Credits: VincentASM
Single Endings
Eirika, Restoration QueenEirika returned to Renais and began the reconstruction effort with her brother, Ephraim. Seeing peace return to the lives of her people filled her with happiness. Her smile became a symbol of her people’s joy. |
Seth, the Silver KnightSeth returned to Renais with Ephraim and his fellow knights. His dedicated service made him the most trusted of the new king and queen’s guardsmen, as well as the most famous of knights in all of Renais. |
Silent GilliamGilliam returned to his home of Frelia, where he continued to serve the crown as a faithful knight. His imposing countenance was said to strike fear in the hearts of even the most arrogant and brash of Frelia’s new recruits. |
Franz the FaithfulHe continued to serve Renais with the same devotion that he had during the War of the Stones. His generous nature and easy smile made him a favorite among the people. |
Moulder, Wise CounselorAfter the War of the Stones, Moulder continued to serve the royal family of Frelia. His wisdom served to guide King Innes as it had served King Hayden before him. |
Vanessa, Dutiful RiderShe remained on active duty as an airborne knight in Frelia’s army. Her beauty and determination became the standard to which her fellow knights aspired. |
Ross, His Father’s SonHe returned to Ide, village of his youth, and helped rebuild it after the bandit attack that brought it to ruin. Years later, he set out on his own to perfect his fighting skill and hone both body and spirit. |
Neimi, the Tearful ArcherShe returned to her village and passed her days in peace and quiet. Years later, she traveled to the capital of Renais as an archery instructor for their military. She never could resist a good cry. |
Colm, Good-Natured ThiefHe politely refused an invitation to become a spy for Renais, returning instead to his hometown. He spent the rest of his days as a chivalrous rogue helping those in need from the shadows. |
Garcia, the Warrior RebornHe returned to Ide to help with its reconstruction after the bandit attack. Afterward, he reenlisted in the army, serving Renais as a troop leader. His strength, valor, and experience inspired many. |
Innes, King and StrategicianAs time went on, he succeeded his father, Hayden, as king of Frelia. His resourcefulness and tactical prowess helped him build a court of loyal vassals that served to lead the country to greater prosperity. |
Lute, ProdigyAfter the War of the Stones, Lute returned to Renais to continue her arcane studies. She spent far less time locked in her library, preferring now to explore the outside world. She grew into a great and well-traveled sage. |
Natasha, Sacred HealerOnce the war was over, Natasha returned to Grado to help rebuild the empire. She dedicated herself to easing the grief of those families that lost soldiers during the war. |
Cormag, Aloof LancemanCormag returned to Grado to assist in the reconstruction of his country. Shortly after, he left to wander on his own. When he reappeared, he rejoined the army not as a knight but as a common soldier. |
Ephraim, Restoration KingBusy days awaited him upon his return to Renais. He oversaw the rebuilding not only of his own country but also of the entire continent of Magvel. His work was difficult, but his success made him a legend. |
Forde, the Wild KnightUpon Forde’s return to Renais, his secret hobby of painting was discovered. He was commissioned as a court artist. His work grew popular, and his days became so busy that he often regretted his career change. |
Kyle, Ardent KnightHis service to the royal family of Renais continued without change. He became a battalion commander and gained much trust and responsibility for training new recruits. |
Amelia, Rose of the WarFollowing the war, she returned to Grado to assist in her country’s reconstruction. She surrounded herself with new friends and used the strength she found on the battlefield to live her life in happiness. |
Artur, Saint of LightArtur moved to Renais to help rebuild the shattered country. He worked without rest to ease the pain and grief of those who suffered during the war. His self-sacrifice made him into a folk hero among the peasantry. |
Gerik, the Desert TigerGerik continued as a mercenary. Over the years, his reputation grew so great that he had more job offers than he could handle. One day, without warning, he left, never to return. |
Tethys, Beloved DancerShe danced from city to city, and the entire continent became her stage. Her fame grew and grew, and large crowds gathered wherever she performed. |
Marisa, the Crimson FlashMarisa became battalion leader for an elite mercenary force. Many men sought to challenge her to a duel, and none of them stood up to her blade. |
Saleh, the Well of WisdomSaleh returned to Caer Pelyn, where he remained a faithful servant of the Manakete. His days were not spent in isolation, though. Many of the friends he met during the War of the Stones came to visit his village. |
