Part 4

Credits: FE Planet


Rulers (*)

Sanaki: Excuse me.
Naesala: Oh, it’s you.
Sanaki: I saw you having an argument with General Skrimir.
Naesala: Oh, that? Yeah. That happens sometimes.
Sanaki: I know you had no choice but to betray the Laguz Alliance. If you wish, I can speak to him about it.
Naesala: No. Stay out of it. Whatever the circumstances, what I did was unacceptable. The pieces can fall where they may.
Sanaki: You’d carry the burden of you crime alone to protect your people? That’s very selfless of you.
Naesala: Of course I’d take the blame! My first priority is my people. As long as they’re safe, it doesn’t matter one whit what the rest of the world thinks of me.
Sanaki: You indeed are a good king to your people. I have no doubts about that. I wonder, will the history say I was a good empress for Begnion?
Naesala: The people of Begnion rose up and overthrew the senate for you. Isn’t that proof enough that you’re a good empress?
Sanaki: That’s only because they thought that I was the apostle. But now…
Naesala: You’re worried over the galdr of release?
Sanaki: Yes. That song… It can only be sung by the direct descendents of Altina–the first settlers of Begnion. Why was that girl able to sing it? Moreover, why couldn’t I?
Naesala: You know, you could just ask her directly.
Sanaki: I can’t work up the courage. It doesn’t matter who she is. All I know is that she possesses all the powers which I lack. I’m… I’m frightened of the truth.

Homecoming (*)

(Pelleas is alive)

Micaiah: Ahh…
Sothe: What’s wrong, Micaiah? Are you still tired?
Micaiah: No, I’m fine. The air is nice out here. It’s calm, quiet even. I don’t remember the last time it was this quiet. It’s almost relaxing, isn’t it? I hate to say it, but I feel like the world is back to the way it ought to be, finally. I know that sounds horrible. But that’s how I honestly feel. Like all debts have been settled, and everything is properly arranged.
Sothe: Hmm. I think I understand what you’re trying to say.
Micaiah: Sothe… I’m scared. I don’t want to get used to this. It’s too comfortable. Like our mother’s come home.
Sothe: A mother who’d smother her children in order to protect them.

Homecoming (*)

(Pelleas died)

Micaiah: Ahh…
Sothe: What’s wrong, Micaiah? Are you still tired?
Micaiah: No, I’m fine. The air is nice out here. It’s calm, quiet even. I don’t remember the last time it was this quiet. It’s almost relaxing, isn’t it? I hate to say it, but I feel like the world is back to the way it ought to be, finally. I know that sounds horrible. But that’s how I honestly feel. Like all debts have been settled, and everything is properly arranged.
Sothe: Hmm. I think I understand what you’re trying to say.
Micaiah: Sothe… I’m scared. I don’t want to get used to this. It’s too comfortable. Like our mother’s come home.
Sothe: A mother who’d smother her children in order to protect them.
Micaiah: …Hey.
Sothe: What is it?
Micaiah: Here, look at this.
Sothe: The mark of the blood pact? It’s faded a lot…
Micaiah: Do you think it’s because of the air? Or Yune’s influence on my body?
Sothe: Maybe. Could it be something else?
Micaiah: I don’t know. With all that’s happened, I’d forgotten about the blood pact. But I shouldn’t forget. The people of Daein are still in danger.
Sothe: Maybe it’ll fade away completely.
Micaiah: Mmm, wouldn’t that be nice? I have a few other wishes you can grant, as well.

Muston (***)

Micaiah: Hello, Muston. I would like to purchase some weapons.
Muston: Ah, Micaiah! Good timing.
Micaiah: You have something for me, then?
Muston: Indeed I do, missy. Look at this!
Micaiah: That’s a thunder tome. The most powerful of its kind, too! How did you get it?
Muston: That’s a trade secret! But it’s the best thing I ever acquired for sale, and that’s a fact.
Micaiah: How much are you asking for it?
Muston: You want it?
Micaiah: Yes. Yune told me that the goddess Ashera would do everything in her power to stop us. I have no idea what to expect, but I’m certain the battle ahead won’t be easy. We have to be prepared. For anything.
Muston: I know. You can have it for free.
Micaiah: What? But why?
Muston: It’s not like we have any other customers. Everyone else has been turned to stone. Listen, Micaiah. I still have hope. We have your goddess and an army of heroes on our side. I believe in you–all of you. You’ll put the world right again, I’m sure of it.
Micaiah: I believe that, too. Thank you, Muston. With your tome in my hand and your hope in my heart, I’m sure we’ll succeed.
Muston: Good luck, Maiden of Dawn.

(Obtained Rexbolt)

Skrimir (***)

Skrimir: Hmmm… I’m confused.
Micaiah: Is something wrong, General Skrimir?
Skrimir: Here, look at this!
Micaiah: It’s a satori sign. What about it?
Skrimir: I found a patch of ground that was emitting light, so I started digging. This was what I found.
Micaiah: Oh, so that’s it…
Skrimir: You buried it?
Micaiah: No, but I saw a vision in a dream. Rays of light fell from the sky, wriggling into the ground and burying themselves.
Skrimir: Ah. So maybe there are more?
Micaiah: Yes… I think so. Somewhere…

(Obtained Satori Sign)

Chapter 1

Appearances (*)

(Rafiel and Nailah are alive)

Rafiel: Mmph.
Ike: What’s wrong, Prince Rafiel? Are you feeling sick?
Rafiel: …No. I am all right. Thank you, though.
Ike: …You’re a real puzzle, you know that?
Rafiel: Why do you say that?
Ike: You look a lot like your brother Reyson, but you’re nothing like him.

Reyson looks delicate, but on the inside he’s all iron. You, on the other hand… I don’t know. I worry that I might kill you if I shout too loud or something. Rafiel: …I’m sorry.
Ike: See? That’s exactly what I mean! You should get mad at me for saying that, not say “I’m sorry.” I mean, come on!
Rafiel: I-I apologize.
Ike: There you go again! What I mean is that–
Nailah: That’s enough, Ike. Rafiel is everything that herons are expected to be: quiet, elegant, and delicate. Those are words people use to describe herons, and he fits all three.
Ike: Yeah, well… None of those words fit Reyson.
Nailah: True. Maybe Princess Leanne is only so innocent and sweet because she was asleep for twenty years. Prince Reyson certainly doesn’t seem to have any of the characteristics herons are known for.
Ike: King Tibarn did mention that “real” herons are more like Prince Rafiel.
Nailah: Prince Reyson spent a long time in the care of the hawk tribe. No doubt he’s picked up all sorts of quirks. Thank goodness Reyson hasn’t picked up Tibarn’s speech or mannerisms, though. It would be completely ridiculous. Can you imagine a man with Reyson’s looks, talking and acting like Tibarn? I don’t think I could help but laugh at him.
Ike: Well, he told me he wanted to be just like King Tibarn. He admires Tibarn a great deal.
Rafiel: Reyson said that?
Ike: Yeah. What about you?
Rafiel: Well… Sure, it’d be nice to be a bit more like Tibarn, I suppose.
Ike: Well, it looks like you guys really are brothers after all.
Nailah: Ike, be quiet. You’re a bad influence! I won’t allow Rafiel to be tainted like that.

Visions (***)

(Mist is alive)

Mist: Ike!
Ike: What is it, Mist?
Mist: Take a look at this!
Ike: How odd. Looks like a master crown.
Mist: I had the strangest vision just now. There were these places on the ground which were shining. One was close, so I went to take a look, and here it was!
Ike: Stop it. You sound like Yune when you talk like that. The enemy could attack at any time, so don’t go wandering around alone.
Mist: All right. You’re the boss!

(Obtained Holy Crown)

Visions (***)

(Mist defeated)

Mist: Ike.
Ike: What is it, Mist?
Mist: I had the oddest vision just now. There were these places on the ground which were shining. Then I heard a voice say “Seek the shining stones.” But it happened so fast. I don’t know where I’m supposed to go.
Ike: It sounds like Yune was speaking to you. The enemy could attack at any time, so don’t go wandering around alone.
Mist: All right. You’re the boss!

