth’s skills were previously revealed within an in-game notification, but now they are here in video format.

Information on when male Byleth is available was also posted previously, but to recap, he will be a part of the upcoming Mythic banner which begins on the 31st of July, 7:00am UTC, as one of the three red focus Heroes. He is not a Mythic Hero; the upcoming Mythic Hero is still yet to be revealed.

Purchasers of Fire Emblem: Three Houses are able to obtain a free copy of male Byleth for their Fire Emblem Heroes account. There are detailed instructions on exactly how to do this on the official Fire Emblem Heroes website. Link is here. You have until the 29th of June, 2020, so there’s no need to rush.

If you log in to Heroes between today and the 9th of August, 6:59am UTC, you can pick up 5 Orbs for yourself in celebration of Thee Houses’ release.

Heroes: Three Houses banner, new Book III movie, and more!

Quite a few things dropped in Fire Emblem Heroes today, but we’ll start with the new Movie for Book III, titled “Cohort of the Dead.” Avoid watching if you have yet to play Book III: Chapter 8 and don’t wish to be spoiled.

Click here for the Japanese version.

This video features Alfonse and Líf, with dialogue lifted from Book III, Chapter 8 and the most recent Book III, Chapter 9.

Click to enlarge.

Of course, this Movie was set to coincide with today’s release of Book III, Chapter 9: Cohort of the Dead.

You can play through this new Chapter on all three difficulties to earn up to 15 Orbs, and you can earn an extra 5 Orbs by completing the Lunatic difficulty quests. These quests are available from today until the 7th of August, 6:59am UTC.

Other notifications that have dropped today:

  • New Banner released: Three Houses!
  • Forging Bonds event ft. Byleth, Dimitri, Edelgard, and Claude.
  • Aether Raids: Three Houses event.
  • Official Heroes English Twitter account has been created.

Click on “Read more” below to read up on the specifics.

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Heroes: Three Houses Heroes Trailer & S14 Mini-Acrylics

News about Fire Emblem Three Houses isn’t stopping, and now, it’s Fire Emblem Heroes’ turn to join in the fun. Today, the trailer for the upcoming New Heroes was dropped, featuring the “Big Three” and Female Byleth as the summonable four-some.

For those wondering where Male Byleth is, recall that his announcement earlier in the month was already posted, and featured him as a preorder bonus with FE Three Houses.

For the Japanese trailer, click here.

They come with the new story chapter series, Cohort of the Dead, continuing the Hel-lish adventures by Alfonse and co. The banner and chapters drop on July 22. Additionally, the next Grand Hero Battle will kick off on August 3, and feature Kronya: Gleaming Blade. If you’re unsure of who she is, click here for the wiki entry.

Lastly, the next series of FE Heroes Mini Acrylics have been announced, with a distribution date in September of this year. The batch this time includes Yune, Lugh, Idunn, Sumia, Ranulf, Tibarn, Lethe, Velouria, Selkie and a mysterious bunny-ear’d cavalry unit. I wonder who it could be…

For more details on the unit skills, click Read More.

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