Ewan, Enthusiastic StudentEwan continued his studies, modeling his life after the teachings of Saleh. Eventually, his education branched off into different paths. His insatiable curiosity led him on a trip to explore the world. |
L’Arachel, Queen of LightShe succeeded her uncle as ruler of the Rausten Theocracy several years after the war ended. She never lost her…unique perspective on life. She spent much of her rule visiting the neighboring countries. |
Dozla of the Steady AxeAs L’Arachel rose to become queen, he remained by her side. Watching L’Arachel grow to become the queen she was destined to be was Dozla’s greatest joy in life. |
Rennac, Rich “Merchant”L’Arachel summoned Rennac back to Rausten, and he was forced to return. He was never able to escape his service to the self- centered princess who became queen. Admittedly, he didn’t try very hard. |
Duessel, Obsidian GeneralFollowing the war, Duessel returned to Grado, where he was instrumental in its rebuilding. He spent his remaining years watching over Grado and sharing his wisdom with other nations as an expert combat instructor. |
Myrrh, the Great DragonAfter bidding her farewells to Ephraim, she returned to Darkling Woods. She lived a long and full life, served by the people of Caer Pelyn and comforted by the memories of her dear friends. |
Knoll, Watcher of DarknessKnoll returned to Grado, where he dedicated himself to rebuilding it and fulfilling Lyon’s vision. When the country was restored to its former glory, he disappeared without a trace, never to be seen again. |
Joshua, the Tempest KingJoshua returned to Jehanna and ruled over it as king. His skills as a leader had grown great, and Jehanna flourished as never before. He never outgrew his love of travel and games of chance. |
Graceful SyreneSyrene continued as commander of Frelia’s pegasus knights. Her grace and beauty in flight were the subject of many songs and paintings, and her popularity soared. |
Tana, Winged QueenTana lived happily in the prosperous post- war Frelia. She flew to Renais often to visit her dear friend Eirika. |
Paired Endings
Eirika and EphraimBusy days awaited Eirika and Ephraim as they struggled to rebuild Renais. Their work gave new hope to those ravaged by the war, and with Eirika’s constant help, Ephraim grew to be a trusted and honorable king. |
Eirika and SethUpon their return to Renais, Eirika and Seth were wed, with the blessings of Ephraim and all of the Knights of Renais. The tale of the love that grew between a princess and her loyal knight became a beloved romance in Renais. |
Eirika and SalehAfter the war, Eirika and Saleh returned to their respective homes. Eirika visited Caer Pelyn when she could. Eventually, she left Renais in the care of her brother and wed Saleh. Their daughter resembles the legendary Nada Kuya. |
Eirika and TanaFollowing the war, Tana and Eirika remained the best of friends. They visited one another when time permitted, and as they grew older, their children shared a bond of friendship as close as Eirika and Tana themselves did. |
Eirika and FordeAfter the war, Eirika and Forde returned to Renais. Eirika spent her days toiling in the reconstruction of Renais, and he was her faithful supporter. His portrait of Eirika captured the smile he had thought lost forever. |
Ephraim and MyrrhAfter the war, Ephraim returned to Renais and Myrrh to Darkling Woods. They both turned their attention to their respective duties but never forgot one another. Though Myrrh never again left Darkling Woods, Ephraim often visited her. |
Ephraim and L’ArachelEphraim and L’Arachel each returned home after the war, but L’Arachel visited Renais often. Over time, the two were wed. Their marriage threw Rausten into turmoil, but L’Arachel’s self-centeredness carried the day. |
Ephraim and TanaOnce Renais was stable again, Ephraim and Tana were wed. Innes protested vocally, but when he saw how happy Tana was, he gave the marriage his blessings. Renais and Frelia are now bound by blood as well as friendship. |
Seth and NatashaNatasha returned to Renais with Seth, where the two were wed. The reconstruction of Renais kept them busy, but when all the work was done, they settled down to live their days in peace and happiness. |
Franz and AmeliaFranz brought Amelia home with him to Renais. Amelia spent a short time in Renais’s army, but once she and Franz were married, she retired her commission. The two had a daughter who grew to be a great knight herself. |
Gilliam and SyreneGilliam and Syrene returned to Frelia, where they were married. All agreed they were a perfect match, and their union was blessed by the crown and the order of knights. The two continued their unwavering service together. |
Innes and VanessaAt Innes’s request, Vanessa moved into Castle Frelia where she continued her duties as a knight of the realm. Thereafter, they had a child and lived happily with the blessing of all around them. |