Aimee (***)

Aimee: Ooo, it’s my hero, Ike! I’ll take the spot next to you.
Ike: Hello, Aimee.
Aimee: Would you do me a favor? Take this and give it to little Soren. It’s an extremely rare item. We don’t know what we’ll run into out there. He’ll be ready for anything with a powerful tome like this.
Ike: What, you can’t give it to him yourself?
Aimee: Oh, no way! I’m trying to get YOUR attention. So I’d much rather give it to you.
Ike: That’s very direct of you.
Aimee: Because you can be so thick sometimes! I swear, you wouldn’t know how I felt if I didn’t tell you outright.
Ike: Even if I did, I wouldn’t do anything about it.
Aimee: That’s fine. I understand. You still have things you want to do, places you want to explore. That’s why you don’t want to be tied down by a relationship. I know how you are.
Ike: Uh…
Aimee: But someday, you’ll be ready to settle down. When you are, maybe you’ll think of me. That’s why I’m starting work on you now! Don’t worry about it… for now.
Ike: But it DOES worry me!
Aimee: See? You’re already under my spell! Well, good night! Sleep well, my hero.
Ike: That woman has issues with reality.

(Obtained Rexcalibur)

Chapter 2

Reyson (***)

Tibarn: Reyson! Where are you!?
Reyson: Over here, Tibarn.
Tibarn: What are you doing so early in the morning?
Reyson: I’m hunting for treasure!
Tibarn: Could you repeat that?
Reyson: I believe it was the goddess Yune. She sent me a message in my sleep. I saw patches of ground that glowed. I went to one of those spots and found this.
Tibarn: A satori sign… Don’t see these very often. It’s a good find. But blast it, Reyson, why didn’t you wake me up?
Reyson: I didn’t know what I would find. Besides, you looked so comfortable.
Tibarn: Hm. I didn’t even notice you’d snuck out. I can’t believe a heron snuck by me…
Reyson: Even heroes need their sleep to keep fighting, Tibarn. Where’s the harm in sleeping? I know that you haven’t had a good night’s rest since the incident in Phoenicis.
Tibarn: Yeah. But you know, there must be something in the air… Despite all that’s happened I feel fantastic. It’s a perfect day for hunting treasure…and enemies.
Reyson: Excellent.

(Obtained Satori Sign)

Twins (***)

Jorge: Good morning, Queen Elincia.
Elincia: Oh. Good morning, Jorge. It looks to be a pleasant day, doesn’t it?
Jorge: Indeed. And a splendid morning is the best time to present a queen with a fine gift.
Elincia: Oh, Jorge… Your kind thoughts are enough. You and Daniel have worked so hard to supply our army. If you have something for me, please let me pay you for it.
Daniel: Even under these circumstances, Queen Elincia, you always try to be good to us. That’s why we wanted to give you a gift. It’s a token of our appreciation.
Elincia: Daniel…
Daniel: We’ll take payment for everything else. But please, take this one item without any protests. It’s our pleasure.
Jorge: Please, Queen Elincia! We insist.
Elincia: Very well. I suppose it would be quite rude of me not to accept it.
Jorge: Wonderful!
Daniel: Here it is. Please use it with our compliments.
Elincia: Oh… This is a fire tome.
Daniel: Yes. It’s a very valuable one.
Elincia: So I can see. I am not a mage, but I feel great power from this tome.
Jorge: Daniel and I happened to be in that building when there was the big flash of light. That’s how we escaped being turned to stone. But you avoided it because you were one of the chosen.
Daniel: But we still want to help you. We can collect weapons to help you in battle!
Jorge: Please, save the people who were turned to stone.
Daniel: Please give us the world we used to have.
Elincia: I promise you I will do my utmost. I’ll work toward it with everything I have. Together, we can accomplish anything.

(Obtained Rexflame)

Chapter 3

Necessities (***)

Sanaki: How did it go, Sigrun? Did you find anything useful?
Sigrun: Only this, unfortunately.
Sanaki: Ah! It’s the tome of Bolganone! This is quite rare. Good work, Commander!
Sigrun: Sigh…
Sanaki: Such a heavy sigh. What’s wrong?
Sigrun: What sort of state is the world in, when the apostle–our empress–has taken up arms and fights alongside the common soldiers?
Sanaki: Is that still bothering you? I already told you not to worry.
Sigrun: I know. But what would the duke of Persis think if he saw you right now?
Sanaki: Ah, Sephiran… I wonder what he and Zelgius are doing right now?
Sigrun: They’re awaiting your return, of course.
Sanaki: You don’t have any doubt about that?
Sigrun: Of course not. Duke Persis comes from a family of great mages. General Zelgius is the finest general in all of Begnion. They wouldn’t have been petrified. We’ll see them when we return to the empire.
Sanaki: That’s true. I’m certain that they’re safe, too. They must be waiting for us. Let us make haste toward Sienne.
Sigrun: Yes. That is why I keep suggesting that you should stay away from danger, and–
Sanaki: Nonsense. We will fight with everything we have. And in order to fight to our utmost, we need powerful magic at our disposal! Follow me, Sigrun. Under these sands are many precious treasures. Help me find them!
Sigrun: I’m glad she is feeling better, but to see our empress is digging around in the dirt like a common farmhand… Sigh.

(Obtained Bolganone)

Naesala (***)

Micaiah: King Naesala. You are by yourself today?
Naesala: Yeah. How about you? Where’s that stone-faced sidekick of yours?
Micaiah: He’s just hesitant to show his emotions.
Naesala: I’m only joking. Don’t get so defensive.
Micaiah: Then don’t insult my family.
Naesala: Hmph. You say he’s your brother, but there’s as much resemblance between you two as between me and Skrimir.
Micaiah: We’re not related, but we’re very close. Perhaps like you and Princess Leanne.
Naesala: What?! You didn’t–
Micaiah: Yes, I can sense your emotions. I also know that you just closed up to keep me from looking in.
Naesala: You possess the same power as the herons? How stupid of me to let my guard down.
Micaiah: I’m sorry.
Naesala: What else did you sense?
Micaiah: Excuse me?
Naesala: Did you find out anything else about me?
Micaiah: No! I didn’t try to read your mind intentionally. I just felt that your feelings for Princess Leanne were very warm, and that’s all I saw.
Naesala: You’re sure? Fine. You’re a lot like me. I’ll let you off the hook this time.
Micaiah: What do you mean by that?
Naesala: You’ll see when the time comes.
Micaiah: King Naesala!
Naesala: I almost forgot. Here, this is for you.
Micaiah: This is a tome of light…
Naesala: We need you to stay alive, all right? See you later.
Micaiah: Naesala…

(Obtained Nosferatu)

Chapter 4

Wolves (***)

(Volug and Nailah are alive and in Ike’s party)

Volug: …
Ike: Er. Hello. What can I do for you?
Volug: …
Ike: Hey, that’s an elixir.
Volug: …
Ike: Yes, I like them too.
Volug: …
Nailah: (Volug, speak out loud. Ike is confused by your silence.)
Volug: (But, Your Majesty… He doesn’t understand our language.)
Nailah: (It’s better than staying silent.)
Nailah: Sorry. I don’t mean to leave you out of the conversation.
Ike: No, that’s fine. I would have been confused either way. I didn’t know you could speak the ancient language.
Nailah: It’s Hatari’s common language. I would never have known about the Tellius language if I hadn’t met Rafiel.
Ike: The Tellius language?
Nailah: You don’t know? The language we are using right now is called the Tellius language. You call it modern speech, I suppose.
Ike: Oh, I see.
Nailah: Long ago, beorc created the Old Tongue. The ancient speech is what we laguz call it. The language was too difficult for the laguz to master. So the language of Tellius was created in its place.
Ike: Huh. I’ve never heard that before. The only people I’m aware of who know the ancient speech are the heron laguz. I think Nasir of Goldoa said he could read it. Among beorc, only mages know how to use it, and that’s only for spells.
Nailah: Well, the laguz who live a long time, such as dragons and herons, have all the time in the world to learn it. Beorc probably left the ancient speech behind in favor of a newer and improved language, with the exception of spells.
Ike: That makes sense, I suppose. Mordecai once told me that speech lets you avoid fighting when it’s not a good idea. He said that’s why it’s a good idea to know many languages.
Nailah: Did he, now? Volug, did you hear that? You can learn the language of Tellius with Mordecai.
Volug: …I will… I…will try.
Nailah: He understands what you’re saying, for the most part. It’s the speaking that’s the hard part for him.
Ike: You don’t need to feel obligated. I mean, it isn’t like I can understand ancient speech.
Volug: (Here, I want you to have this. Um, here… Take.)
Ike: Oh, I understand. Thanks.
Volug: (It’s about time!)
Ike: I think I understood that. You were happy that I understood what you just said.
Volug: (I guess you could say that.)
Nailah: Good. As long as you have the desire to learn, words will soon follow.
Ike: I see. I’ll try to learn a little ancient speech from now on, too. Volug, you be my teacher and I’ll be your teacher.
Volug: (All right. It’s a deal.)

