
Alear Vander Clanne Framme Alfred Etie
Boucheron Céline Chloé Louis Yunaka Alcryst
Citrinne Lapis Diamant Amber Jade Ivy
Kagetsu Zelkov Fogado Pandreo Bunet Timerra
Panette Merrin Hortensia Seadall Rosado Goldmary
Lindon Saphir Mauvier Veyle Anna Jean
Nel Rafal Zelestia Gregory Madeline


C Bond:

Alear: You never fail to lift my spirits, Micaiah. I think it’s that gentle smile you always wear.

Micaiah: I smile most when you’re around. There’s just something warm and comforting about you.

B Bond:

Alear: Out of curiosity, are there dragons in your world too?

Micaiah: Yes. We have wyverns, and humans who turn into dragons. But they’re not divine, like you.

A Bond:

Alear: I’m afraid sometimes my own power won’t be enough. Would you read my future for me?

Micaiah: I see a bright future for you. One that you’ll forge with all the friends at your side.

Micaiah: But I don’t need any special foresight to know that. You’re strong enough to overturn any fate.

Alear: Thank you. I shouldn’t doubt myself so much, huh? I think I can do it…with your help, anyway.


C Bond:

Vander: What is to be done? The Divine Dragon always puts others first, never taking a moment’s rest.

Micaiah: I don’t know… Such dedication is one of the Divine Dragon’s loveliest qualities.

B Bond:

Vander: Do you enjoy apples, Lady Micaiah? I have such an appetite for them.

Micaiah: Why, they all look delicious! I wish I could taste one, but the scent alone is lovely.

A Bond:

Micaiah: Oh, Vander, you dropped something! Is that a knitting needle?

Vander: Ah, that’s… Well, it’s maybe a little embarrassing.

Micaiah: You knit? What a fantastic hobby to have. You must show me your past works!

Vander: Oh, it’s just something to keep my hands busy, but your excitement is appreciated.


C Bond:

Micaiah: I can see why you revere the Divine Dragon. Few people possess such a special charm.

Clanne: I agree! Would you like to take care of the Divine Dragon with me?!

B Bond:

Clanne: I saw you in the Somniel’s forest the other day, Lady Micaiah. What were you doing there?

Micaiah: I was listening to the birds. They remind me of an old friend, and it puts my mind at ease.

A Bond:

Micaiah: You look like you feel down, Clanne. Can I help you with anything?

Clanne: I’m thinking about the Divine Dragon and, well, my heart kind of aches because of it.

Clanne: Imagine sleeping that long, then you wake up and it’s just bad thing after bad thing…

Micaiah: That’s sweet. Let us both help to end the war, so everyone can have peace in their life.


C Bond:

Micaiah: You always look like you’re having so much fun, Framme.

Framme: I am! I mean, I can’t put a smile on the Divine Dragon’s face if I’m not wearing one myself.

B Bond:

Framme: Lady Micaiah, what sort of attendant do you like best? I mean, what qualities wow you?

Micaiah: Oh, Framme, you needn’t change a thing. The Divine Dragon likes you exactly as you are.

A Bond:

Framme: Lady Micaiah! No matter what anyone says, I’m the Divine Dragon’s number one fan! Right?!

Micaiah: What’s this all about, Framme?

Framme: It’s just, there are so many more Divine Dragon fans these days. What if I lose my spot?

Micaiah: Hmm, I see. Why don’t I read your fortune? I think it might offer you the guidance you need.


C Bond:

Alfred: I’m happy to fight alongside one of the Emblems our kingdom kept safe.

Micaiah: I feel the same way. I wondered what you might be like, and you’re as amazing as I hoped.

B Bond:

Alfred: I hear you can sense people’s thoughts. Bet it won’t work on me! I’ve been training.

Micaiah: Oh? You seem pretty sure about that. Why don’t we test that claim?

A Bond:

Alfred: I train and train, but I just can’t seem to build muscle. Any idea why that might be?

