Keeping with tradition, to celebrate the coming New Year, more Kimono-clad Special Heroes will be arriving soon to Fire Emblem Heroes! The New Year: ω Special Heroes banner will be running from 1st January to 1st February 2021 (UTC).
Note: You can check out the Japanese version of this trailer here.
Similar to previous years, the Special Heroes include some of the original characters from the just-finished Book IV, in addition to some lucky Beast characters. The line up is: Plumeria, Velouria, Kaden and Duo Peony (and Triandra).
To mix things up, the banner will also feature 4 Special Heroes from last year’s Renewed Spirits banner: Anna, Selkie, Lethe and Duo Alfonse. The combined focus 5-star rate will be set to 6%, while the non-focus 5-star rate is 2%. Also, Kaden can be summoned as a 4-star focus Hero.
On top of that, Keaton: Resolved Wolfskin will be available via the upcoming Tempest Trials++ event.
Update: Hot off the presses, there will be a gift of 5 First Summon Tickets applicable for this banner. More details will be shared later on.
Please continue for a breakdown of the new Special Heroes!
Following the conclusion of Book IV, the next Mythic Hero to arrive in Fire Emblem Heroes–or rather, Mythic Heroes will be Freyja and Triandra, two of the antagonists from the realm of nightmares.
Freyja and Trianda’s Mythic banner will be available from 27th November, until the daily rollover on 9th December 2020 (UTC).
Joining the nightmare duo are the following Heroes:
Red: Legendary Eliwood, Sothis and Brave Lysithea
Blue: Legendary Tiki, Legendary Azura and Apotheosis Anna
Green: Hel
Colorless: Legendary Leif, Legendary Corrin (F) and Shinon
Together with Plumeria, who debuted as a Mythic Hero in September, the pair’s arrival means all the Dökkálfar have been accounted for. At this point, the only remaining Book IV character to be added is Freyja’s brother.
Anyway, please continue for a text breakdown of their abilities.