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Lucius: You… You are with us, aren’t you? I am Lucius. I am…delighted to make your acquaintance.
Priscilla: I am Priscilla. It is an honor, sir.
Lucius: Lady…Priscilla…? Are you… Might you be… of House Cornwell?
Priscilla: Hm? Have we met… somewhere before?
Lucius: No…I have just heard your name in passing, I believe. Lord Raven has… Forgive me… To you, he is Raymond, is he not?
Priscilla: Are you a friend of my brother, Raymond?
Lucius: Yes. I served House Cornwell. Raymond has told me of you. He said that he once had a sister who was sent to live with the count of Caerleon.
Priscilla: So… My brother speaks of me?
Lucius: Have you seen Raymond recently?
Priscilla: Yes… He is the same as always… He is a fine man.
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Priscilla: Lucius…
Lucius: Ah, Priscilla…
Priscilla: About…what I asked you earlier… You said my brother spoke to you about me…
Lucius: Yes.
Priscilla: What…exactly did he say?
Lucius: Ah, yes… That you were his younger sister, Priscilla, who left Cornwell when still young…
Priscilla: And…what else did he say?
Lucius: What else? That you were close as children… That you were often in ill health… and that you were very shy…
Priscilla: Was there nothing else? For example… That I was cute when I was small… Or that he had made a sacred promise to me long ago… Or that he often thought of me after I left?
Lucius: Lady Priscilla? Are you all right?
Priscilla: …Yes. It’s nothing. Please forget about it. But…Lucius?
Lucius: Yes?
Priscilla: You are–how can I say this?–beautiful. Your face is like a woman’s… No… Your face is even more beautiful than that of a woman… …I’m sure even a few lords must have fallen for you…
Lucius: You…must understand. I am…a man. As a child, I was often teased for my appearance, and I have never once profited from it. Perhaps you meant to imply…otherwise?
Priscilla: …… I meant nothing. I… You must excuse me…
Lucius: …Lady Priscilla.
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Lucius: Lady Priscilla…
Priscilla: Lucius… What is the matter…? You look so serious…
Lucius: Forgive me. …Lady Priscilla. You are a noble of House Cornwell. I apologize for my rudeness earlier…
Priscilla: Why should you apologize to me?
Lucius: When we last spoke… I said some things… that I thought may have offended you.
Priscilla: You did…no such thing. Did you come all the way here just to apologize to me?
Lucius: I am in the service of House Cornwell. I should think of you as my liege.
Priscilla: But now I claim House Caerleon. House Cornwell is… no more.
Lucius: …… Yes… So…you know.
Priscilla: So you tried to spare my feelings by not telling me? And even after the disgrace of Cornwell, you still choose to stay by my brother’s side?
Lucius: Yes…
Priscilla: I can see why you were such an indispensable member of House Cornwell. So…I think you have no need to apologize as a vassal would…
Lucius: Lady Priscilla… Can you please tell me something? Why, when we last met…
Priscilla: Yes, I… Please do not trouble yourself over it. I was merely perturbed by some trivial matter… I mean…you…
Lucius: Yes?
Priscilla: I left House Cornwell when I was only six years old… And how long were you in service to Cornwell?
Lucius: That would be some ten years now. When Cornwell was torn asunder two years ago, Lord Raymond and I joined the Caelin army as soldiers for hire.
Priscilla: Yes… You see? You went to Cornwell after I left. And you have been with my brother ever since… I had only six with him, but you have had more than ten. I am a little… jealous.
Lucius: Ah…Lady Priscilla…?
Priscilla: …It is nothing. Forget it.