As is tradition, the third installment of the annual Choose Your Legends poll has begun accepting your votes as of today! Click here or on the image below to be taken to the main Choose Your Legends: Round 3 website.
Once a day, for up to 7 days, you may vote for any character from the Fire Emblem franchise. You can vote for 7 different characters, or you can cast 7 votes for one character, it’s completely your choice. You can also vote for characters not even in Heroes yet, so this is a good opportunity for Intelligent Systems to see who we would really like to see put into the game throughout year.
There are certain characters exempt from being voted for:
Ike (Radiant Dawn/FE10), Masked Marth, Hector (Binding Blade/FE6)
CYL R1 winners: Ike (Path of Radiance/FE9), Lyn, Roy, and Lucina
CYL R2 winners: Hector (Blazing Blade/FE7), Ephraim, Celica, and Veronica
CYL Round 3 begins today, closing on the 29th of January, 2:59AM UTC.
Possible error correction of the official English notification. Click “Read more” for more information.