(Obtained Elixir)

Chapter 5

Innocent (*)

(Calill is alive and in Tibarn’s party)

Amy: Oh! Queen Elincia!
Elincia: Amy! You’re safe! Oh, I’m so glad! It’s so good to see you!
Amy: I came here with General Geoffrey.
Elincia: With Geoffrey?
Geoffrey: I was outside on the day when the bright light engulfed everything. At first, I thought that time had stopped. Then I realized that time was normal, but everyone around me had been turned to stone. I rode around the city to investigate, and I found this little girl crying in Calill’s bar.
Elincia: Did you find anyone else? What about Largo?
Geoffrey: …
Elincia: No… How tragic. How am I going to tell Calill?
Amy: Mommy is here!? I want to see my mommy!
Elincia: Yes. She is here, Amy. Lucia?
Lucia: Yes, Your Majesty.
Lucia: Amy, do you want to see your mommy? Here, take my hand. We’ll go together.
Amy: Yay! I can’t wait to see her!
Reyson: How unusual. I can’t believe a small child like that has been saved from petrification. Isn’t she the first?
Elincia: King Tibarn, Prince Reyson.
Tibarn: I’d assumed that only the people with a certain amount of power were safe from petrification, but I guessed wrong.
Reyson: I’m wondering if there are even rules at all.
Elincia: Hmm.
Amy: Mommy!
Calill: Amy! You’re safe! Thank goodness. I’m so glad!
Amy: M-Mommy! Daddy couldn’t move! H-he wouldn’t say anything! He… Sniff… Wahhhhhhh!
Calill: There, there. It’ll be all right. Mommy will take care of Daddy. Mommy and Queen Elincia are going to save all the people who can’t move. Everything will be all right. Daddy will be back soon. I promise.
Amy: All right… Sniff… Sniff…

Innocent (*)

(Calill is alive and not in Tibarn’s party)

Amy: Oh! Queen Elincia!
Elincia: Amy! You’re safe! Oh, I’m so glad! It’s so good to see you!
Amy: I came here with General Geoffrey.
Elincia: With Geoffrey?
Geoffrey: I was outside on the day when the bright light engulfed everything. At first, I thought that time had stopped. Then I realized that time was normal, but everyone around me had been turned to stone. I rode around the city to investigate, and I found this little girl crying in Calill’s bar.
Elincia: Did you find anyone else? What about Largo?
Geoffrey: …
Elincia: No… How tragic. How am I going to tell Calill?
Amy: Mommy is here!? I want to see my mommy!
Elincia: I’m sorry, Amy. Your mommy is somewhere else.
Amy: Mommy isn’t here…?
Elincia: No, she isn’t. But I’m sure that she’s doing well.
Amy: M-Mommy… Mommy! Daddy! Sniff… Wahhhh!
Ranulf: Hey, don’t cry, Amy! Mommy told you not to cry, right? Remember?
Amy: K-kitty-cat man…?
Ranulf: Good, you remembered me! Listen carefully, all right? If you’re good and travel with us without complaining, you’ll get to see Mommy really soon. Does that sound good?
Amy: Really!?
Ranulf: Would I lie to you, pumpkin? And I’ll tell you a secret… If you’re patient, we’ll even find a way to get your daddy moving around like usual!
Amy: I’ll be patient! I won’t cry anymore! I promise!
Ranulf: Good. That’s my girl!
Lucia: Amy, it’s late. Let’s go to my tent and get some sleep. All right?
Amy: Um… Kitty-cat man, will you come, too?
Ranulf: Sure. I’ll even let you sleep on my furry belly.
Amy: For real? Yay!
Ranulf: Don’t tell anyone, but my belly is super comfortable. You’ll be asleep in no time!
Lucia: Wow, that’s great, Amy. Let’s get going.
Amy: Yes! Kitty-cat pillow! Kitty-cat pillow!
Elincia: …Thank you, Ranulf.
Ranulf: Don’t mention it. I’m a sucker for kids. And Largo and Calill have been good to me. I’ll catch up with you later.
Reyson: How unusual. I can’t believe a small child like that has been saved from petrification. Isn’t she the first?
Elincia: King Tibarn, Prince Reyson.
Tibarn: I’d assumed that only the people with a certain amount of power were safe from petrification, but I guessed wrong.
Reyson: I’m wondering if there are even rules at all.
Elincia: Hmm.

Innocent (*)

(Calill died)

Amy: Oh! Queen Elincia!
Elincia: Amy! You’re safe! Oh, I’m so glad! It’s so good to see you!
Amy: I came here with General Geoffrey.
Elincia: With Geoffrey?
Geoffrey: I was outside on the day when the bright light engulfed everything. At first, I thought that time had stopped. Then I realized that time was normal, but everyone around me had been turned to stone. I rode around the city to investigate, and I found this little girl crying in Calill’s bar.
Elincia: Did you find anyone else? What about Largo?
Geoffrey: …
Elincia: Oh, no… How tragic. This is terrible.
Amy: Mommy is here!? I want to see my mommy!
Elincia: I’m so sorry, Amy. Your mother is…
Amy: Mommy’s not here?
Elincia: I’m so sorry…
Amy: M-Mommy… Mommy! Daddy! Sniff… Wahhhh!
Ranulf: Hey, don’t cry, Amy! Mommy told you not to cry, right? Remember?
Amy: K-kitty-cat man…?
Ranulf: Good, you remembered me! Listen carefully, all right? If you’re good and travel with us without complaining, you’ll get to see Mommy really soon. Does that sound good?
Amy: Really!?
Ranulf: Would I lie to you, pumpkin? And I’ll tell you a secret… If you’re patient, we’ll even find a way to get your daddy moving around like usual!
Amy: I’ll be patient! I won’t cry anymore! I promise!
Ranulf: Good. That’s my girl!
Lucia: Amy, it’s late. Let’s go to my tent and get some sleep. All right?
Amy: Um… Kitty-cat man, will you come, too?
Ranulf: Sure. I’ll even let you sleep on my furry belly.
Amy: For real? Yay!
Ranulf: Don’t tell anyone, but my belly is super comfortable. You’ll be asleep in no time!
Lucia: Wow, that’s great, Amy. Let’s get going.
Amy: Yes! Kitty-cat pillow! Kitty-cat pillow!
Ranulf: I feel like a horrible person.
Elincia: Ranulf…
Ranulf: It’d be too cruel to tell her the truth now. I’ll apologize to her after we get Largo back to normal. Until then, please don’t tell her the truth. I’ll catch up with you later.
Reyson: How unusual. I can’t believe a small child like that has been saved from petrification. Isn’t she the first?
Elincia: King Tibarn, Prince Reyson.
Tibarn: I’d assumed that only the people with a certain amount of power were safe from petrification, but I guessed wrong.
Reyson: I’m wondering if there are even rules at all.
Elincia: Hmm.

