With Fire Emblem Three Houses being an incredible hit, the Fire Emblem art community is more active than ever, and of course, with an active community comes fan-zines to showcase it all. The trend doesn’t stop for the crew at Together We Ride, with their next issue already accepting preorders!
If you’re unfamiliar, Together We Ride is a zine that explores the similarities that can be found throughout the Fire Emblem series’ considerable cast. Each individual piece in this zine features multiple characters spanning across the many games among the Fire Emblem series. This issue will feature art characters from the SNES games all the way up to the current Three Houses.
Volume 6 bumps up from Volume 5, with nearly double the content (52 full-color illustrated pages) created by 34 artists and writers, and Pre-Orders are available now on Etsy, until the January 19. More details below, and follow them at their Twitter and Tumblr.