Credits: Fuuin no Tsurugi Official Guidebook
Notes: This list excludes items carried by playable characters and items found in shops or secret shops.
Chapter | Item | From |
1 | 5000G | Village |
2 | Armourslayer | Village |
3 | Mend | Village |
3000G | Chest | |
Pole Axe | Chest | |
Vulnerary | Enemy (steal) | |
4 | Angelic Robe | Village |
Steel Blade | Village | |
Door Key | Village | |
Vulnerary (x4) | Enemy (steal) | |
5 | Gant’s Lance | Village |
6 | 5000G | Chest |
3000G | Chest | |
Unlock | Chest | |
Short Bow | Chest | |
Killer Axe | Chest | |
Goddess Icon | Chest | |
Silver Lance | Chest | |
2000G | Chest | |
Vulnerary (x7) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Chest Key | Enemy (steal) | |
Lockpick | Enemy (steal) * | |
7 | Longbow | Village |
Torch | Village | |
Red Gem | Village | |
Killing Edge | Village | |
Elixir | Village | |
Physic | Village | |
Knightslayer | Village | |
Hero’s Crest | Village | |
Rapier | Chest | |
Barrier | Chest | |
Vulnerary (x6) | Enemy (steal) | |
Red Gem | Enemy (steal) | |
8 | Thunder | Have Roy and Lilina Talk |
Elysian Whip | Chest | |
Secret Book | Chest | |
Silver Axe | Chest | |
Guiding Ring | Chest | |
Light Brand | Chest | |
Killer Bow | Chest | |
Elfire | Chest | |
Knight’s Crest | Chest | |
Vulnerary (x7) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Lockpick (x2) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Chest Key (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
Door Key (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
8x | Vulnerary (x8) | Enemy (steal) |
Door Key | Enemy (steal) | |
Durandal | End of chapter | |
9 | Silver Sword | Village |
Killer Bow | Village (cannot obtain the below Restore) | |
Restore | Village (cannot obtain the above Killer Bow) | |
Vulnerary (x3) | Enemy (steal) | |
Antitoxin (x3) | Enemy (steal) | |
10A | Swordreaver | Village |
Vulnerary (x3) | Enemy (steal) | |
Antitoxin | Enemy (steal) | |
Wyrmslayer | End of chapter | |
11A | Restore | Village |
Orion’s Bolt | Village | |
Dragonshield | Village | |
Axereaver | Village | |
5000G | Village | |
Speedwings | Village | |
Angelic Robe | Village | |
Sleep | Village | |
Orion’s Bolt | End of chapter (if Klein is recruited and his soldiers all survived) | |
Elysian Whip | End of chapter (if Tate is recruited and her soldiers all survived) | |
Hero’s Crest | End of chapter (if all villages were visited) | |
10B | Speedwings | Visit the most north-western village with Wade or Lott |
Elixir | Visit the most north-western village with someone else | |
Dragonshield | Village | |
Swordreaver | Visit the most northern village with Wade or Lott | |
Door Key | Visit the most northern village with someone else | |
Barrier | Village | |
Swordreaver | Village | |
Sleep | Village | |
Orion’s Bolt | Village | |
Wyrmslayer | End of chapter | |
Hero’s Crest | End of chapter (if all villages were visited) | |
Orion’s Bolt | End of chapter (if Klein is recruited and his soldiers all survived) | |
Elysian Whip | End of chapter (if Tate is recruited and her soldiers all survived) | |
11B | Red Gem | Village |
Energy Ring | End of chapter (if all civilians survived) | |
12 | Flux | Chest |
Aircalibur | Chest | |
Elysian Whip | Chest | |
Lancereaver | Chest | |
Blue Gem | Chest | |
Brave Bow | Chest | |
Vulnerary (x3) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Lockpick | Enemy (steal) * | |
12x | Chest Key | Chest |
Antitoxin | Chest | |
Torch | Chest | |
Lockpick | Chest | |
Elixir | Chest | |
White Gem | Chest | |
Elixir | Chest | |
Antitoxin | Chest | |
Elixir | Chest | |
Red Gem | Chest | |
Antitoxin | Chest | |
Antitoxin | Chest | |
Lockpick (x3) | Enemy (steal) | |
Armads | End of chapter | |
13 | Body Ring | Village |