Pelleas (***)

(Pelleas is alive)

Pelleas: Sigh.
Tauroneo: There you are, Your Majesty.
Pelleas: …General Tauroneo.
Tauroneo: Is something wrong?
Pelleas: Take a look at this.
Tauroneo: The mark of the blood pact… It has faded quite a bit, hasn’t it?
Pelleas: What do you think this means?
Tauroneo: Hmm… I do not know. I must think on it.
Pelleas: Yes, we’ll both have to. The lives of Daein’s people depend on it.
Tauroneo: Do you believe that people can be saved from the state they are in?
Pelleas: Of course I do. To be honest, I’m a little bit thankful for the situation right now. Daein was headed for destruction because of what I’d done. But what the goddess did has changed the course of things. I can’t fail this time. I have to save everyone.
Tauroneo: Ah, I see. I shall do everything I can to assist.
Pelleas: Thank you.
Tauroneo: Your Majesty, this is for you.
Pelleas: It’s a dark tome! Thank you, General Tauroneo. Dark tomes are harder to come by than tomes of other elements. How did you find it?
Tauroneo: I did not find it. Your gratitude belongs to someone else.
Pelleas: What do you mean?
Tauroneo: Lady Almedha looked for it at every village and town we stopped in. She gave it to me out of concern that you might not take it from her.
Pelleas: I see.
Tauroneo: Your Majesty. If you’ll excuse me.
Pelleas: Mother…

(Obtained Fenrir)

Birds (***)

(Janaff, Ulki and Reyson are alive and in Tibarn’s party)

Janaff: Sheesh, all I’m saying is that you should take it, Ulki!
Ulki: No… You are older than me. One must respect one’s elders. It’s yours, Janaff.
Janaff: That’s not fair! You only say things like that when it’s convenient for you. We’re only five years apart!
Ulki: Five years is five years. You deserve the perks due someone of your age. You take it.
Janaff: Did you just call me an old codger!?
Tibarn: Come on, I don’t care who keeps it. Just make a decision already.
Janaff: Shut up, Tibarn! This is between me and Ulki!
Ulki: Should you really be addressing your king with words like those?
Janaff: Who cares? It’s not like anyone else can hear.
Ulki: Selfish little magpie.
Janaff: Hey! Lookit me! I’m Ulki, the solitary peacock!
Tibarn: All right, Janaff, that’s enough.
Janaff: What?! How am I the one getting scolded!?
Tibarn: You too, Ulki. You know how to press his buttons. Don’t egg him on like that.
Ulki: …Fine.
Reyson: What are you fighting over?
Tibarn: They’re arguing over who would take my gift. Neither of them seem willing to take it.
Reyson: Really? How uncharacteristically selfless of you to put up a fight, Ulki.
Janaff: What do you mean, White Prince? Ulki is just being an ungrateful wretch for not appreciating my thoughtfulness! He’ll never understand!
Ulki: Since the item is so nice, I thought that you should have it. I’m not the stubborn one here.
Reyson: Well, since neither of you want it, I’ll take it.
Janaff: What!?
Ulki: …Prince Reyson?
Reyson: It will come in handy during a battle, right? Then I’ll wear it and fight next to Tibarn. Sure, it’s good to be thoughtful and giving, but if neither of you appreciates it, there’s no point.
Tibarn: Reyson’s right! All right, this is for you. Reyson can be my one and only aide from now on. I shoulda thought of this sooner.
Janaff: W-wait! No, I’ll take it!
Ulki: No, I shall take it.
Janaff: Ulki?
Ulki: Once we have it, Janaff and I will discuss who should wear the item.
Tibarn: Do you agree to this, Janaff?
Janaff: Um… Yes, I do. I have no problem with that.
Tibarn: Reyson?
Reyson: That’s fine with me. As long as you agree to keep me nearby, I’m all right with whatever you decide.
Tibarn: It’s a done deal, then. Now, don’t you two feel a little stupid after getting lectured like that? And by Reyson, as well!
Janaff: …Sorry, Ulki.
Ulki: I… I apologize, too.
Janaff: I’ve been with you and Tibarn since our feathers hadn’t even grown in yet. I guess we know each other a little too well. Well, the White Prince certainly reminded me of who I am. I’m an aide to the king of Phoenicis!
Ulki: Me, too. Here, Janaff. This is for you.
Janaff: …Hey, wait a minute! You think you pulled a fast one on me, don’t you?! Get back here, Ulki!

(Obtained Shriek)


Visitor (*)

(Stefan not recruited)

Yune: Are you here to talk to me? Or to Micaiah?
Stefan: I’m here to speak with you, Yune.
Yune: You’re very strange. What are you?
Stefan: That’s a strange question, especially coming from you. Didn’t you create all of us?
Yune: I didn’t create anything. Not laguz nor beorc. But I know what they are, because I’ve watched them change and grow over time. You… You’re not something I’ve seen before.
Stefan: I’m the same as the girl you dwell inside.
Yune: Ohhh… I thought Micaiah was the only one. She could hear my voice and sing the galdr of release. But I learned that others existed. There’s that boy who’s always with Ike. Or the little girl who stays by the queen of Crimea.
Stefan: There are several in my village, as well. They are my comrades. We all live under the same fate…and carry the same curse in our blood.
Yune: When you say these words, what do they mean? Why are you cursed?
Stefan: It means that we carry the blood of both beorc and laguz. Beorc call us Branded, and laguz call us parentless.
Yune: Does that mean your parents are beorc and laguz?
Stefan: Not always. It means that laguz and beorc mixed blood somewhere along the line. Beorc and laguz rarely associate in that way. For them to conceive a child together is an even rarer event. What’s strange is that the child bears no laguz characteristics. It’s just a normal beorc infant. However, the laguz blood lies asleep, waiting, in the child’s veins.
Yune: Oh…
Stefan: One day, the laguz blood shows itself, marking the child’s body with a brand. How old is that girl, hmm? I don’t think she’s as young as she looks. The other curse is that we age differently from beorc. It depends on what laguz blood the child has, but it always slows how fast we age.
Yune: Micaiah says that’s true. She’s listening to every word you say. Please, continue.
Stefan: The laguz blood gives the Branded unnatural powers. Beorc fear and distrust us because they can’t understand those abilities. The laguz are even worse. They treat us like we’re phantoms, refusing to acknowledge us, as if we don’t even exist.
Yune: I see…
Stefan: It’s easy to hide among beorcs. You just cover the brand, avoid getting close to anyone, and never settle down. Pretending you’re normal. The laguz are different. They can sense what we are… They have an instinct for it. Not all laguz know for sure, but the sharp ones figure it out instantly. Others just feel uneasy around us. Some never figure it out, but they’re surrounded by ones who do. Either way, the laguz would never talk to us voluntarily. Why would you pay attention to someone who doesn’t even exist?
Yune: Why? That doesn’t make any sense. How did things get like that?
Stefan: I would like to know that as well. It’s said that a union between laguz and beorc is a crime against the goddess. That’s what we’ve always been told.
Yune: That’s silly. I’ve never heard anything of the sort.
Stefan: …Heh… Heheh… Hahahahaha…!
Yune: Why are you laughing?
Stefan: It’s all been a lie! For hundreds of years, we’ve faced persecution, abuse, and isolation. And for what? A lie! What’s not to laugh about, huh? Hahaha…
Yune: What’s happened? This is all wrong… How did history get so distorted? Was it at a particular place and time? I don’t understand. I’ve been asleep for too long…

Visitor (*)

(Stefan recruited and is alive)

