
  Favourite Tea(s)  
Albinean Berry Blend Southern Fruit Blend Honeyed-Fruit Blend
Sweet-Apple Blend
  Interested Topics  
A dinner invitation… Evaluating allies… Shareable snacks…
A new gambit… Exploring the monastery… Thanks for everything…
A strong battalion… Favorite sweets… The last battle…
Books you’ve read recently… Food in the dining hall… The library’s collection…
Capable comrades… Hopes for your future… The opera…
Cats… I heard some gossip… The view from the bridge…
Childhood memories… Mighty weapons… Working together…
Children at the market… Monastery security… You seem well…
Classes you might enjoy… Our first meeting… Your ambitions…
Equipment upkeep… Potential training partners…
Final Comment Valid Answer(s)
This is a questionable pastime. Nod Disagree
I’m deathly allergic to this sort of thing. Admonish Sigh Sip tea
Good tea, bad tea. It’s all the same. Nod Chat Sip tea
I’m better at fighting than talking. Nod Commend Chat
I like sweets. What of it? Nod Disagree Chat
Sitting here reminds me of… But that was long ago. Laugh Sip tea Blush
Wouldn’t you like to meet death by my hand? No? Well, that is…frustrating. Disagree Admonish Sigh
In such a peaceful setting, I am able to control my impulses. But only just barely. Sigh Sip tea Praise
Ironic, really. The end of war seems more horrible to me, by far. Admonish Sigh Chat