
Timing Quote
Chapter 3 Poor Queen Lumera. When word gets out, there will be mourning all over Firene.
Chapter 17 I feel like crying. But tears won’t bring back this town. That’ll take hard work.
Many battles Before all this, I’d only participated in mock battles. But I feel like I can handle myself now.
Died: Etie I was proud to have Etie as my ally. I’ll always remember what she did for us.
Alear Level Up I was almost moved to tears to see you grow leaps and bounds like that.
Alear MVP You were a cut above the others, Divine One. Everyone was rallying around you!
Level Up Does it seem to you like I put on more muscle? Here’s hoping it makes me a better combatant.
Was Healed Often Sorry I was such a magnet for enemy attacks. At least you seem relatively fine.
Many KOs I’d say I made a fair showing of myself today. I’ll try to do the same next time too.
Benched Here’s hoping I get to fight by your side again. Keep yourself safe until then, Divine One.
At map: generic 1 I should take care not to stray far from the group, or I’ll lose my bearings for sure.
At map: generic 2 Wouldn’t it be nice to curl up here with a book? Maybe once the last of our battles is done.
At map: generic 3 This place is nice, isn’t it? I hope war never touches it again after this.
At map: Florra Mill Town Look at that clear water. If it wasn’t for this war, I could be fishing right now.
At map: Firene Castle It feels strange to fight in such a peaceful castle. Got to put that out of my mind in battle, though.
At map: Mountain Settlement It’s a blow to see all this devastation. I’m sorry we weren’t able to save this place.
At map: The Grand Crossing What a deep ravine! I bet you could catch some rare fish down there. Oh, uh, sorry.
At map: Brodia Castle I learned a lot from our fight at Brodia Castle. I should tell the other royal soldiers about it.
At map: Fort on the Border If I don’t keep focused, I could easily lose my way in this blizzard.
At map: Destinea Cathedral The petals of two royals were scattered here. How do you suppose their subjects are doing?
At map: Shadowy Moor I won’t soon forget the path we took when we were being chased, I’ll tell you that much.
At map: Tullah Desert Even you get lost in the desert. So if I take one wrong step, I worry you’ll never see me again.
At map: Oasis Village I took a look at the oasis, and the water was crystal clear. It reminds me of my hometown.
At map: Solm Palace Someone said there was a beautiful chandelier, but when I tried to find it, I ended up outside.
At map: Northern Fortress Good thing they don’t let civilians near here. If a child wandered in, it’d scar them for life.
At map: Azure Coast I’ve heard seawater is salty, like tears. You’d have to cry even more than me to fill an ocean.
At map: Florra Port It still hurts to look at what happened here. I want this war to end so we can help rebuild.
At map: Route to Elusia I knew Queen Ève would give us a top-notch ship, though I wasn’t expecting the cannons.
At map: Givre Port It must pain Prince Alfred that he couldn’t save the people here. He’s a very gentle soul.
At map: Elusia Castle It’s strange not to see a single royal soldier in a castle. Did they all run off somewhere? Or…
At map: Lythos Castle The once-majestic Lythos Castle, destroyed… This war just keeps taking from us.
At map: Lava Fields This thick haze is making it even harder than usual to tell where I’m going. Watch your step!
At map: Gradlon Temple I’ve read tales of the Fell Dragon’s temple, but I never imagined that it was real.