Stefan: …What can I do for you, Goddess Yune?
Yune: You’re very strange. What are you?
Stefan: That’s a strange question, especially coming from you. Didn’t you create all of us?
Yune: I didn’t create anything. Not laguz nor beorc. But I know what they are, because I’ve watched them change and grow over time. You… You’re not something I’ve seen before.
Stefan: I’m the same as the girl you dwell inside.
Yune: Ohhh… I thought Micaiah was the only one. She could hear my voice and sing the galdr of release. But I learned that others existed. There’s that boy who’s always with Ike. Or the little girl who stays by the queen of Crimea.
Stefan: There are several in my village, as well. They are my comrades. We all live under the same fate…and carry the same curse in our blood.
Yune: When you say these words, what do they mean? Why are you cursed?
Stefan: It means that we carry the blood of both beorc and laguz. Beorc call us Branded, and laguz call us parentless.
Yune: Does that mean your parents are beorc and laguz?
Stefan: Not always. It means that laguz and beorc mixed blood somewhere along the line. Beorc and laguz rarely associate in that way. For them to conceive a child together is an even rarer event. What’s strange is that the child bears no laguz characteristics. It’s just a normal beorc infant. However, the laguz blood lies asleep, waiting, in the child’s veins.
Yune: Oh…
Stefan: One day, the laguz blood shows itself, marking the child’s body with a brand. How old is that girl, hmm? I don’t think she’s as young as she looks. The other curse is that we age differently from beorc. It depends on what laguz blood the child has, but it always slows how fast we age.
Yune: Micaiah says that’s true. She’s listening to every word you say. Please, continue.
Stefan: The laguz blood gives the Branded unnatural powers. Beorc fear and distrust us because they can’t understand those abilities. The laguz are even worse. They treat us like we’re phantoms, refusing to acknowledge us, as if we don’t even exist.
Yune: I see…
Stefan: It’s easy to hide among beorcs. You just cover the brand, avoid getting close to anyone, and never settle down. Pretending you’re normal. The laguz are different. They can sense what we are… They have an instinct for it. Not all laguz know for sure, but the sharp ones figure it out instantly. Others just feel uneasy around us. Some never figure it out, but they’re surrounded by ones who do. Either way, the laguz would never talk to us voluntarily. Why would you pay attention to someone who doesn’t even exist?
Yune: Why? That doesn’t make any sense. How did things get like that?
Stefan: I would like to know that as well. It’s said that a union between laguz and beorc is a crime against the goddess. That’s what we’ve always been told.
Yune: That’s silly. I’ve never heard anything of the sort.
Stefan: …Heh… Heheh… Hahahahaha…!
Yune: Why are you laughing?
Stefan: It’s all been a lie! For hundreds of years, we’ve faced persecution, abuse, and isolation. And for what? A lie! What’s not to laugh about, huh? Hahaha…
Yune: What’s happened? This is all wrong… How did history get so distorted? Was it at a particular place and time? I don’t understand. I’ve been asleep for too long…

Dragons (*)

Kurthnaga: Almedha! You’re safe!
Almedha: Kurthnaga…
Kurthnaga: Almedha, what’s wrong? You’re so pale, and you’ve grown so thin…
Almedha: Oh, Pelleas… My little Pelleas… Why? Tell me why?
Kurthnaga: Almedha! Almedha, you have to pull yourself together!
Ena: Prince Kurth? Are you there?
Kurthnaga: I’m busy, Ena! Stay where you are.
Ena: Oh!
Almedha: …Ena. It’s been a long time. I felt your presence nearby, but you never came to see me…
Ena: Lady Almedha…
Almedha: I understand that you don’t want to see me. I’m sure you hate me for what I’ve done. My brother Rajaion… Your betrothed… He died because of me.
Ena: Don’t. It’s not important. That’s all in the past…
Almedha: …What? How can you pretend like nothing happened!? You can’t! I know you hate me! You have to hate me! Go ahead, blame me for what happened! Insult me! Do anything, but you have to hate me!
Ena: …I don’t hate you, Almedha. Rajaion made his decision. He gave his life to save you and his little nephew. Did you know that? He decided to sacrifice himself to protect you. I can’t blame you for what Rajaion decided to do. That would mean insulting my beloved for his sacrifice… For his nobility.
Almedha: Sniff… Sniff… Sniff…
Ena: Prince Kurth, my grandfather is here to see you. The king knows nothing of his visit.
Kurthnaga: Nasir is here?
Nasir: Prince Kurthnaga. I am glad to see that you are safe. And Lady Almedha, as well. It has been a long time. We haven’t seen each other in over ninety years, I believe.
Almedha: Nasir… You returned to Goldoa?
Nasir: Yes.
Kurthnaga: Nasir, I need to know something. Why has Goldoa sided with Goddess Ashera!? What is Father thinking? The laguz and beorc have joined together to save the petrified. Why hasn’t Goldoa joined the effort?
Nasir: As you wish. Lady Almedha… Are you aware of the fact that everything that’s happening is due to your decision to leave Goldoa?
Almedha: …What?
Kurthnaga: Explain, Nasir.
Nasir: King Dheginsea forbade the dragon tribe to use our transformation for the purpose of war. Almedha, you left because you did not agree with this policy, did you not?
Almedha: That’s right.
Nasir: Shortly after you left Goldoa, you met Ashnard in Daein and were united with him. However, your union begat a chain of tragedies. Did you know that the red dragon platoon which went in search of you was captured and turned into Feral Ones by King Ashnard?
Almedha: I-I had no idea.
Nasir: Ashnard needed Goldoa to get involved in his war. That’s why he did everything in his power to provoke King Dheginsea. Most of you have never fought in a war, but even more than other laguz, the dragon tribe loses control once they taste battle.
Kurthnaga: Oh…
Nasir: Near the end of the war, we found out that Prince Rajaion could not be saved. I thought the king would surely go on a rampage. At the time, we had no idea that Lady Almedha was still alive. The king thought he’d lost not only dragon soldiers but also his children.
Ena: …
Nasir: If the war had ended any later… Had Ike not killed Ashnard… Goldoa would have joined the war. And we would have started killing. We would have destroyed the Daein army, its coconspirators, everyone. We would not have stopped until the continent was ashes. Then the spirit of chaos would have spread across Tellius, awakening the goddess and destroying the dragon tribe. That was the danger we faced in the Mad King’s War.
Kurthnaga: …
Ena: But Ashnard was defeated. And Rajaion regained his sanity thanks to the songs of the heron clan.
Almedha: …Sniff… Bwuah… Sniff…
Nasir: We escaped annihilation once. We took Prince Rajaion’s body back to Goldoa. And the king did not shed a tear, nor fly into a rage. He endured his loss by himself. He endured for the sake of his last child, and for the sake of his people. Goldoa remained neutral.
Kurthnaga: Father…
Nasir: But now… All that effort has been wasted. The war between the Laguz Alliance and Begnion has spread through Daein and Crimea. And to top it all off, Goldoa can no longer stay neutral because of what Prince Kurthnaga has done!
Kurthnaga: You’re saying this is my fault…!? That I’ve started a war that my father tried to avoid?
Almedha: No, Kurthnaga! This was my fault. You fought because of me.
Ena: This was not Prince Kurth’s fault! Besides, the goddess Yune was not awakened by chaos sweeping across Tellius. She was awakened by the galdr of release!
Nasir: By a galdr!? Are you certain?
Ena: Yes. That was what Sir Ike said.
Nasir: That’s…very strange. Nevertheless, the end result remains the same. Goddess Ashera has rendered her judgment. The laguz and beorc must follow her decision.
Ena: What…!? Nasir!
Nasir: I’ve come here as a favor to the king. Prince Kurthnaga, you have to return to us. At once.
Kurthnaga: If we just accept Ashera’s judgment, we’ll all be turned to stone! That’s the end of history as we know it! Do you expect me to just lie down and accept that? How can I? What you’re asking is insanity! I won’t do it.
Nasir: And you, Ena?
Ena: I feel the same as Prince Kurth.
Nasir: Then I have nothing more to say to you. However, I hope to avoid fighting my own people if at all possible.
Ena: Nasir…
Almedha: …What will you do on the battlefield, Kurth? Will you face your father as an enemy?
Kurthnaga: …I will do whatever I have to.

