As recently announced, the next Feh Channel has been shared, and can be checked out here. I’ll summarize the 13:44 long video here.
First up, is the upcoming Ninja Festival’s units. We have Zihark: Ninja Blademaster, a Red Sword Infantry, Laevatein: Ninja of Muspell, a Green Axe Flier, Navarre: Scarlet Ninja, a Blue Lance Infantry, Hana: Focused Ninja, a Green Axe Infantry and finally, Duo Hero Lyn (and Florina): Ninja-Friend Duo, a Colorless Dagger Flier. I’ll have full details on the squad in their upcoming trailer, but do note that they all come with near PRF weaponry, and the free Hana comes with Life & Death 3, Wrath 3 and Glimmer, and Laevatein comes with Distant Ward, a commodity sure to attract Summoners.

Zihark, Laevateinn, Navarre and Lyn, will be available from November 5 – December 5, in the upcoming In The Moment summoning banner, and Hana will be a Tempest Trials+ reward, in the TT+ Ninja Novices that kicks off on November 6.