
Alear Vander Clanne Framme Alfred Etie
Boucheron Céline Chloé Louis Yunaka Alcryst
Citrinne Lapis Diamant Amber Jade Ivy
Kagetsu Zelkov Fogado Pandreo Bunet Timerra
Panette Merrin Hortensia Seadall Rosado Goldmary
Lindon Saphir Mauvier Veyle Anna Jean
Nel Rafal Zelestia Gregory Madeline


C Bond:

Sigurd: I am thrilled to be your compatriot. I swore to Lumera that I would defend you with my life.

Alear: Thank you, Emblem Sigurd. I’m…I’m glad to have you on my team too.

B Bond:

Sigurd: You are as family to me. We shall walk the same path and fight the same battles.

Alear: I feel safer with you on my side. In every battle, I can feel our hearts beating in sync.

A Bond:

Sigurd: You have fostered close friendships among your allies. That, in turn, led to my presence.

Alear: I couldn’t have made it this far without all the others who walked beside me.

Alear: That includes you, Sigurd. I’m so grateful that you’ve been such an ally to us all.

Sigurd: Our bonds will persist even unto the far future. We shall end this fight united.


C Bond:

Vander: It pains me so that I was unable to protect Queen Lumera. I am ill with the guilt of it.

Sigurd: Gone she may be, but the will of Lumera lives on. Bringing her wishes to fruition is our duty.

B Bond:

Sigurd: What handicraft you display. The ability to knit such an elaborate lace must be uncommon, no?

Vander: I suppose I have developed some skill at the art. In truth, it is only a hobby I enjoy in idle hours.

A Bond:

Sigurd: “An outstanding Steward of the Dragon,” that is what Lumera said of you. Did you know?

Vander: It was my privilege to serve the queen. Though I assumed it would be she who would bury me.

Vander: I admired Queen Lumera. It was a true joy to have served as her attendant for so long.

Sigurd: And she, I am sure, was happy to have you. Now, together, let us continue her work.


C Bond:

Sigurd: You rather admire the Divine Dragon, do you not, Clanne?

Clanne: Yeah! I waited so long for the Divine Dragon to wake up. It’s like I’m living in a dream!

B Bond:

Clanne: I talked to the Divine Dragon so much today! Lord Sigurd, I’m so happy I could faint.

Sigurd: Fainting during conversation? Some would think that rude. Strive to remain upright, Clanne.

A Bond:

Clanne: I want to help the Divine Dragon, so I should be strong. How do I get strong, Lord Sigurd?

Sigurd: A knight’s duty is to aid their people. That alone was the inspiration I needed to train daily.

Sigurd: Yet it is not enough, strength. Compassion must be a regular practice as well. Study the heart.

Clanne: The heart… Huh. OK. Thank you, Lord Sigurd. I’m going to think about this.


C Bond:

Sigurd: Lumera spoke highly of you. She said you moved to the Somniel at her personal request.

Framme: Queen Lumera mentioned me?! I’m so honored! I promise I won’t fail her or you, Lord Sigurd.

B Bond:

Framme: I decorated the Divine One’s bedchamber once. It looked so good! But Vander got mad at me.

Sigurd: Surely your intentions were respectful. Doing an extra kindness like that is commendable.

A Bond:

Framme: I’m writing a letter to my family back home. I miss them so much.

Sigurd: I never received a letter from my child, although it would have pleased me greatly if I had.

Framme: Aww, that’s sad. Lord Sigurd, would it be OK if I wrote you a letter sometime?

Sigurd: That is very kind of you, Framme. Receiving a letter from you would please me immensely.


C Bond:

Alfred: I visited the Divine Dragon lots of times over the years. We’re practically family.

Sigurd: A persistent presence can form bonds deeper even than blood. They are to be cherished.

B Bond:

Sigurd: My sister thought me reckless for bolting into battle for the sake of my friends. What say you?

Alfred: My sister’s always calling me a barbarian for the same reason. A good jog puts it behind me.

A Bond:

Alfred: My father died in an epidemic when I was little. Both he and I were frail─I was lucky to survive.

Sigurd: I grieve for your father, leaving behind a young child. I know the feeling all too well.

Alfred: It made me want to get tough, though! I have a weak body, but a strong will to improve it.

Sigurd: Then I see no upper bound to what strength you may achieve. You shall surpass your father!


C Bond:

Etie: Hey, Sigurd. Having a nice day? I sure am, after my jog just now.

Sigurd: Ah, that would explain why you are the way you are. Uh…I mean only that you are well-built.