Renning (***)

Elincia: We’re almost there. Tomorrow, we head to the tower.
Geoffrey: Do not worry, Your Majesty. We will be right beside you.
Bastian: Though long tested by the trials of the goddess Ashera, we shall overcome, and our mission will be laid to rest.
Lucia: Yes. What we do now, we do not only for the people of Crimea, but for all the people of Tellius.
Elincia: Yes… We shall succeed.
???: You are a courageous queen, indeed.
Elincia: Who said that?
Elincia: U-Uncle Renning! Are you all right now!?
Renning: Don’t I look it? I stand before you in full health… Thanks to your efforts, of course.
Elincia: Wonderful! I’m so relieved, Uncle!
Lucia: Duke Renning.
Renning: Lucia, you have my gratitude for looking after Elincia so diligently. Bastian, Geoffrey… Everyone, you have my sincere thanks.
Lucia: Please, Duke Renning. It is our joy to serve Her Majesty. Our loyalty extends beyond the queen. Please do not forget that.
Renning: …Thank you. I appreciate your concern. Especially yours, Bastian.
Bastian: I stand by you, my lord.
Renning: You have ever been my most loyal and clever confidant. Was it possible for you to acquire the things I desired?
Bastian: Indeed, my lord. For you, to whom I owe my mastery of disciplines esoteric and arcane, no task is too difficult. Your sword, your armor, and your faithful steed stand ready, that the battlefield shall know your valor once more.
Renning: You haven’t changed a bit, Bastian. Always the clever one.
Bastian: Your praise is too much, my lord.
Elincia: Uncle! You intend to join the fight!? Please, you mustn’t push yourself too hard!
Renning: My, how things have changed! Am I to take orders from my niece on what battles I am allowed to fight in? I’m not a princess to be coddled and kept safe behind the vanguard, Elincia. I am a knight of Crimea, and I will be one until I die. As long as I live, as long as I am able to walk, and as long as I draw breath, I shall fight. It is my duty.
Elincia: …I understand. Swear to me, then. Swear that you won’t die. That you won’t ever leave me alone.
Renning: I swear to you that I will never leave you behind. I swear it upon my pride as a knight and upon my love for my country. Now, Your Majesty, please grant me the honor of protecting you in battle.
Elincia: Oh, Uncle… You may have to compete for that role, I think.
Geoffrey: Duke Renning… I will not give up my place as the commander of the Royal Knights, even to you.
Renning: Let’s take it outside, then. Perhaps I’ll remind you why you have never won a match against me.
Geoffrey: As you wish, Duke Renning. I will also show you that I have spent three years preparing solely to defend the queen from harm. I have made it my life.
Elincia: U-Uncle?! And Geoffrey, you too?! Bastian, do something!
Bastian: Truly, I shall have to! After all, a match between such stalwart warriors needs be judged. I believe I shall volunteer my services. Excuse me.
Elincia: Bastian!
Lucia: Oh, Your Majesty. Let them be.
Elincia: Lucia? Are you siding with them, too?
Lucia: Doesn’t all of this remind you of a scene in Melior from years ago? Tomorrow is full of uncertainty. We may live and we may die. Yet here we are, enjoying a little scene of high drama from glory-filled past. I’m glad of it.
Elincia: That’s true… It’s like a weight has been lifted off my chest. Why don’t we follow them? We should enjoy our final night together.
Lucia: Of course, Your Majesty.

(Renning joins)

Caineghis (***)

Caineghis: Ike. I have something to give you.
Ike: Hey, this is…
Caineghis: It’s called Urvan, if I remember correctly. I borrowed it from your father’s grave.
Ike: Why?
Caineghis: Honestly? I have no idea. But I felt a sudden urge to visit Greil’s grave on the morning of our journey. When I told Giffca my idea for a little side trip, he said he thought the same thing.
Giffca: I believe we were guided to your father’s grave by a divine message from the goddess.
Caineghis: When I saw your father’s axe, I was convinced that I had to take it to you. I felt that’s what your father would have wanted.
Ike: …Maybe he and my mother are looking over us from somewhere else. All right. It’s my father’s, so it’s only right that I take it.

(Obtained Urvan)

Fireman (***)

(Volke recruited and is alive)

Ike: Volke…?
Volke: Over here.
Ike: Looking for you is still like trying to find spilled ink at night.
Volke: It’s part of the job. Anyways… You’ve grown quite a bit since the last time I saw you.
Ike: Everyone loves telling me that.
Volke: You’re starting to look like Greil.
Ike: That might be true, too. He IS my dad. I didn’t expect to see you here. Did someone from this camp hire you?
Volke: Sure did.
Ike: I see. It’s good to have you on our side under any circumstances. Why did you call me over?
Volke: I have to return something to you.
Ike: What the…!? What’s all this money for?
Volke: It’s the 50,000 gold you paid me the last time around. Well, minus my pay, expenses, and that sort of thing, of course.
Ike: Even so, there’s a lot here.
Volke: Well, the contract ended sooner than expected, I guess.
Ike: You did a lot for us back then. I didn’t even get a chance to thank you.
Volke: It was a job. There’s no need to thank me.
Ike: I know. But if you hadn’t told me the story of my father, I would never have known about his past. So thanks, Volke.
Volke: Uh, yeah, so, anyhow… You have your money back. See you later.
Ike: Did he really just get embarrassed because I thanked him? What a weird guy.

(Obtained 20,000G)


Micaiah (***)

(Sothe is alive and has an A Support with Micaiah)

Sothe: Are you all right, Micaiah?
Micaiah: Yes, I’m fine. How about you, Sothe? Are you all right? You’re not hurt?
Sothe: I’m not a child, Micaiah! When are you going to start treating me like an adult?
Micaiah: Show me your hand.
Sothe: What?
Micaiah: Look at your hands. They’re so big… They were so small when we met.
Sothe: Micaiah…
Ike: Ahh… Sorry. Am I interrupting something?
Sothe: C-Commander!
Micaiah: It’s all right, Ike. How can we help you?
Ike: I was scrounging around in my stuff and found some extra medicine. I figured I’d ask around and see if anyone needed it.
Sothe: …I need to go get ready.
Ike: Hey, there’s no rush. We still have… He didn’t catch a word of that, did he?
Micaiah: I’m sorry about that.
Ike: How long have you been with him?
Micaiah: …A long time. I met him when I was hiding out in the back alleys of Nevassa, over ten years ago. He was so skinny, but his gaze was so piercing… I wondered how such a young boy could look like that. One day, I noticed he was standing close to me, just watching. He continued like that for a few days. One day, I held out my hand. He was suspicious of me, but came over anyway. He looked like a scared animal. Then his little hand slipped into mine. It was shaking. His fingers were so thin and frail. I couldn’t let go after that.
Micaiah: After that, we traveled together all over the continent. No matter where we went, we were always together.
Ike: The first time I met him, he’d hidden on a ship we were taking. He mentioned he was looking for someone who was like family to him. It was you he was searching for, wasn’t it?
Micaiah: I…I tried to leave him behind. When we went to Crimea, I split off from him and took a ship to Begnion. But when I reached Begnion, war had broken out between Crimea and Daein. I knew I had to return to Daein to look for him. I couldn’t find him, so I went to Crimea. But I still couldn’t find him… We found each other again after the war, in Daein. In the back alleys of Nevassa, where we first met.
Ike: You took routes opposite to each other.
Micaiah: When I told him why I’d disappeared, he got so angry… I’d never seen him get so emotional before.
Ike: I can’t say that I blame him. I’d be pretty furious if I heard someone that I loved was wandering around two countries at war. Besides, I’m sure he’d hidden his feelings about being abandoned until he saw you again.
Micaiah: I thought I was reaching the limit of how long I could stay with him. He grew each and every day, but I remained the same… I didn’t want him to be harmed by the curse I lived with. Can you imagine how hard that would have been on him?
Ike: You mean the blood of the laguz?
Micaiah: So you knew. Did you find out from the boy who’s always beside you?
Ike: Soren. Yeah. I guess you both know how to recognize people with a similar nature.
Micaiah: Yes. He and I are both Branded.
Ike: …Don’t use that word. You and Soren are both people. Just like me and everyone else.
Micaiah: People. You’re just like Yune. You call both laguz and beorcs people.
Ike: Why should I care about the color of your hair, eyes, and skin? Or your ears, wings, or tail? No matter how long you live or what powers you possess, we’re the same. At the end of the day, we’re all people.
Micaiah: … Sothe talks that way, too. His time with you changed him. Thank you, Ike. I’ve made up my mind.
Ike: About what? I didn’t realize we were doing anything but talking.
Micaiah: I thought I might travel to a far-off place after all of this was over. But I won’t. I’ll go back to Daein. No matter what happens, I’ll have Sothe by my side. I have nothing to fear as long as he’s with me.
Ike: It seems the feelings between you two run both ways. But that’s probably the wisest choice for Daein, and Sothe too. Anyway…
Micaiah: Oh, um… May I have some medicine?
Ike: Oh! Yeah, I almost forgot. Survive, Micaiah. We need you, and the goddess you host, to save the people of Tellius.
Micaiah: Yes. I know.