Al’s Sword | Village | |
Vulnerary (x4) | Enemy (steal) | |
Knight’s Crest | End of chapter (if Percival is recruited and his soldiers all survived) | |
14 | Silver Card | Hidden in the sand |
Talisman | Hidden in the sand | |
Speedwings | Hidden in the sand | |
Boots | Hidden in the sand | |
Silence | Hidden in the sand | |
Guiding Ring | Hidden in the sand (requires Sofiya) | |
Silver Blade | Hidden in the sand | |
Warp | Hidden in the sand | |
14x | Forblaze | End of chapter |
15 | Divine | Village |
Hammerne | Village | |
Knight’s Crest | End of chapter (if Percival is recruited and his soldiers all survived) | |
16 | Vulnerary (x3) | Enemy (steal) * |
Lockpick (x2) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Red Gem (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
Blue Gem | Enemy (steal) | |
Delphi Shield | Enemy (steal) | |
Berserk | Chest | |
Hero’s Crest | Chest | |
Knight’s Crest | Chest | |
Silver Bow | Chest | |
Rescue | Chest | |
5000G | Chest | |
Bolting | Chest | |
Brave Lance | Chest | |
Restore | Chest | |
Recover | Chest | |
16x | Vulnerary (x4) | Enemy (steal) |
Aureola | End of chapter | |
17A | Tiena’s Staff | Village |
Elixir (x3) | Enemy (steal) | |
Vulnerary (x6) | Enemy (steal) | |
18A | Goddess Icon | Village |
Secret Book | Village | |
Guiding Ring | Village | |
19A | Aircalibur | Village |
Energy Ring | Village | |
Vulnerary (x10) | Enemy (steal) | |
Elixir (x4) | Enemy (steal) | |
Knight’s Crest | Enemy (steal) | |
20A | Speedwings | Chest |
Axereaver | Chest | |
Longbow | Chest | |
Wo Dao | Chest | |
Wyrmslayer | Chest | |
Nosferatu | Chest | |
Purge | Chest | |
Sleep | Chest | |
Vulnerary (x3) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Lockpick (x3) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Red Gem (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
Blue Gem | Enemy (steal) | |
Elysian Whip | Enemy (steal) | |
Angelic Robe | End of chapter (if all civilians survived) | |
20Ax | Vulnerary (x6) | Enemy (steal) |
Maltet | End of chapter | |
17B | Tiena’s Staff | Village |
Eclipse | Village | |
Vulnerary (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
Lockpick (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
18B | Vulnerary (x3) | Enemy (steal) |
Elixir (x4) | Enemy (steal) | |
19B | Wyrmslayer | Village |
Energy Ring | Village | |
Goddess Icon | Village | |
Wo Dao | Village | |
Longbow | Village | |
Elixir (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
20B | Nosferatu | Chest |
Sleep | Chest | |
Axereaver | Chest | |
Dragonshield | Chest | |
Guiding Ring | Chest | |
Blue Gem | Chest | |
Vulnerary | Enemy (steal) * | |
Lockpick (x2) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Red Gem (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
Orion’s Bolt | Enemy (steal) | |
20Bx | Vulnerary (x7) | Enemy (steal) |
Murgleis | End of chapter | |
21 | Knight’s Crest | Village |
Vulnerary (x10) | Enemy (steal) | |
Knight’s Crest | Enemy (steal) | |
Binding Blade | End of chapter (if you failed to reach Ch 21x) | |
21x | Elixir | Chest |
Elixir | Chest | |
Elixir | Chest | |
Vulnerary (x2) | Enemy (steal) | |
Apocalypse | End of chapter | |
Binding Blade | End of chapter | |
22 | Sleep | Chest |
White Gem | Chest | |
Nosferatu | Chest | |
Wyrmslayer | Chest | |
Dragonshield | Chest | |
Swordreaver | Chest | |
Vulnerary (x5) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Lockpick (x3) | Enemy (steal) * | |
Hero’s Crest | Enemy (steal) | |
23 | Guiding Ring | Enemy (steal) |
Red Gem | Enemy (steal) | |
Blue Gem | Enemy (steal) | |
24 | Vulnerary (x15) | Enemy (steal) |
Final | Vulnerary (Infinite) | Enemy (steal) |
* From Cath, who only appears if she hasn’t been recruited and hasn’t been killed