Version 4.6.0 is going to be a quiet one, bringing literally nothing more than the expected: new refines, new limited ephemera lineup, level caps raised for structures in Aether Raids and Mjolnir’s Strike, 3 new songs in the Concert Hall, and 2 Heroes added to the Grail summoning pool.
New weapon refines:
Myrrh will receive a refine for her Great Flame, while Draug, Donnel and Clarisse will receive new refine-able prf weapons Stelwart Sword, Hewn Lance, and Sniper’s Bow, respectively.
Once we have specifics for these new weapons/refines, they will be posted.
Ephemera 6 combat manual lineup is as follows:
5-Stars: Summer Robin, Summer Innes.
4-Stars: Lon’Qu, Ares, Sully, Klein, Kaze.
Aether Raids structure, the Healing Tower (O/D), will have its level cap raised to 7.
Three new songs will be added to the Concert Hall in Aether Resort: “The Ark of Dawn (Classic)” from Shadows of Valentia, “At Peace” from Radiant Dawn, and “Going My Way” from Blazing Blade.
Mjolnir’s Strike structure, the Heroic Banner, will have its level cap raised to 4.
Additional Heroes will be available via Heroic Grails:
Minerva: Princess-Knight
Iago: Nohr’s Tactician
That will be it for 4.6.0. It’s small but I’m looking forward to +10 Minirva after saving my feathers and grails for so long, as well as Myrrh’s refine.