Summoners, it’s that time of year again, in the form of the anniversary of Fire Emblem Heroes! We’re at its 4th anniversary, and have quite a bit of news to take in, courtesy of Feh’s latest Feh Channel. If you didn’t get to watch it, click here. I’ll do my best to summarize the key points though, assuming you skimmed the video, or can’t watch it quite yet.

Marth finally got his day, as well as Eirika, bringing two more Lords into the fray of Choose Your Legends victors, but they both found themselves in 2nd place, following Fire Emblem Three Houses’ Gatekeeper and Marianne. At first, I thought that the Gatekeeper votes were going to be just for kicks, but I’m stunned to see that he ended up victorious, even over short-end-of-the-stick Marth after all these years. I’m not dissappointed, however; I have great hopes for these units in their debut, and hope that you do, too!

The next A Hero Rises event starts today, in which Summoners can log onto a website (click Here) and vote for a beloved unit. The 8 units that win this contest, become a part of their own Voting Gauntlet featured later this year, and the winner of that Voting Gauntlet becomes a free gift unit to all Summoners.

The polls are open for 1 week, starting today, and the Voting Gauntlet itself will run from Feb 26 – Mar 4. The gifted unit will be distributed on Mar 10. Furthermore, the Top-4 Heroes in the Voting Gauntlet will be part of their own Summoning event, complete with Spark on 40. This will likely occur in March of this year.