Saleh & Myrrh

C Support

Myrrh: ……
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: …… Um…
Saleh: May I help you?
Myrrh: Saleh, wherever we go, you’re always at my side. Don’t you ever do anything YOU want to do?
Saleh: I came from Caer Pelyn. I have been entrusted with the honor of being your escort. Protecting you, Great Dragon, gives my life meaning.
Myrrh: Great Dragon? Please, there’s no need to call me that. My father is the great one. I’ve done nothing. I’m not great at all.
Saleh: It is true, Great Dragon, that your exalted father once saved mankind. On that day so long ago, he shielded us from evil. He is our true savior. However, mankind has forgotten that most sacred debt we owe him. I do, as we all must, what I can to atone for that crime of neglect.
Myrrh: ……
Saleh: Great Dragon, does my presence bother you? If it does, please do not hesitate to tell me. I would remove myself at once and not bother you again until needed.
Myrrh: … It’s fine. Do whatever pleases you.
Saleh: …Thank you.

B Support

Myrrh: ……
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: Um…
Saleh: Yes?
Myrrh: There’s something I wanted to ask. You’re from Caer Pelyn. Do you know if my father has ever visited your village?
Saleh: He has. I myself have never seen his noble personage. However, I have heard that Dara met him once when she was young. Some monsters had wandered into Caer Pelyn, and the Great Dragon saved us.
Myrrh: Really? I wonder why my father chose to help you.
Saleh: That, I cannot guess. We poor humans cannot hope to grasp the thinking of the Great Dragon.
Myrrh: … My father has dedicated his life to protecting humans. For the longest time, I could not fathom why he would do this. But now, after spending time with all of you… I begin to understand how he felt.
Saleh: Great Dragon…
Myrrh: I’m sure that I– that I will continue to fight, as he did, for all humanity.
Saleh: I am truly grateful that you feel that way, Great Dragon.

A Support

Myrrh: ……
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: ……
Saleh: Great Dragon… I know I’m being rude, but I’ve a favor to ask.
Myrrh: What is it?
Saleh: Would you please come to our village?
Myrrh: To Caer Pelyn? But…
Saleh: Dara and the other villagers would be overjoyed to see you. The village is quite spare, but we would do our best to entertain you. You could stay for as long as you wanted…
Myrrh: … Saleh, you made that request on my behalf, didn’t you?
Saleh: No, not at all. I apologize. I have been disrespectful.
Myrrh: No, I’m pleased. However… I doubt I should stay too long.
Saleh: Why is that?
Myrrh: It’s because I’m a dragon. My father explained it to me. We are both human and monster. And because we are both, we are also neither.
Saleh: ……
Myrrh: We have the power of dragons; therefore, we cannot live together with humans… We have the hearts of humans; therefore, we do not belong with monsters. We are outcasts in this world, never a part of either community. And so we live our lives alone, never to be understood by anyone.
Saleh: But there are humans whose actions make them monsters in the eyes of others. I do not think of you as such when there are many worse monsters among my own kind. Regardless, I believe the villagers would be most pleased to have you visit.
Myrrh: Saleh… Thank you. Your words have cheered me up a little. Please wait for my answer. When all of this is finished… When peace returns, I’ll give you my answer then.
Saleh: I understand.
Myrrh: And when I do return to Darkling Woods, I will not be sad. Because of the time I’ve spent with you, the memories you’ve given me, I shall not be lonely. I shall never feel like an outcast again.
Saleh: Lady Myrrh…