Credits: Pegasus Knight
Lyn’s Story
Name | Class | Ch | Recruit |
Lyn | Lord | P | Automatically from the start |
Sain | Cavalier | 1 | Automatically from the start |
Kent | Cavalier | 1 | Automatically from the start |
Florina | Pegasus Knight | 3 | Automatically from the start |
Wil | Archer | 3 | Visit the village to the south west (or automatically at the beginning of Turn 3) |
Dorcas | Fighter | 4 | Enemy, talk with Lyn (or complete the chapter without killing him) |
Serra | Cleric | 5 | NPC, talk with Lyn (or complete the chapter) |
Erk | Mage | 5 | Joins with Serra (or complete the chapter) |
Rath | Nomad | 6 | Automatically from the start |
Matthew | Thief | 6 | Visit one of the northern villages (or automatically at the beginning of Turn 3) |
Nils | Bard | 7 | Automatically from the start |
Lucius | Monk | 7 | Automatically from the start |
Wallace | Knight | 9 | Automatically from the start |
Eliwood’s & Hector’s Stories
- Any characters KO’d in Lyn’s story will return here.
- Characters from Lyn’s story retain their class; the table lists their default class (if you skip Lyn’s story).
Name | Class | Ch E | Ch H | Recruit |
Eliwood | Lord | 11 | 12 | Automatically from the start |
Marcus | Paladin | 11 | 12 | Automatically from the start |
Lowen | Cavalier | 11 | 12 | Automatically from the start |
Rebecca | Archer | 11 | 12 | Automatically from the start |
Dorcas | Fighter | 11 | 12 | Appears during Turn 2 | Automatically from the start |
Bartre | Fighter | 11 | 12 | Appears during Turn 2 | Automatically from the start |
Hector | Lord | 12 | 11 | Appears during Turn 3 | Automatically from the start |
Oswin | Knight | 12 | 12 | Appears during Turn 3 | Automatically from the start |
Serra | Cleric | 13 | 12 | Automatically from the start |
Matthew | Thief | 13 | 11 | Automatically from the start |
Guy | Myrmidon | 13 | 13 | Enemy, talk with Matthew |
Merlinus | Transporter | 14/16 | 14/17 | Complete Ch 13x / Automatically from the start |
Erk | Mage | 14 | 14 | NPC, talk with Serra or Priscilla |
Priscilla | Troubadour | 14/15 | 14/15 | Visit the southern village / Joins with Erk (if the village she stayed in during Ch 14 was not destroyed) |
Lyn | Lord | 15 | 16 | Automatically from the start |
Sain | Cavalier | 15 | 16 | Automatically from the start |
Kent | Cavalier | 15 | 16 | Automatically from the start |
Wil | Archer | 15 | 16 | Automatically from the start |
Florina | Pegasus Knight | 15 | 16 | Automatically from the start |
Raven | Mercenary | 16 | 17 | Enemy, talk with Priscilla |
Lucius | Monk | 16 | 17 | NPC, talk with Raven |
Canas | Shaman | 16x | 17x | Visit one of the villages |
Dart | Pirate | 18 | 19 | Automatically from the start (if you visited Ch 16x | 17x, he must have survived that chapter) |
Fiora | Pegasus Knight | 18 | 19 | NPC, appears during the beginning of Turn 3. Talk with Florina. |
Legault | Thief | 19 | 20 | Enemy, appears during the beginning of Turn 2. Talk with your main Lord or Lyn |
Ninian | Dancer | 20 | 21 | Automatically from the start |
Isadora | Paladin | 21 | 22 | Automatically from the start |
Heath | Wyvern Rider | 21 | 22 | Enemy, talk with Eliwood, Hector, Lyn or Ninian |
Rath | Nomad | 21 | 22 | NPC, talk with Lyn |
Hawkeye | Berserker | 22 | 23 | NPC, appears during the beginning of Turn 2. Talk with your main Lord |
Geitz | Warrior | 23A | 24A | Enemy, talk with Dart |
Wallace | General | 23B | 24B | NPC, talk with Lyn, Kent, Sain, Florina or Wil |
Farina | Pegasus Knight | – | 25 | NPC, appears during the beginning of Turn 5. Let her talk to Hector and pay her 20,000G. (Hector’s story only) |
Pent | Sage | 24 | 26 | Automatically from the start |
Louise | Sniper | 24 | 26 | Automatically from the start |
Karel | Swordmaster | 25A/B | 27A/B | Defeat 2 or more promoted enemies * / Open 4 or more doors Either way, appears as a NPC at the beginning of Turn 10 and can be recruited with your main Lord or Lyn |
Harken | Hero | 25A/B | 27A/B | Defeat less than 2 promoted enemies * / Open less than 4 doors Either way, appears as an enemy at the beginning of Turn 10 and can be recruited with Eliwood, Marcus, Lowen, Hector, Oswin or Isadora |
Nino | Mage | 26 | 28 | NPC, talk with your main Lord or Lyn |
Jaffar | Assassin | 26x/27 | 28x/29 | Automatically from the start if you made Nino talk to him during Ch 26 | 28 (and he survived) |
Vaida | Wyvern Lord | 27 | 29 | Enemy, appears after crossing the north-western sector (if she survived Ch 24 | 26). Talk with your main Lord |
Nils | Bard | 28 | 30 | Automatically from the start (cannot participate in Ch 29 | 31 and 29x | 31x) |
Karla | Swordmaster | – | 31x | Bartre must participate in Ch 31x. If he is a Lv 5 Warrior or higher, Karla will appear above the arena. Make Bartre talk to her and if both survive a round of combat she will join. (Hector’s story only) |
Renault | Bishop | 30 | 32 | Visit the most north-western ruins within 11 turns |
Athos | Archsage | F | F | Automatically from the start |