Credits: Pegasus Knight
Notes: All final decimals are rounded down (except for Eclipse, Magic-based swords and where stated).
Weapon Triangle
The physical weapon triangle is: Sword > Axe > Lance > Sword
The magical weapon triangle is: Anima > Light > Dark > Anima
(“>” means “is good against”)
Note: Light Brand (indirect) counts as Light magic, Runesword counts as Dark magic and Wind Sword (indirect) counts as Anima magic.
Double Attack
Property | Calculations |
Attack Speed | = Speed – (Weapon Weight – Constitution, take as 0 if negative) |
Double Attack if: (Attack Speed – enemy Attack Speed) >= 4
Property | Type | Calculations |
Attack | Physical Light Brand (direct) | = Strength + [(Weapon Might + Weapon Triangle bonus) x Effective coefficient] + Support bonus |
Light Brand (indirect) Runesword | = (Strength / 2) + [(Weapon Might + Weapon Triangle bonus) x Effective coefficient] + Support bonus | |
Magical | = Magic + [(Weapon Might + Weapon Triangle bonus) x Effective coefficient] + Support bonus | |
Defence | Physical | = Defence + Support bonus + Terrain bonus |
Magical Light Brand Runesword | = Resistance + Support bonus + Terrain bonus | |
Damage | = (Attack – enemy Defence) x Critical coefficient |
Weapon Triangle bonus: +1 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon, -1 if bad against enemy’s weapon.
(For Reaver weapons, the Weapon Triangle bonus is doubled for both weapons, except when facing another Reaver weapon.)
(Reaver weapons are Swordreaver, Swordslayer, Lancereaver and Axereaver.)
Effective coefficient (English version): 2 if weapon is effective against enemy, 1 if not.
Effective coefficient (Japanese version): 3 if weapon is effective against enemy (2 for dragon-slaying weapons, excluding Aureola), 1 if not.
Critical coefficient: 3 if critical is successful, 1 if not.
Note: The Wind Sword behaves the same as the Light Brand.
Property | Calculations |
Accuracy | = Weapon Hit + (Skill x 2) + (Luck / 2) + Support bonus + Weapon Triangle bonus + S Rank bonus + Tactician bonus |
Avoid | = (Attack Speed x 2) + Luck + Support bonus + Terrain bonus + Tactician bonus |
Staff accuracy | = 30 + (Magic x 5) + Skill |
Staff avoid | = (Resistance x 5) + (Distance from enemy x 2) |
Battle accuracy | = Accuracy – enemy’s Avoid |
Weapon Triangle bonus: +15 if weapon is good against enemy’s weapon, -15 if bad against enemy’s weapon.
(For Reaver weapons, the Weapon Triangle bonus is doubled for both weapons, except when facing another Reaver weapon.)
S Rank bonus: 5 if user is equipped with a weapon, whose weapon type they have an S Rank in.
Tactician bonus: 1 for each star in the Fortune-Tactician window (max of 10), if the user has the same affinity as the Tactician.
Property | Calculations |
Critical rate | = Weapon Critical + (Skill / 2) + Support bonus + Critical bonus + S Rank bonus |
Critical evade | = Luck + Support bonus + Tactician bonus |
Battle critical rate | = Critical rate – enemy’s Critical evade |
Assassinate rate | = 50% chance when the user lands a critical hit |
S Rank bonus: 5 if user is equipped with a weapon, whose weapon type they have a S Rank in.
Critical bonus: 15 if user is a Swordmaster or Berserker.
Tactician bonus: 1 for each star in the Fortune-Tactician window (max of 10).
Note 1: Critical rate is 0 if user attacks with a Light Brand (indirect), Runesword or Wind Sword (indirect).
Note 2: Assassinate (One Hit Knockout) rate applies to Assassins only. It is halved against bosses (who with a shield icon on the map) and equal to 0 against the Fire Dragon.
Property | Calculations |
Backfire rate | = (31 – Luck) % |
Note: Applies for Devil Axe.
Property | Calculations |
Foot unit Aid | = Constitution – 1 |
Mounted unit Aid (male) | = 25 – Constitution |
Mounted unit Aid (female) | = 20 – Constitution |
Rescue if: Aid >= ally’s Constitution
Note: All non-playable enemy characters use the male mounted Aid formula.
Steal if: Speed >= enemy’s Speed
Note 1: Only Thieves can Steal.
Note 2: Only items can be stolen.
Weapon Ranks
Weapon Rank | Required WEx | Total WEx |
– to E | 1 | 1 |
E to D | 30 | 31 |
D to C | 40 | 71 |
C to B | 50 | 121 |
B to A | 60 | 181 |
A to S | 70 | 251 |
Note 1: Fatal hits give double Weapon EXP.
Note 2: Weapon EXP is gained even if no damage is done or the attack misses.
Note 3: No Weapon EXP is obtained when using the Light Brand (indirect), Runesword or Wind Sword (indirect).
Note 4: No Weapon EXP is obtained when a weapon or staff breaks.
Note 5: The maximum Weapon Rank for non-promoted characters is A (Weapon EXP towards an S Rank cannot be obtained).
Note 6: Characters can only have one S Rank (except for Archsages and Dark Druids).
Property | Calculation |
Experience from doing damage | = [31 + (enemy’s Level + enemy’s Class bonus A) – (Level + Class bonus A)] / Class power |
Experience from doing no damage | = 1 |
Experience from defeating (base) | = [(enemy’s Level x enemy’s Class power) + enemy’s Class bonus B] – { [(Level x Class power) + Class bonus B] / Mode coefficient } |
Experience from defeating enemy | = (Experience from doing damage + [Experience from defeating (base) + 20 + Boss bonus + Thief bonus, take as 0 if negative]) x Assassinate coefficient |
Class power: 1 for Bern Prince, Civilian, Transporter (Tent and Wagon), 2 for Clerics, Soldiers, Troubadours, Bards, Thieves and Dancers, 5 for the Fire Dragon, 3 for everything else.
Class bonus A: 0 for non-promoted classes, 20 for promoted classes.
Class bonus B: 0 for non-promoted classes, 40 for Assassins, Bishop (F) and Valkyries, 60 for all other promoted classes.
Mode coefficient: Initially treat this value as being 1. For Eliwood Normal mode, Hector Normal mode and the Link Arena, if Experience from defeating (base) is calculated as 0 or negative, this value becomes 2 instead. For all other cases it remains 1.
Boss bonus: 40 if enemy is a boss, 0 if not.
Thief bonus: 20 if enemy is a Thief or Assassin, 0 if not.
Assassinate coefficient: ~1.8 if the user activates Assassinate (One Hit Knockout), 1 if not.
Note: Experience from defeating enemy is rounded up if Mode coefficient is 2.