B Bond:

Etie: Do you like tea, Sigurd? And if you do, want to go have a cup with me?

Sigurd: When you offer, how can I decline? I cannot partake of the tea, yet I will savor the company.

A Bond:

Etie: Out of all my siblings, my parents were strictest with me. I used to worry they hated me.

Sigurd: They expected much because they saw much potential. You learned discipline from this, yes?

Etie: Well, they gave me a body to run with, and running is how I ease my mind. So there’s that.

Sigurd: Naturally, parents wish to protect their children. The reasons may elude the child, however.


C Bond:

Sigurd: Let us take up arms to defend the people. It is by our bonds that we shall change the world.

Boucheron: “Bond” is a good, strong word. I could get used to having an Emblem on my side.

B Bond:

Boucheron: Huh? Is this back where I started? How do I get out of here?

Sigurd: I did wonder if you lost your way. Come, I shall guide you. I had wanted a conversation partner.

A Bond:

Boucheron: Is it true you have a son, Sigurd? I bet he’s an outstanding knight.

Sigurd: Indeed, he was a glorious knight. After my death, alas.

Boucheron: Oh! I…I didn’t know that. I’m very sorry to hear it.

Sigurd: Worry not. The bond between he and I endures beyond time and space. He is his father’s son.


C Bond:

Céline: It is an honor to speak to you, Emblem Sigurd. Might I invite you to tea?

Sigurd: That would be a delight. I am no longer able to drink the tea. Still, your stories would enchant.

B Bond:

Sigurd: I have little doubt your father would rejoice to see what a fine royal you have grown into.

Céline: I work hard in honor of his memory. Even after the war, my nation will need careful tending.

A Bond:

Céline: I would go to any lengths necessary for my nation. A royal’s duty is nothing less.

Sigurd: A royal has many duties. You must consider carefully which is most important.

Sigurd: Align yourself with your people and their needs, or you may begin an endless cycle of hatred.

Céline: Thank you for that perspective, Sigurd. Your hard-won experience is invaluable.


C Bond:

Chloé: I’m so excited to fight alongside you, Sir Sigurd. You’re like a knight right out of a fairy tale!

Sigurd: I am no storybook hero. Only a man who fights for the people. Something we both believe in.

B Bond:

Chloé: Sigurd, look! I found some extra-special folk food made from dried and fermented fish.

Sigurd: The smell is…overwhelming. This is food, you say? It must be an acquired taste indeed.

A Bond:

Chloé: You’re taking breaks now and then, right, Sigurd? Even Emblems need rest…I think.

Sigurd: Hm. My yearlong stay in Silesse was the last time I felt truly at peace.

Chloé: That long, huh? Why don’t you rest a minute? I’m told my shoulder is an excellent pillow.

Sigurd: I must decline, due to my incorporeal nature. Perhaps I may tell you a story instead.


C Bond:

Sigurd: You are a natural people pleaser, are you not? I could stand to learn that kindness from you.

Louis: I simply enjoy being of service. It makes me happy to be present while others interact.

B Bond:

Louis: I’ve learned a great deal by observing you, Sigurd. I hope to become just as great a knight.

Sigurd: Knights must fight on behalf of their people. Let us support each other to keep them safe.

A Bond:

Louis: Did you know that I once made a living selling my home’s famous grape drinks and candies?

Sigurd: Ah, the fruit of the vine. I once enjoyed it myself, sharing dreams with my close friends…

Louis: I would love to join you in revelry sometime. There is so much I wish to ask, Sir Sigurd.

Sigurd: It might be pleasant to dredge up a memory or two with you. I accept your invitation, Louis.


C Bond:

Yunaka: Zappy! How goes it, Sigurd? Ready to face the day? Show the world who’s boss?

Sigurd: I have not the faintest idea what you mean, but I am in fine spirits, if that is your question.

B Bond:

Yunaka: Say, Sigurd. Would you mind giving me a teensy peek at your priceless treasure of a weapon?!

Sigurd: Sharp eye─this sword is indeed a treasured heirloom, passed down to me by my father.

A Bond:

Yunaka: I learned to survive from a guy I used to work for. I had no say in it, but I guess I’m grateful.

Sigurd: Important lessons to learn, from the sound of it. Did you rise to the standard of your teacher?

Yunaka: Rose to and exceeded, just like he planned. He was the closest I ever had to a father.

Sigurd: I am sure he was proud of you in that moment, as any parent would be.


C Bond:

Alcryst: Aah! Forgive me, Lord Sigurd! I wanted to say hello, but I’m not worthy of your time, and yet…

Sigurd: No need for concern, Alcryst. I am just another ally of the Dragon Divine like you.

