Combat Arts & Spells

Combat Arts

First debuting in Echoes, Combat Arts are special attacks that units can use during their own phase. They may increase the unit’s combat stats and have various effects. They cannot trigger follow-up attacks however.

Unlike Echoes, they aren’t tied to specific weapons. Instead, characters may learn Combat Arts when they increase their weapon skill levels. Once a Combat Art has been learned, it must be equipped (there’s space for three). Then it can be used when the corresponding weapon type is available.

Additionally, Combat Arts no longer cost HP and now cost additional weapon durability. Players must decide if they want to conserve their weapons or quickly burn their weapons. Weapons that reach 0 durability will enter a weakened broken state (with reduced Might, Hit and increased Weight).

List of Known Combat Arts


Name Dur Mt+ Hit+ Crt+ Effect Found
Wrath Strike 3 5 10 0 ??? ???
Grounder 4 3 20 5 Effective against Flying foes ???
Bane of Monsters 4 6 0 10 Effective against Monster foes ???
Hexblade 3 ?? ?? ?? Probably deals magical damage? ???
Ruptured Heaven 3 <6 ?? 10 Effective against Dragon foes Sword of the Creator


Name Dur Mt+ Hit+ Crt+ Effect Found
Tempest Lance 5 8 10 0 ??? ???
Hit and Run 4 ? ?? ??? ??? ???
Knightkneeler 4 5 15 0 Effective against Cavalry foes C Rank
Shatter Smash ? ? ?? ?? Effective against Armoured foes? C+ Rank
Monster Piercer 4 7 0 0 Effective against Monster foes, Avoid +10 ???
Ruined Sky ? ? ?? ?? ??? Lance of Ruin


Name Dur Mt+ Hit+ Crt+ Effect Found
Smash 5 ? ?? ?? ??? ???
Helm Splitter 5 7 0 5 Effective against Armoured foes C Rank
Monster Breaker ? ? ?? ?? Effective against Monster foes? C+ Rank (Edelgard)
Wild Abandon ? ? ?? ?? ??? C+ Rank (Caspar)


Name Dur Mt+ Hit+ Crt+ Effect Found
Curved Shot 3 1 30 0 Max range +1? ???
Deadeye 5 6 0 0 Min range +1, Max range +2? C+ Rank

Gauntlet (Brawling)

Name Dur Mt+ Hit+ Crt+ Effect Found
Fading Blow 3 6 10 0 Avoid +30, after combat, user moves 1 square backwards ???
Breakthrough * 3 ? ?? ?? After combat, user moves 1 square ahead of the foe. ???

* Name is translated from the Japanese version.

Magic Spells

Like Combat Arts, spells can be learned by increasing the Reason (Black and Dark magic) and Faith (White magic) skill levels. They can be used a limited number of times per map, but their uses are restored afterwards.

In addition, some classes may possess innate spells. If a character has already learned the same spell, they can cast that spell twice the number of times. Apparently, improving your Reason and Faith skill level can also increase the uses of spells.

List of Known Spells

Black Magic (Reason)

Name Uses Mt Hit Crt Wt Rng Effect Found
Fire 5 ?? ?? ?? ?? 1~2? ??? Mage Ability, Linhardt, Mercedes
Thunder 4 ?? ?? ?? ?? 1~2 ??? Dorothea
Thoron 4 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? Dorothea
Wind 6 ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? Linhardt, Annette
Cutting Gale 6? ?? ?? ?? ?? 1~2 ??? Linhardt, Annette
Sagittae 5? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? Annette

Dark Magic (Reason)

Name Uses Mt Hit Crt Wt Rng Effect Found
Miasma △ 5 ?? ?? ?? ?? 1~2 ??? Dark Mage Ability, Hubert, Lysithea
Mire Β 4? ?? ?? ?? ?? 1~3 ??? Hubert
Banshee Θ 5 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? Hubert
Death Γ 4 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? Hubert
Swarm Ζ 4 ?? ?? ?? ?? 1~2 ??? Lysithea
Dark Spikes Τ ? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? Lysithea

White Magic (Faith)

Name Uses Mt Hit Crt Wt Rng Effect Found
Heal 5? N 1 Restores HP for a single target Priest Ability
Physic 5 N 1~9? Restores HP for a single target Mercedes
Restore 5? 1~4? Probably cures status conditions Mercedes
Nosferatu 6 1 80 0 8 1~2 Restores HP equal to 50% of damage dealt to foe Linhardt, Mercedes