Micaiah: Maybe it’s your constitution? My oldest friend had the same problem.

Alfred: I know! I’ll get the whole kingdom together to come up with something to push past my limits!

Micaiah: Wow, you’re serious about this. It’s good to be committed, but be careful not to overdo it.


C Bond:

Micaiah: What’s that you drink after your workouts? I’ve seen Alfred downing it too.

Etie: It’s a special drink made with a raw egg. If I’m right, it should help build muscle mass!

B Bond:

Micaiah: What a nice scent…and such pretty flowers! Isn’t your hometown famous for its gardens?

Etie: Yeah, I get them delivered sometimes. Not so much now, though, what with the war.

A Bond:

Micaiah: Wow, your abs are so…toned. That must have taken a lot of work.

Etie: Yeah, I guess so. I just like giving my abs some tough love.

Micaiah: How so?

Etie: By working them hard! The rougher the routine, the better that exhaustion feels afterward.


C Bond:

Boucheron: Ah, um…Micaiah, right? Could I trouble you to tell me my fortune?

Micaiah: Boucheron, if you’re lost, you can just ask me for directions.

B Bond:

Boucheron: Ohoho, I love fishing. When my line is cast, I could sit there without a thought in my head.

Micaiah: I know what you mean. For me, I can relax like that in the shade of the forest’s trees.

A Bond:

Micaiah: You seem a little down. What’s the matter?

Boucheron: Well, Prince Alfred was saying, once again, how jealous he is of my physique.

Boucheron: He wished he could “trade everything from the neck down.” Now I’m stuck with that image.

Micaiah: Hmhm! I can see why he’d wish that, but I think you’re both perfect the way you are.


C Bond:

Céline: So you were in Firene the whole time, Micaiah? I was quite surprised when Mother told us.

Micaiah: My Emblem Ring was something of a secret. But I’m glad the secret’s out, so we can talk!

B Bond:

Céline: Prayer alone won’t bring peace. We must keep fighting, no matter how thorny the path.

Micaiah: You’re right. We have to fight together. I’ll back you up anytime, Céline.

A Bond:

Céline: Is it true that you can foresee the future? Do you find that to be a blessing or a burden?

Micaiah: I’ve had some unpleasant visions, if that’s what you mean. They made it hard to stay positive.

Micaiah: But they don’t necessarily come true. We have the power to shape our own tomorrow.

Céline: I believe it is your ability to see silver linings─ rather than the future─that makes you special.


C Bond:

Chloé: Wow, Micaiah! You’re looking radiant as ever. All you need now is a sweet little bird.

Micaiah: Hmhm! Thank you! You’re looking like something out of a storybook yourself.

B Bond:

Chloé: I got my hands on some salted, fermented fish. I hear it tastes good enough to knock you flat!

Micaiah: Never mind the taste. I’m worried the smell will be enough to do the job…

A Bond:

Micaiah: What made you become a knight, Chloé?

Chloé: I loved the idea of a young noble on pegasus- back protecting the princess, like in fairy tales.

Chloé: Oh, but I take it seriously too! I’m going to fight for a peaceful Firene, if you’ll fight with me!

Micaiah: That sounds like a lovely tale. I’d be happy to play a part in it.


C Bond:

Micaiah: You have a few young brothers, right? If they’re like the boy I knew, they must be a handful.

Louis: Ah, how I envy this boy you mention! My early life was noticeably lacking in female friends.

B Bond:

Louis: What a joy it is to look upon you, Micaiah. My heart swells to behold such a radiant creature.

Micaiah: Wow, I usually don’t get that kind of reaction when it’s just me! You must be in a good mood.

A Bond:

Micaiah: What was that unusual blend of tea you made the other day? It was so dark.

Louis: That would have been black tea steeped in grape juice. It’s how we brew it back home.

Micaiah: Grape juice? That’s an interesting way of doing it. Is there some reason for that?

