
  Favourite Tea(s)  
Crescent-Moon Tea Angelica Tea Chamomile
  Interested Topics  
A dinner invitation… Hopes for your future… Tell me about yourself…
A word of advice… I heard some gossip… Thanks for everything…
Books you’ve read recently… I’m counting on you… The existence of Crests…
Children at the market… Monastery mysteries… The ideal relationship…
Close calls… Monastery rules… The library’s collection…
Cooking mishaps… Monastery security… The view from the bridge…
Dreams of a throne… Our first meeting… Things that bother you…
Exploring the monastery… Overcoming weaknesses… Things you find romantic…
Fodlan’s future… Past laughs… Working together…
Gardening mishaps… Plans for the future… You seem different…
Gifts you’d like to receive… School days… You seem well…
Heart-racing memories… Someone you look up to… You’re doing great work…
Final Comment Valid Answer(s)
Have you grown accustomed to living in the monastery? Nod Disagree
Have confidence. I truly believe you can lead your students down the right path. Nod
I sense great potential in you. You possess something extraordinary… Nod Chat
You are truly special. It seems that I was right about you. Chat
I would like you to be a pillar of support for the Church in order to keep peace in Fodlan. Nod Chat
Being the Archbishop can be lonely, no matter how many followers surrounded you… Sigh Praise
I, too, like to spread my wings from time to time. Doing so in your company is a treat. Blush
I do not have a friend whom I can fully trust. Such is the burden of my position… Disagree Chat Praise
You are the only person I can talk to as myself, rather than as the Archbishop. Blush