(Obtained Elixir)

Sanaki (***)

Sanaki: Zelgius is the Black Knight? I don’t know what to say… It’s unbelievable!
Ike: What was he like in Begnion?
Sanaki: He was the right-hand man of my most trusted aide, Duke Sephiran of Persis. He was a hero, a perfect general, and the best swordsman in all of Tellius. He was never anything but loyal. But he was serving another country!
Ike: Hmm. It makes me wonder how Sephiran is doing.
Sanaki: I doubt he’s been turned to stone. Even though he was captured by Lekain and forcibly removed from his post, he’ll have found a way to persevere. Sigrun always said there’s no other master of the arcane arts who can compare with the duke of Persis.
Ike: Makes you wonder, doesn’t it?
Sanaki: Ike… Don’t tell me you suspect Sephiran!
Ike: Well, look at the facts…
Sanaki: Do not trouble your mind with that thought! He would never betray me.
Ike: It’s nice to think so. But if he’s not petrified, he’d have received a message from Yune. So where is he?
Sanaki: The goddess isn’t perfect. She said so herself! Maybe the message didn’t reach everyone.
Ike: …You have to admit that’s a weak excuse. Let’s leave it at that, for now. We need to focus on moving forward.
Sanaki: Please, let’s! Oh, I almost forgot! I have something for you.
Ike: What is it?
Sanaki: Um… Uh… Well, you’re my trusted aide, just like Sephiran. You have to live! So protect yourself with this.
Ike: A mercenary with a contract to act as aide to the empress of Begnion. Who’d have thought? But thank you, Sanaki.
Sanaki: You’re welcome, Ike. And thank you.

(Obtained Pavise)

Rafiel (***)

(Rafiel chosen for Endgame and is alive)

Rafiel: Ike, take a look at this.
Ike: Hey now… Where’d you stumble across it?
Rafiel: Inside the tower. I thought of using it myself, but…
Ike: Yeah, I don’t think that it’s right for you.
Rafiel: …Indeed. That’s why I brought it here for you to use.
Ike: Thanks. It’s a very rare item. I’m in your debt.
Rafiel: It’s the least I could do.

(Obtained Guard)

Reyson (***)

(Reyson chosen for Endgame and is alive)

Reyson: Ike, take a look at this.
Ike: Hey now… Where’d you stumble across it?
Reyson: Lying around inside the tower. It seemed like the sort of thing I should bring to your attention.
Ike: That’s very nice of you, but you didn’t have to. Do whatever you want with it.
Reyson: Really? Do you think I’d be able to use it?
Ike: Well, don’t get hasty. I don’t think it’s right for you.
Reyson: …I know. I’m just kidding, Ike.
Ike: Thanks. It’s a very rare item. I’ll cherish it.
Reyson: Please do.

(Obtained Guard)

Leanne (***)

(Leanne chosen for Endgame and is alive)

Leanne: (Micaiah, have you ever seen one of these?)

Micaiah: Yes, Leanne, I have. That’s a very powerful artifact. Actually, it would be of great help to us, with what’s been happening.
Leanne: (I found it inside the tower. Do you think I can use it?)

Micaiah: Um… I don’t think so, Leanne. But you can try if you like…
Leanne: (…I’m only kidding. Here, you can have it.)

Micaiah: Oh, for me? Thank you very much. It’s a very precious item. I’ll make good use of it.
Leanne: (Please do!)

(Obtained Guard)


Ancient History (*)

(Nasir and Gareth both recruited – 2nd playthrough onwards)

Gareth: I am about to tell you a very old story–a story you should know, as the new king of Goldoa. This is one of the oldest and most heavily guarded secrets in all of Tellius. You’ll find no trace of it in any histories or sagas.
Micaiah: If it’s that important, maybe we should go somewhere else. Other people might hear us.
Gareth: Hmm. What do you think, Nasir?
Nasir: I called upon Lady Micaiah because I felt that she should know the story as well. No… I think now is the time to let everyone know. Would that be all right, Your Majesty?
Kurthnaga: There will be no secrets from now on. Tell us everything.
Gareth: As you wish, Your Majesty. In the dawn of this age, after the goddesses began their long slumber, the kingdom of Begnion was established. In those early days, laguz and beorc lived side by side in harmony and peace. Yes, that kingdom would become the Begnion Empire. The hero Altina was chosen to be the kingdom’s first queen. Lehran supported her as an advisor…and as a husband.
Micaiah: What!?
Nasir: Despite their differences, Lehran and Altina loved each other very deeply.
Kurthnaga: The people accepted a marriage between a laguz and a beorc?
Nasir: That was what King Dheginsea said. This was before the people thought of such differences. They saw only a queen and her husband.
Gareth: At this time, King Dheginsea also created his own kingdom far from other laguz tribes and beorc nations. He believed that the dragon tribe was too powerful to interact equally with other tribes and peoples. That kingdom became Goldoa.
Nasir: Begnion had been established for four years when King Dheginsea received news that Altina had become pregnant. The news brought great joy. You see, the news was also quite surprising. There had been other unions between beorc and laguz, but until Altina’s pregnancy, no children had ever been conceived. Indeed, hers was the first child ever to be born of beorc and laguz.
Gareth: As close friends of both Altina and Lehran, both King Dheginsea and Soan rejoiced at the news. The child would be the first to carry the joined blood of both laguz and beorc. The king said that the baby would become a symbol of peace between the two peoples.
Nasir: But joy over the child’s birth did not last. Soon after the child was born, Lehran lost all the powers of the laguz. He could not transform any longer, nor could he sing galdrar.
Gareth: It became apparent that the child of such a union neutralizes the laguz parent’s powers. To make matters worse, the child bears only the characteristics of a beorc.
Nasir: Lehran felt he was no longer a true laguz, and felt he could no longer act as a bridge between the goddess and the people of Tellius. He lost hope, and also his mind…at least temporarily. He attempted suicide several times, which is an unthinkable taboo for anyone who has sworn to serve the goddess.
Gareth: King Dheginsea fell into despair. If people caught wind of this news, he believed it would create a deep rift between the two peoples. The king was especially concerned about the reaction from the laguz. They might interpret the birth as a herald of their eventual end. Some might even attempt to harm the child.
Kurthnaga: Lehran needed to hear the voice of the goddess then more than ever before… But he could no longer sing the galdr of release. Is that what happened?
Nasir: Just so. Lehran was forced to make a very difficult decision to protect the peace between beorc and laguz. He decided to retreat into seclusion and consider the problem. Once he regained his sanity, he announced his decision.
Gareth: Lehran was forced to ask the unthinkable of his wife, his aides, and close friends For the sake of Begnion, you must tell the people that I died in an accident. Tell them the birth was merely a false rumor.
Nasir: Lehran left the medallion to his tribe, moving to Goldoa under King Dheginsea’s protection. He simply disappeared from history after that.
Gareth: After Lehran had left and life returned to normal, Altina eventually welcomed a beorc husband. She raised the child she’d had with Lehran as though it were an ordinary beorc child, born of her new husband. Since then, marriages between laguz and beorc have been forbidden. It became known as a crime against the goddess.
Nasir: Even so, the taboo was broken several times over the next few decades. Usually no child was conceived, but when there was, it was swiftly covered up. The parents soon learned what it meant to bear a child who possessed both laguz and beorc blood. After they learned of the consequences, none of these parents ever rejected the edict forbidding it.
Gareth: The child was to be raised by the beorc parent, and raised as a beorc child. That should have been enough to hide everything, end of story.
Nasir: It was several generations later that the certain descendents began to manifest physical marks which indicated their ancestors’ sins. Fortunately, this mark looked very similar to the marks on those protected by spirits. They could pass as students of the dark arts for at least a few years. Unfortunately, the Branded lived much longer than beorc.
Gareth: Most Branded chose to hide, living outside of ordinary society, and they disappeared into the shadows of history. Rumors had already begun to spread across Begnion, however. The Branded were shunned and cast out wherever they lived. Where the laguz held power, they persecuted the Branded and executed them in honor killings.
Micaiah: That’s horrible!
Gareth: It was King Dheginsea’s opinion that these were crimes that he had to carry on his conscience. From the beginning, he realized that he and the others in power had made a mistake. They understood that they should have revealed everything about Altina and Lehran’s child. The people should have been told the truth. But since they’d kept the truth from everyone, the Branded were marked as unclean, persecuted wherever they traveled.
Nasir: Here is the family tree for Lehran and Altina’s bloodline. Only King Dheginsea knew the truth. Until now.
Kurthnaga: Father… You’ve had to endure this burden alone for so long.
Gareth: It was the same in Lady Almedha’s case. When she lost her powers after giving birth to the Mad King’s son, King Dheginsea had no choice but to hide the truth from everyone. So he chose to hide Almedha from everyone. Better to deny her existence than be forced to explain long-hidden secrets.
Nasir: In the process, he’d lost someone even more dear to him. Prince Rajaion. He deeply regretted his decision when he learned of the prince’s death. The only choice left for King Dheginsea was to remain stubbornly neutral in all wars on the continent. He hoped–in vain–to keep the goddess from waking up before the thousand years had elapsed.
Kurthnaga: I’m such a fool… I had no idea what Father went through. All I did was deny what he fought for.
Micaiah: Kurth…
Gareth: Your Majesty. You are the king now. You know that it is a sin to fight against the goddess, and yet you’ve chosen to move forward.
Nasir: King Dheginsea left everything to you. You must succeed. Do not be afraid of what lies beyond. Forge ahead.
Kurthnaga: I understand. I shall be true to my convictions. I have no more doubts.