B Bond:

Sigurd: You may not have realized this, Alcryst, but you are loved. Your kindness invites such fondness.

Alcryst: Oh… I’m not worthy of your words. Th-thank you so much, Lord Sigurd… It’s an honor.

A Bond:

Sigurd: You have a natural talent for spotting the best qualities in others. I hope you recognize that.

Alcryst: I wouldn’t say I’m talented at it… It’s just a simple fact that everyone is better than I am.

Sigurd: Haha, so certain! I hope you manage to turn that keen eye toward yourself someday, Alcryst.

Alcryst: Thank you, Lord Sigurd. I can’t promise that will happen, but…I’ll try.


C Bond:

Citrinne: It’s wonderful to meet you, Sigurd. May I offer you some cake? I just bought a whole bakery!

Sigurd: I cannot possibly eat that much cake─or any cake at all, actually. Still, I appreciate the offer.

B Bond:

Citrinne: I love Brodia, and Brodia has loved me in return. Its people, its land… Its everything.

Sigurd: Hold on to that love, Citrinne. Let it guide you in protecting your kingdom…and your people.

A Bond:

Citrinne: I have to thank you, Sigurd. Your power helps me protect those I love…and I love so, so many.

Sigurd: Your time among our allies has formed lasting connections─some even stronger than blood.

Citrinne: You’re right. I do feel connected to everyone. And that goes for you too.

Sigurd: Indeed! Bonds forged through battle are even stronger…and ours will last far into the future.


C Bond:

Lapis: You’re a prince and a knight, right, Sigurd? And I’m just a lowly commoner. Oh, I’m so nervous…

Sigurd: It matters not from whence you hail, Lapis. We are united by our cause.

B Bond:

Lapis: Mmm, nothing beats a potato from home… Ah! Sigurd! Did you…catch all of that?

Sigurd: Why such a panic, Lapis? By all means, feast! One cannot win a battle on an empty stomach.

A Bond:

Sigurd: I lost my most important battle, and left my son Seliph behind. I had so much to teach him…

Lapis: That sounds so hard─for you and for your son. War causes so much pain and suffering…

Sigurd: Any battle might be your last. If you have words to share with someone, never hesitate to do so.

Lapis: Yeah… You might not get another chance, huh? Thank you, Sigurd. That’s an important lesson.


C Bond:

Diamant: It’s an honor to fight alongside you, Sigurd. I’ve heard you’re a hero who faced great hardships.

Sigurd: This is true─yet my friends helped me achieve much in my time. They were heroes as well.

B Bond:

Diamant: Sigurd… I struggle with magic. I’m held back by a painful childhood memory that involved Fire.

Sigurd: Curious. I carry a painful memory that involves fire as well… I will never forget that terrible day.

A Bond:

Diamant: When this war is over, Sigurd, I hope you’ll join us in Brodia. I could learn so much from you.

Sigurd: A high compliment from a man with your skills… Still, the Dragon Divine must approve.

Sigurd: No matter what, you and I now share a deep bond. Near or far, that bond will never break.

Diamant: Well said, Sigurd. With your help, I will see this battle through to the end.


C Bond:

Amber: You’re a holy knight, right, Sigurd? Man, that is so cool! I can’t believe I get to talk to you!

Sigurd: I am touched by your enthusiasm, Amber. Still, we are friends now. You may relax. Please.

B Bond:

Sigurd: I hear you are the son of a farmer. You must have worked hard to ascend to knighthood.

Amber: Kinda! I did a lot of horseback training. I wish it had been alpacaback…but they’re too small!

A Bond:

Sigurd: I was slain in battle with my dreams unfulfilled… Fortunately, my son finished what I began.

Amber: Whoa… I hope I can fight as well as your son. I want to become a true alpaca-hamlet miracle!

Sigurd: Haha… It must be wonderful to see one’s child grow into a hero. Pursue your passions, Amber!

Amber: I will! I have a lot to learn from you, Sigurd. I hope you’ll stick around.


C Bond:

Jade: I swear to uphold my honor at your call, Sigurd. When you need an iron wall, I will be there.

Sigurd: Thank you, Jade. Let us join together to protect our allies in the fashion of true knights.

B Bond:

Sigurd: Who placed this armor here, upright and alone… Ah! Jade! I failed to see you in there somehow.

Jade: Sorry, Sigurd. I was just meditating. Heh, I will admit, your reaction was very satisfying.