Louis: They say it’s very effective at keeping one looking young. We can’t all be Emblems, alas.


C Bond:

Yunaka: Now that I’ve turned over a new leaf, I intend to devote myself entirely to you, Micaiah!

Micaiah: No need for any of that, Yunaka. I’m glad you were the one to find me.

B Bond:

Micaiah: You keep peering at me from the shadows, Yunaka. It’s a little unnerving.

Yunaka: Sorry. I could say it’s because you’re pretty, but the truth is…keeping lookout’s just an old habit.

A Bond:

Yunaka: You keep giving me this goofy smile. Am I really that funny?

Micaiah: It’s not that. You remind me of someone. He was very dear to me.

Yunaka: What about me reminds you of him? Is he great at impressions or something?

Micaiah: It’s your walk. You’re so light on your feet that it’s easy to lose track of your footsteps.


C Bond:

Alcryst: I hope I don’t let you down too badly, Lady Micaiah. I’m nothing compared to my brother…

Micaiah: You remind me of someone. But you’re more… I suppose “strong-willed” is the polite phrase.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Alcryst, you should try and step back and better appreciate your skills. Can you do that for me?

Alcryst: But if I do that, I might realize I’m even more pathetic than I thought… I can’t risk it!

A Bond:

Alcryst: My brother is one in a million. Strong, wise, kind… He’s truly a wonder to behold.

Micaiah: Oh, but, Alcryst…you’re a wonder as well.

Alcryst: Me?! No, no─I’m just leftover scraps compared to Diamant.

Micaiah: Your strong, wise, kind older brother disagrees. Would you add “lying” to that list of words?


C Bond:

Citrinne: This world must seem so confusing to you and your fellow Emblems. If I can ever help, I shall.

Micaiah: How considerate! Thank you, Citrinne. I might take you up on that.

B Bond:

Micaiah: You’re carrying an awful lot of candy, Citrinne. Are you on your way to some sort of festival?

Citrinne: Oh, this? I just discovered that a friend of mine has a sweet tooth. I’m on my way to spoil them!

A Bond:

Citrinne: Children always cry when they see me smile… How can I get them to stop being scared of me?

Micaiah: It’s normal for children to fear strangers. I’m sure they won’t cry after they’ve met you!

Citrinne: Oh! I see! So…you don’t find my smile even the least bit frightening, Micaiah?

Micaiah: Not one bit. I see only kindness. If that kindness can survive this war, it can survive anything.


C Bond:

Micaiah: Your world differs from my own, but our forests share the same stillness. I pine for that quiet…

Lapis: Yes! I love the forest too! I could spend a whole day there crafting fur─ I mean…birdwatching?

B Bond:

Lapis: I hope we can end this war soon. The longer the fighting drags on, the more commonfolk suffer.

Micaiah: I see why Alcryst enjoys your company, Lapis. You have a kind and righteous heart.

A Bond:

Micaiah: Is there a reason you’re sneaking around, Lapis?

Lapis: Micaiah?! I, uh, just got a bunch of taters from home. Er, the market! Yep, that’s where I was…

Micaiah: Wow! You have so many! I just love potatoes. There’s no bad way to cook them, you know?

Lapis: You’re a fellow tater fan? I never would have guessed. You’re my kind of mysterious, Micaiah!


C Bond:

Diamant: I hear you’re well-versed in magic, Micaiah. And you’re a skilled healer as well? How impressive!

Micaiah: Such direct praise! I’m a bit embarrassed…but I do appreciate your kind words, Diamant.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Another day of training? Your diligence is remarkable, Diamant.

Diamant: Commanders don’t get days off. Daily training is the best way to keep the odds in our favor.

A Bond:

Diamant: As a future king, I’ve studied all major subjects: political theory, economics, martial arts…

Diamant: But magic? I could never get a handle on magic. It seems beyond me…

Micaiah: So…even the crown prince of Brodia has room for growth. That’s a bit surprising!

