Tag Archive for Wrys

“Fire Emblem Roundtable Vol. 4” Casual Livestream Scheduled for 12th March (Japan)

A new edition of the Fire Emblem Roundtable YouTube series will be broadcast during 12th March 2022 from 18:00 to 20:00 (Japan time).

The previous Roundtable took place during August of last year. Meanwhile, a seemingly one-off English version, Castle Conversations, was held over a year ago.

As usual, Chief Fehnix (voiced by Takehito Koyasu) will be chatting to voice actors from the series. Please be aware that there will be no new game-related information.

On this occasion, the guests will be:

  • Rie Tanaka (voice of Elimine) – Q and A corner
  • Kentaro Tone (voice of Reinhardt, Wrys and Bartre) – Summoner Duels and FE comedy skits