Forgive and Forget (*)

(Nasir and Gareth both recruited)

Ike: Nasir!
Nasir: Ike. I’m sorry about earlier.
Ike: That’s all right. I know that you were in a tight spot.
Gareth: Ahh, the beorc hero. We will follow King Kurthnaga from now on. If he wishes to fight alongside you, I shall assist.
Ike: I see. Then you should receive a blessing of protection from the goddess Yune.
Nasir: We already have. We can fight Ashera now.
Ike: You’d lend us all of your might?
Nasir: Of course.
Gareth: We swear upon the good name of the dragon tribe that we shall do our best.

Nasir (*)

(Nasir recruited, but Gareth not recruited)

Ike: Nasir!
Nasir: Ike. I’m sorry about earlier.
Ike: That’s all right. I know that you were in a tight spot.
Nasir: We will follow King Kurthnaga from now on. If he wants to fight alongside you, I shall use my power to assist.
Ike: I see. Then you should receive a blessing of protection from the goddess Yune.
Nasir: I already have. I can fight Ashera now.
Ike: You’d lend us all of your might?
Nasir: Of course. I swear upon the good name of the dragon tribe that I will do my best.

Gareth (*)

(Gareth recruited, but Nasir not recruited)

Gareth: Ahh, the beorc hero. I apologize for what happened earlier.
Ike: That’s all right. I know that you were in a tight spot.
Gareth: We will follow King Kurthnaga from now on. If he wants to fight alongside you, I shall use my power to assist.
Ike: I see. Then you should receive a blessing of protection from the goddess Yune.
Gareth: I already have. I can fight Ashera now.
Ike: You’d lend us all of your might?
Gareth: Of course. I swear upon the good name of the dragon tribe that I will do my best.


Soren (*)

(Ike and Soren share an A Support in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn)

(View Ike’s memory scene in Endgame-2 – 2nd playthrough onwards)

(See Hints and Secrets for full details)

Soren: Ike… Um… Were you joking when you said you couldn’t remember how we met?
Ike: Well, sorta. It was a long time ago.
Soren: How could you forget?
Ike: Relax, Soren. I got to thinking, and I remembered. I remember what happened in Gallia on the day we first met.
Soren: Ike…
Ike: Mother had gone shopping with Mist that day. I was wandering around the village all alone. I walked to the edge of the forest, looking for a stick I could pretend was a sword. There was a raven-haired boy lying on the ground.
Soren: I remember the huge oak tree by the clearing… I’d been sleeping in the hollow by the roots.
Ike: He looked like he was my age. He was as skinny as a twig, wearing rags and covered in dirt. He looked like he was near death. I took out my lunch and I handed it to him. He made a noise like a scared animal and shied away. He was suspicious of me at first, but eventually he took my sandwich and started to eat. It was like he’d never eaten before in his life. I didn’t have anything else to feed him, so I told him to come to my house. But he kept shaking his head no.
Soren: I was afraid you were going to trick me. Afraid that you were going to chase me away after taunting me with food, just for a laugh…
Ike: I told the boy that I’d bring him some food the next day at the same time and place. He finally nodded when I said that. It made me happy. I felt like I was doing something right, helping this boy. Like I was the only one who’d do that.
Soren: …I was happy, too. Not just because I wasn’t hungry anymore. Because someone finally would talk to me. So I went back to the village again the next day. I was scared of the other villagers and their rocks and sticks, but I still went back.
Ike: That’s right. That was Gallia back then. The beorc abused and tormented the Branded because the laguz shunned them. They wanted to avoid upsetting the laguz.
Soren: The villagers threw stones at me, called me an animal and a devil. But on the next day, the village was littered with corpses. Soldiers and peasants were in a panic.
Ike: It was my dad. He went crazy when the spirit of chaos in the medallion touched him.
Soren: I walked through the empty streets, checking bodies to see if you were dead. But I couldn’t find you. I decided that you had to be alive. I took money and food from the village and headed for Crimea, a land of beorcs.
Ike: Soren…
Soren: On my way to Crimea, I kept seeing laguz from the beast tribe. They were terrifying, but after a while I realized something. They never attacked me. They all seemed to notice something about me, and then pretend they couldn’t see me. That look was burned into my mind, and it was always the same. They’d scowl, then walk away like they’d never noticed me. In a way, that left me feeling colder and more alone than if they’d attacked me. Hate… That I could understand. This was denial. They made me feel like I wasn’t supposed to exist at all. That my simply being alive was an affront to the world. That was how the beasts treated me. And I hated them for it. It sat in my heart like a lead bar. Like a glacier.
Ike: …
Soren: When I reached Crimea, I took refuge in a church along the way. They took my brand to be a sign that I had been trained in the arcane arts. They took good care of me, and taught me things. Once I had learned to speak and behave like other people, I wandered Crimea for several years. Then I finally found you.
Ike: But I’d…
Soren: Yes. You’d forgotten that day in Gallia. But I didn’t care. My only wish was to see you again. I just wanted to see the only boy who had held out a warm hand when I had nothing.
Ike: Soren… Don’t cry.
Soren: Don’t cry? What? I’m not crying…
Ike: Soren, you’re smart, but you’re no good when it comes to your emotions. Come over here.
Soren: D-don’t treat me like I’m a child! I’m not that–
Ike: Come on.
Soren: Shut up! Shut up…
Ike: Then I’ll come over to you.
Ike: It’s all in the past, Soren…
Soren: …Sniff… Sniff… Gwuh… Wahhhhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh!