
Credits: TearRing Saga Official Complete Guide

Notes: All bows are effective against flying units

Icon Name Worth Pow Hit Crt Rng Wt Wlv WHP Notes
Hand Bow Hand Bow 500 3 65 0 2 1 2 50
Iron Bow Iron Bow 1200 6 70 0 2 5 6 40
Bowgun Bowgun 1320 8 90 0 2 10 3 44
Repeater Bow Repeater Bow 1600 6 80 0 2 15 7 40 Allows 2 consecutive hits
Steel Bow Steel Bow 2000 10 65 0 2 8 8 40
Spinning Bow Spinning Bow 2300 7 100 20 2 14 9 23
Silver Bow Silver Bow 2800 13 80 0 2 6 11 28
Stonehenge Stonehenge 3000 20 55 0 3~7 20 5 15 Cannot move or be countered
Gatling Bow Gatling Bow 3600 5 65 0 2 20 10 60 Allows 4 consecutive hits
Arvanrest Arvanrest 4400 7 60 0 2~4 20 15 22
Quick Rain Quick Rain 4400 15 70 0 3~7 20 4 22 Cannot move or be countered
Master Bow Master Bow 4800 10 70 0 2 8 12 60 Allows 2 consecutive hits
Long Bow Long Bow 4800 6 65 0 2~3 10 10 40
Dragon Arrow Dragon Arrow 17 80 7 2~3 10 14 30 Effective against monsters, can be used to recover HP
★Harpy Rod ★Harpy Rod 7 50 3 2 3 1 40 Enemy only