The Version 2.0 Update is now live for Fire Emblem Heroes! The game will prompt you to download the update once you load it up. You’ll be prompted to download the update from within your device’s app program and then reload the game to finish the install.
The Version 2.0 Update brings some very big changes to the game. Most notably, the story is now expanded into Book II and we are introduced to our first Legendary Hero: Fjorm: Princess of Ice. We also get a variety of gameplay enhancements such as the Weapon Refinery and other updates. Read on below for more information.
Today also starts the first ever Legendary Hero Summoning Event! This event features 12 popular 5★ focus heroes for you to summon: Ike, Celica, Ayra, Spring!Xander, Bride!Caeda, Fjorm, Hector, Spring!Camilla, Deirdre, Bride!Cordelia, Genny, and Brave!Lyn!
Even better, the base summoning rate for 5★ heroes in this banner is 8%! There are also no off-focus 5★ units available at all. Now is a perfect time to summon some powerful heroes to add to your team, even some limited ones! This special summoning will be available until 4 December at 6:59am UTC.
In celebration of the Version 2.0 Update, Heroes has also started some limited events. A new Log-In Bonus started this morning, as well as a Double EXP & SP event! You’ll be able to earn double EXP and SP from all battles until 5 December at 6:59am UTC.
Additionally, new quests have begun for various parts of the update! Weapon Refinery Quests reward you with Refining Stones and Arena Medals which are used to improve weapons. The Flame Quests and Princess of Ice Quests award Orbs for completing some of the new story chapters under certain conditions. Check out a full listing below.