Micaiah: If magic concerns you, just count on me. I’ll do everything I can to support you in battle.


C Bond:

Amber: Micaiah! Is it true that you have extra powers beyond being an Emblem? That’s so, SO cool!

Micaiah: I can see glimpses of the future…but not all of them are pleasant or “cool.”

B Bond:

Amber: They say the Solmic desert is home to a rare, orange bird that can bring people joy. Is it true?

Micaiah: Oh, I very much hope so! I love birds. We should go searching for that legend together someday!

A Bond:

Amber: I’ve been wondering, Micaiah… Don’t you ever get cold? Your clothes look so light!

Micaiah: That’s not a problem for Emblems like me, but I appreciate your concern.

Amber: Well, if you ever feel cold, I’ll get you a sweater from home. They’re made from alpaca wool!

Micaiah: Oh! Thank you, Amber. I may not feel the cold, but your kindness never fails to warm my heart.


C Bond:

Jade: It’s said even a roadside pebble can shine like a gem with enough polish. Isn’t that inspirational?

Micaiah: That does apply to people as well, but in my eyes, Jade, you already shine like a gem.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Diamant was guffawing at a book earlier, and he told me you’re the author! What is it about?

Jade: It’s the saga of a certain alpaca wrangler. I just finished the fifth volume. Sounds like a hit!

A Bond:

Jade: I hear you once led a band of freedom fighters called…the Dawn Brigade? Was that the name?

Micaiah: That’s right. But we weren’t as pristine as that makes us sound. Some mistook us for bandits…

Jade: You? Mistaken for a common, blade-licking bandit?! That’s… Sorry, I just…can’t picture it!

Micaiah: No need to hold back! It is pretty funny. Despite that confusion, most still called us “virtuous.”


C Bond:

Micaiah: I’m worried you might be pushing yourself too hard, Ivy.

Ivy: I swore to aid the Divine Dragon, Micaiah. That is what I’m going to do.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Why don’t we take a relaxing stroll through the forest, Ivy?

Ivy: Can you sense when I’m feeling troubled? You always seem to know what I need.

A Bond:

Micaiah: It hurts to fight against your own ideals. I know that pain all too well.

Ivy: You managed to overcome that struggle, did you not?

Ivy: I hope someday to follow your example.

Micaiah: No fortune-telling skills needed to predict that. I’ve seen what you’re made of. You’ll get there.


C Bond:

Kagetsu: Micaiah! Our bond of friendship is stronger than any other. Call on me for anything you need.

Micaiah: Um… Thank you? Though, I worry our bond is a little new for statements such as that one.

B Bond:

Kagetsu: I wish to be great friends with Princess Ivy, but it would seem she does not feel similarly.

Micaiah: That may have been the case before, but perhaps she’s come around.

A Bond:

Kagetsu: The culture of my home is quite different from here. Studying Elusia has taught me very much.

Micaiah: What have you learned?

Kagetsu: Many new fighting styles. I was undefeated at home, but here, Zelkov was able to best me.

Micaiah: Hmhm! Sounds like you’ve got yourself a proper rival.


C Bond:

Micaiah: You’re very driven, Zelkov, but even the most diligent workers need to rest now and again.

Zelkov: I have no need for *rest.* Not when there is more to be done.

B Bond:

Zelkov: A sleeping draught would do much to quiet the world’s misery. I should *devise* one.

Micaiah: Hmhm! Try a nice herbal tea.

A Bond:

Zelkov: My yearning for *purpose* continues unabated. I need a reason to go on living.

Micaiah: I wish my power could heal your pain.

Zelkov: Your *sacrifice* can mend the body. My struggle is in the mind.

Micaiah: I know. I can only pray you’ll be at peace one day.


C Bond:

Fogado: Hey, Micaiah! I think it’s time we throw a party to celebrate all our new friends. You in?

