C Support
Guy: ……
Louise: I wonder if that’s enough…
Guy: Wha–!?
Louise: Don’t move.
Guy: Huh?
Louise: …… Hold for just a moment longer.
Guy: What are you talking about?
Louise: Yes. That will do it.
Guy: Answer me! Who are you!?
Louise: I am Countess Reglay, but you can call me Louise. I will be fighting by your side, so let’s try to be more civil.
Guy: ……Hunh. All right then… I mean, hold on! What were you doing behind me just now?!
Louise: I fixed your hair.
Guy: My hair?
Louise: Yes. You now have lovely braids. That’s all I did.
Guy: Oh. My hair, huh?
Louise: Now, if you’ll excuse me…
Guy: She’s gorgeous… but so strange…
B Support
Louise: I have traveled far and wide with Count Pent before, but I have never been to Sacae. Those vast plains and warm, dry winds… It sounds like a place of wonderful freedom. I understand that people live like families in their tribes.
Guy: …Yes. My tribe is my family.
Louise: Guy, why did you leave your home?
Guy: I want to master the art of the sword. The warriors of Kutolah only ride horses and shoot bows. That is fine for some, but I far prefer the feel of a hilt in my hand. So I just decided, “From this day forth, I’m a swordsman!” And I left my tribe behind and began my training. That was three years ago.
Louise: Three years, you say? Don’t you miss your family, traveling alone all this time?
Guy: Surely you jest! I am a proud warrior of Sacae!
Louise: Hmmf. That you are, most certainly.
Guy: I will become a grand knight! But until that day comes, I will not return home!
Louise: Then I wish you luck. …Indeed. What kind of person is your mother?
Guy: You know… The usual. She is not beautiful and refined like you, though…
Louise: But surely she is a fine woman.
Guy: Why do you say that?
Louise: Wee, it’s easy to see. She has raised such a fine son. If only Lord Pent and I could have children… We would love to see them grow strong and brave like you, Guy.
Guy: Hey… Stop treating me like a child!
Louise: Hahaha. Forgive me. …But, Guy… You do think of your mother sometimes, don’t you?
Guy: Well, I…
Louise: Don’t you?
Guy: Well, sometimes… But hardly ever, really!
Louise: Hahaha.
Guy: Don’t laugh at me!
A Support