Forde and VanessaForde’s love for Vanessa grew after the war, and although she loved him as well, she placed her duty to Frelia first. Undeterred, Forde moved to Frelia himself. Over time, the two were wed. |
Garcia and RossFather and son returned to Ide, where they toiled together to rebuild their village. Ross grew to become a greater warrior than even his father. When he himself had a son, that child continued his family’s legacy. |
Colm and NeimiThe childhood friends became lovers first, then husband and wife. Worried for Neimi’s well-being, Colm gave up his adventurer’s ways. Neimi passed on her grandfather’s skill in archery to her own son and daughter. |
Artur and LuteArtur and Lute were married upon their return. Artur handled the housework, but otherwise, their lives were unchanged. When they had a son, Lute’s interests shifted from studying Artur to studying her son’s baffling habits. |
Kyle and LuteAfter the war, Kyle and Lute were married in Renais. Kyle’s friends were disturbed by his choice of brides, but they could not deny his happiness. Before long, they had a son, and Kyle dedicated himself to his upbringing. |
Joshua and NatashaWhen Joshua returned to Jehanna, he took Natasha as his bride and claimed the throne as its rightful heir. Natasha was the perfect companion, and together, they carried the mighty desert nation to great glory. |
Kyle and FordeSometimes, the greatest friends also differ greatly in personality. When Kyle and Forde returned home, they were celebrated in song and story. They lived their days in happiness, as dearest friends and toughest rivals. |
Cormag and TanaCormag returned to Grado to assist in the reconstruction of his country. Shortly after, he left to wander on his own. Tana spent years looking for him. In time, she found him and knighted him in Frelia’s service. |
L’Arachel and InnesStories tell of the sparks that flew between L’Arachel and Innes when they first met. As the love between them flourished, so too did the bond that united their two nations. |
Gerik and TethysGerik and Tethys remained bound to no nation and beholden to no authority. They bought themselves a leisurely retirement. Gerik taught fencing to city youths, and Tethys found many stages on which to dance. |
Gerik and MarisaGerik remained a mercenary, and Marisa became his company’s fencing instructor. Gerik returned the affection she gave him, although he was troubled to learn she was clumsy at everything but fighting. |
Saleh and MyrrhMyrrh returned to Darkling Woods, but at Saleh’s request, she eventually moved to Caer Pelyn. In time, the townsfolk learned to treat her not as the Great Dragon but rather as a normal girl, and she was happy. |
Saleh and EwanMaster and student returned to Caer Pelyn to study in peace. Ewan worked hard, and in time, his power grew to rival Saleh’s. As equals, the two continued their studies together and expanded their knowledge ever more. |
Joshua and MarisaJoshua returned to Jehanna with Marisa, where she pledged service to the crown and became the top swordfighter in the land. Joshua still loved games of chance, but when it came to Marisa, she was ever the winner. |
L’Arachel and DozlaL’Arachel was, in time, made queen of Rausten, with Dozla at her side, as always. Later, Dozla wept like a baby when L’Arachel was wed. His emotional outburst is remembered as much as, if not more than, the ceremony itself. |
Ross and AmeliaAmelia traveled to Ross’s hometown, where she decided to remain. Over time, the two fell in love and were wed. Years later they had a son who grew into a warrior. As he grew in skill and strength, he surpassed even his father. |
Ewan and AmeliaAfter the war, Ewan and Amelia set out, as promised, on a trip around the world. Their deeds along the way made small legends in the regions they visited. In time, Amelia gave birth to a daughter, and they settled down. |
Gerik and JoshuaAfter the war, Joshua challenged Gerik to a duel in hopes of pressing him to move to Jehanna. The match ended in a tie, but Gerik was impressed by Joshua’s swagger. From that day forward, Gerik never left Joshua’s side. |
Syrene and VanessaSisters Syrene and Vanessa returned to Frelia after the war for a long-overdue talk. They talked of love and war, of friends now gone. Together, they renewed their bond as siblings and vowed never to let that bond fail. |
Innes and EirikaAfter the reconstruction of Renais, Innes challenged Ephraim to a duel. The match ended in a tie. After the fight, Eirika acknowledged her love for Innes, and the two were wed with Ephraim’s blessings. |
Kyle and SyreneAfter the war, Kyle visited Frelia, where he was greeted with a warm reception by Syrene. After the two retired, they were wed. They raised a daughter whose skill in martial arts and etiquette excelled. |
Duessel and AmeliaUpon their return to Grado, Duessel reunited Amelia with her mother. The two wept with joy, giving thanks to Duessel. Afterward, Amelia became the most trusted companion of the man once known as Obsidian. |