Micaiah: Hmhm! That certainly sounds like fun. I would be happy to join.

B Bond:

Fogado: Hey, Micaiah. Got any plans for tomorrow?

Micaiah: You’re having another party, aren’t you? But you had one yesterday and the day before that.

A Bond:

Micaiah: You are looking rather pleased with yourself, Fogado. Why is that?

Fogado: I just got my hands on this super-rare musical instrument. I can’t wait to give it to my sis.

Micaiah: Oh, I’m sure she’ll be delighted. You really do care for her, don’t you?

Fogado: You know how it is. You’ve got to show the love to the people you love.


C Bond:

Pandreo: Let me know if anything is weighing you down, OK? I bet you’ve got your share of worries.

Micaiah: That’s very kind, Pandreo, but everyone here is so thoughtful I find I’m completely at ease.

B Bond:

Micaiah: I wondered whose pretty singing voice that was. Hmhm! You’ve drawn an audience, I see.

Pandreo: Lady Micaiah?! Y-you’re too kind. It’s weird, but these little birds surround me every time I sing.

A Bond:

Pandreo: Lady Micaiah? You have need of me?

Micaiah: Oh, I’m so sorry I interrupted you while you were praying. I just came by to say hello.

Pandreo: It’s all right. All those lives we took…I’m praying they rest in peace. Would you like to join me?

Micaiah: Yes, I’d like that. They may not forgive us, but still, I will pray for the souls lost in battle.


C Bond:

Micaiah: Are you heading to the garden, Bunet? If so, might I accompany you?

Bunet: You love flowers, don’t you? Please, join me. Let’s enjoy all the garden has to offer.

B Bond:

Micaiah: What do you have there, Bunet? Something special for a dish you’re preparing?

Bunet: These are edible flowers. They’re difficult to grow but taste heavenly in tea and salads.

A Bond:

Bunet: To be a great chef, one must have a profound understanding of flavors─of ALL flavors.

Micaiah: Hmhm! You sound like someone who has a true passion for his profession.

Bunet: That I do. Which is why I’d love to know what flavor that fabulous silver hair of yours is.

Micaiah: I suppose…none? It has no physical form, you see. But I’ll take your curiosity as a compliment.


C Bond:

Timerra: So, Micaiah, tell me─what do you love doing? Me, I love traveling, singing, and just having fun.

Micaiah: I enjoy reading books and listening to the wind… Mostly, I love the peace and quiet.

B Bond:

Timerra: So, you can see through lies and see the future, am I right? I so wish I could do that!

Micaiah: It does have its benefits, but I promise, I would never use my powers to cheat at a game.

A Bond:

Timerra: Ya know, Micaiah, you have an amazing voice. It’s really pretty, but it’s also really strong.

Micaiah: Do you think so? I have never thought much of my voice.

Timerra: I bet you’re a great singer. We should sing a duet sometime. I’ll provide the instrumentals!

Micaiah: Oh my, that is a lot of pressure. But…I will do it. We can sing of our beautiful friendship.


C Bond:

Micaiah: That last battle was quite impressive. You were very brave, Panette.

Panette: I am the axe of the princess. I shall strike down any obstacle that dare try to impede her!

B Bond:

Panette: I hear you are quite fond of the forest, Micaiah. We two should take a stroll in the woods.

Micaiah: Hm, I would like that. I’ve been curious to see what you catch with that big net of yours.

A Bond:

Micaiah: You want your fortune read? Hm, is this about the ghost seen wandering the Solm desert?

Panette: Indeed! Pray tell, does the ghost of the desert bandit who died with his riches truly exist?!

Micaiah: You seem awfully excited about this, Panette. Aren’t you afraid of ghosts?

Panette: Afraid of ghosts? Not in the slightest! Besides, I’ve nothing to fear with you by my side.


C Bond:

Micaiah: I am grateful for this chance to join forces with you, Merrin. United, we are a formidable force.

