Tag Archive for Tutorial

Cipher: “Emma and Shade’s Cipher Classroom” Fan-translated!

Thanks to bookofholsety, who’s also known for the “Project Naga” re-translations of the Jugdral games, we’ve got something really neat for budding Cipher fans.

I’m sure a fair number of you admire the ever-growing Cipher card game, but haven’t found the time or effort to actually figure out how to play it (like me).

As it happens, Intelligent Systems created a cute and handy tutorial app on their website, which teaches fans the basics of how to play, as demonstrated by the first ever mascots–Emma and Shade. Only problem is that the app is Japanese-only just like the card game.

However, that’s no longer an issue, since the app has now been translated into English! Please click here to check it out. We’ve tested the translated app quite thoroughly, but if you encounter any technical issues, please let us know in the comments.

Now the app itself only covers the basics; if you’re interested to learn more, feel free to check out our wiki.