Merrin: That we are. And I am grateful to fight beside an Emblem as powerful and as lovely as you.

B Bond:

Merrin: Micaiah, I must admit I feel an urge to protect you. But I wonder if you really need protecting?

Micaiah: You are kind, but do not let my looks deceive you. Once upon a time, I was a commander.

A Bond:

Merrin: Is it true there are birds and dragons that can turn human in your world?

Micaiah: Yes, that is true. But I think you misunderstand, Merrin.

Micaiah: They are humans that can turn into birds and dragons, not the other way around.

Merrin: What?! You mean, like the Divine Dragon?! Now I’m absolutely dying to meet one!


C Bond:

Micaiah: I’ll do my best to help you all I can, Hortensia.

Hortensia: Hmph, I don’t need you. But since you’re cute, I’ll give you a chance to prove yourself.

B Bond:

Hortensia: Ugh, would you stop looking at me like that? It’s like you’re seeing my soul. I kinda hate it.

Micaiah: Hmhm! I’m only making sure you’re all right. I worry about you sometimes, that’s all.

A Bond:

Hortensia: My sister abandoned Elusia, even knowing I was still there. She left me behind.

Micaiah: You and Ivy are family. She cares about you more than anyone else in the world. Trust me.

Hortensia: How can you be so sure? Did you read her mind or something?

Micaiah: No, but I know how she feels. There’s someone I care for in much the same way.


C Bond:

Micaiah: There is so much grace in the way you dance, Seadall. I could never move like that.

Seadall: Please, allow me to teach you. One day, you may want to dance with someone special.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Your dancing… How should I put this… It feels as if each step is filled with kindness.

Seadall: No one has ever told me that. Your Sacrifice ability is filled with kindness too, Micaiah.

A Bond:

Micaiah: This is the first time anyone’s read my fortune! Well? What do you think this grail card means?

Seadall: Le Roi du Graal─the King of Sangrails─speaks to your nature. It says, “You are deeply kind.”

Seadall: It also says, “You tend to the wellbeing of others, but push yourself too hard”

Micaiah: I don’t mean to. But I will try to take better care of myself. Thank you, Seadall.


C Bond:

Micaiah: Your wyvern friend is wonderful, Rosado! What do you call her?

Rosado: Her name is Camille and we are inseparable. Isn’t she a beauty?

B Bond:

Micaiah: That’s a heavy-looking parcel. What’s inside?

Rosado: Some cute little stones I picked up around the Somniel. Planning to arrange them for a picture.

A Bond:

Rosado: You have such beautiful silver hair, Micaiah. It gives you a soothing, sophisticated look.

Micaiah: Oh, thank you. I haven’t always cared for it, myself. It made me stand out a bit too much.

Rosado: No such thing! I loved it the moment I laid eyes on it, and that should be all you need to know.

Micaiah: That’s high praise, coming from someone with hair as radiant as yours.


C Bond:

Goldmary: I hope my staggering charisma isn’t going to be a problem for you, Micaiah.

Micaiah: I’ll do my best to keep it from interfering with our friendship.

B Bond:

Micaiah: You seem pensive, Goldmary. What’s on your mind?

Goldmary: I’m usually the charming one in any pair, but in our case, I-I think it might actually be you.

A Bond:

Goldmary: It’s a shame my home village is so far away. I would love to show you the hot springs.

Micaiah: That sounds like fun. A bath might be wasted on me, though, since I have no physical form.

Goldmary: True. Maybe it’s for the best, then. The envy would be too much for you, I’m sure.

Micaiah: Hmhm! You seem to hear only what you want to hear.


C Bond:

Micaiah: Lindon? Why are you staring at me?

Lindon: Forgive me. I was just thinking that powerful mages can’t be judged by outward appearances.

B Bond:

Micaiah: You carry that portrait of your wife around with you wherever you go, huh?

Lindon: We were always together, from our wedding to her death. This way, we’re still together now.

A Bond:

Micaiah: That’s a delicious-looking cake. Did you bake it yourself?

Lindon: Haha! Astute of you to recognize talent when you see it! I baked this using thunder magic.

Lindon: People only think of magic as a weapon, but it can be used in everyday life too.

Micaiah: That’s a beautiful idea. I wonder if I could find a use like that for my own magic…


C Bond:

Saphir: The front lines of a battle can get pretty rough. Keep behind me if you need to, OK?

Micaiah: I’m used to leading troops from the vanguard. I’ll be fine.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Not training today, Saphir?

Saphir: Nope. Today’s a rest day. Gotta give the muscles time to recover, y’know.

A Bond:

Micaiah: It’s unlike you to be in such a rush, Saphir. Where are you off to?

Saphir: Summons from Prince Diamant. He’s caught an enormous fish and wants some help cooking it.

Micaiah: I had no idea your culinary skills were in such high demand. Consider me impressed!

Saphir: Hehe, I grew up in a fishing town, so I’m good with seafood. With anything else, I’m hopeless.


C Bond:

Veyle: I have to make up for all the bad things I’ve done. Will you help? Will you fight beside me?

Micaiah: Oh, Veyle. Of course I will. You are one of us now.

B Bond:

Veyle: You have a little brother, right? I’ve wondered what it’s like to have a younger sibling.

Micaiah: Ah, well, we aren’t actually related. But there isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for him.

A Bond:

Veyle: I sense a familiar loneliness in you. Why is that? You don’t seem like someone who’d be alone.

Micaiah: Oh, I was alone once, for a very long time. I lived in the shadows, hiding a secret.

Micaiah: But I met someone important to me, and my life changed. He saved me from the darkness.

Veyle: I see. I met someone who changed everything for me too. We have a lot in common, don’t we?


C Bond:

Mauvier: I shall atone for using your power to commit evil deeds. I ask only that you save Lady Veyle.

Micaiah: I suspect she would wish for someone other than herself to be saved.

B Bond:

Mauvier: Every minute, I worry. Could I have helped Lady Veyle sooner than I did?

Micaiah: You stood by her side when she needed you most. I know that meant everything to her.

A Bond:

Micaiah: Was it you who sparked Veyle’s love of frighteningly extra-spicy food?

Mauvier: Possible. It is not something I have considered.

Mauvier: I did offer Lady Veyle some of my favorite spicy candy just after she awakened, after all.

Micaiah: She always looks so happy with her cheeks full of candy. It’s hard not to smile, seeing that.


C Bond:

Anna: Micaiah! You won’t believe what I just got in stock! Come take a peek─you won’t regret it!

Micaiah: Hmhm! All right, all right. You’re a merchant through and through, aren’t you?

B Bond:

Micaiah: It’s really impressive that you run a business all by yourself, Anna. And at your age too.

Anna: Don’t bring age into this! I was born to sell, and I’ve been selling since I was born!

A Bond:

Micaiah: Your grumbling has been noticeable for a while now, Anna. Is there something wrong?

Anna: Yeah. Sales have been in a slump. I’ve gotta turn things around, and fast.

Anna: I know! You predict what’ll sell in the future and I’ll make sure to stock it! I’m a genius!

Micaiah: Hmhm! We can certainly try that, but these things don’t always go the way you’d think.


C Bond:

Jean: You can heal people without medicine or a staff, right? That’s incredible.

Micaiah: Thank you, but it takes a lot out of me, so it’s not something I can do all the time.

B Bond:

Micaiah: It’s really something to see a boy your age so trained in medicine.

Jean: Well, I’ve still got a lot to learn. But it feels good to hear that you think I’m on the right track.

A Bond:

Micaiah: Jean? Are you crying?

Jean: Sorry you had to see that… I lost a patient who got hurt in battle. I wasn’t good enough.

Jean: And on top of that, I can’t seem to stop crying. Why can’t I just be grown-up already?

Micaiah: Going through this will make you stronger. You’re going to be an amazing doctor, Jean.


C Bond:

Micaiah: I sense the warmth you feel for your younger brother. I know we’re going to get along fine.

Nel: You possess a curiously powerful gift of insight. But I feel the same way.

B Bond:

Micaiah: I had someone who was like a little brother too. We look nothing alike, but he is very dear to me.

Nel: He is still your brother, even if there is little resemblance. Or have I missed some nuance?

A Bond:

Nel: I heard that you have an unusually long lifespan. That is why your brother grew up ahead of you.

Micaiah: Something like that, yes. He was like a little brother until he was bigger than me.

Nel: As a dragon, I understand this very well. It is sad to watch the little ones grow old.

Micaiah: I appreciate your empathy. It seems I was right to predict that we would get along.


C Bond:

Rafal: What is with that protective look you give me? Do you dare presume to treat me like a child?

Micaiah: Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you. But I was thinking that I’d like to watch over you.

B Bond:

Rafal: Am I cursed to have older sisters eternally fuss over me? Did I not tell you I am no child?

Micaiah: I’m sorry. I heard you were a little brother, and I was thinking you must have been very cute.

A Bond:

Micaiah: Rafal? I worry that I’m failing as an elder sister. Especially compared to Lady Nel.

Rafal: A failure? What is this nonsense? Did you not care for a younger sibling in your own world?

Micaiah: In a manner of speaking. He found me─sought me out. I always wondered why he did that.

Rafal: It is no mystery. You were important to him. Elder siblings are not the only ones who care.


C Bond:

Zelestia: I heard you can read fortunes, Micaiah. That’s exciting! I look forward to talking to you more.

Micaiah: Likewise, Zelestia. From you…I sense gentleness and compassion. It will always be part of you.

B Bond:

Zelestia: Don’t take this the wrong way, but you seem too unassuming to be a commander of armies.

Micaiah: You’re not the first to think that. I just ended up being put on a pedestal.

A Bond:

Zelestia: So you ended up being put on a pedestal. What was the master you tried to protect like?

Micaiah: The king was very gentle, and put his people above all else. I worried that he was too soft.

Micaiah: That’s the downside to kindness. In a time of peace, I’m sure he’d be revered as a wise king.

Zelestia: Thank you for telling me more about you. Let’s share our favorite foods or something next time.


C Bond:

Micaiah: I really appreciated your help in that last battle, Gregory. I will be relying on you more often.

Gregory: That’s kind of you to say, but don’t get too used to it. I might end up disappointing you.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Your choice to retreat was very impressive. I hope I can become that discerning in battle.

Gregory: If you keep on flattering me like that, I might start believing I’m actually getting stronger…

A Bond:

Gregory: I heard that you were forced to fight in your original world. Why didn’t you just run away?

Micaiah: I couldn’t have, even if I wanted to. The strange thing was, heading into impossible battles…

Micaiah: I…changed. I had to, in order to survive. I hated fighting so much, and yet I kept doing it.

Gregory: You seem so gentle, but you’re still a warrior. Well, if you ever want to run, I won’t judge you.


C Bond:

Madeline: I heard you can see the future. You’d have no fear on the battlefield with such power!

Micaiah: Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m unable to see the future in sufficient detail.

B Bond:

Micaiah: Madeline, I’m concerned… How is your injury? Let me see how it’s looking.

Madeline: I’m fine now. Whoa! I can tell your hands are warm even though I can’t touch them.

A Bond:

Madeline: My training hasn’t been as productive as I want it to be lately. How can I become even stronger?

Micaiah: There’s no fast way to become stronger. You just carry on doing your best, every day.

Micaiah: Having seen you fight to protect those you hold dear…I think you’re already a splendid knight.

Madeline: Such praise would be too much normally, but I’m happy to hear it. I’ll continue doing my best!