A Bond:

Jade: Sigurd? Would you mind if I wrote a story about your life? I’d like to capture your experiences.

Sigurd: You wish to put me in a novel? There are many figures with tales much happier than mine…

Jade: That may be true…but I’d still like to write yours in particular. If you’ll allow it, that is.

Sigurd: Very well. We must spend much time together so I can best tell you my story.


C Bond:

Sigurd: I regret that we could not save your father. The pain of a grieving child is… I know it well.

Ivy: You need not concern yourself. I am the crown princess of Elusia. I know my duty.

B Bond:

Ivy: Though I may not say so as a princess of Elusia, I worship the Divine Dragon in my personal life.

Sigurd: This may be my first glimpse of your true self. I must say, I like what I see.

A Bond:

Sigurd: We know each other rather well by now, and yet I do not think I have ever seen you happy.

Ivy: Happiness and duty are often mutually exclusive for a princess.

Ivy: When I was a mere student at the academy, I had many joyful experiences among friends.

Sigurd: Then I shall endeavor to be a friend to you, that you might someday recapture that joy.


C Bond:

Kagetsu: Sigurd! I trust you are well? It is important to me that all my friends are healthy and happy.

Sigurd: I am quite well, but thank you for the concern. I intend to hold fast until this war is won.

B Bond:

Kagetsu: I did not wish to live all my life seeing only my own country. That is why I fled my homeland.

Sigurd: Do you write to your parents, at least? Surely they would appreciate it. They must worry.

A Bond:

Kagetsu: You have such admirable strength. Will you come show it to my homeland after this war?

Sigurd: Where I journey next is up to the Divine One, but I would be happy to teach you my skills.

Kagetsu: I understand and happily accept your offer. I have dreamed of studying your technique!

Sigurd: Then it will be my pleasure to teach you everything I know.


C Bond:

Sigurd: No need to keep busy at all times, Zelkov. Why not take rest where you can find it?

Zelkov: I find no peace in the idleness you call rest. I prefer to *remain* occupied.

B Bond:

Zelkov: As an Emblem, you do not age. Does the prospect of such long life not *frighten* you?

Sigurd: I do not fear a long life. But knowing I must bid farewell to so many I care for does unsettle me.

A Bond:

Sigurd: My son, Seliph, fought to avenge my death, but our foe considered his own actions to be just.

Zelkov: I often wonder if it is the *same* with the man who killed my father.

Sigurd: Moral truth is not simple or objective. We each have our own view of what is right and wrong.

Zelkov: Your empathy is *humbling.* I see now why they call you the holy knight.


C Bond:

Fogado: I’m about to throw an epic feast. Nothin’ stuffy, just good times ‘n’ good friends. You in, Sigurd?

Sigurd: Thank you, Fogado, I would be happy to attend. I am eager to socialize with my compatriots.

B Bond:

Fogado: You’d never leave someone who was in trouble, would you? The same goes for me, you know?

Sigurd: The duty of a knight is to protect their people above all else. I am pleased you feel equally so.

A Bond:

Sigurd: I prefer to leave politics to politicians. And on the battlefield, I rely on well-versed strategists.

Fogado: Yeah, I hear you. We all have different strengths, right? I myself make an excellent Sentinel.

Fogado: You gotta find folks who make up for the skills you lack. That’s how you build a good team.

Sigurd: Agreed. And I shall sharpen my skills and wield them mightily wherever we go, Fogado.


C Bond:

Pandreo: You’ve known the Divine One for a long time, right? I’m so glad you’re here to fight for us.

Sigurd: I am simply protecting those who need it the most. And right now, this world is in great need.

B Bond:

Pandreo: I thought you’d be more…rigid, since you’re a holy knight and all, you know? But you’re not.

Sigurd: More rigid? Yes, well, my little sister used to chastise me for being quite slovenly.

A Bond:

Pandreo: Lord Sigurd, what kind of battles have you been in? I’d love to hear some of your war stories.

Sigurd: I fought for my people and died for my effort. But my son and his friends saved our world.

Sigurd: The bonds we forged then gave us strength. And so it is now. We are powerful together.

Pandreo: We have forged powerful bonds of our own, haven’t we? Yeah, we’ll win this fight together!


C Bond:

Bunet: I can imagine you as a splendid ingredient, Sigurd. Something akin to seafood, perhaps.

Sigurd: I am…honored? Yet I wonder why you think so. Perhaps it is because of my colors?

B Bond:

Bunet: Have you ever felt regret after a battle? The wind tastes and smells bitter to me after a fight.

Sigurd: I am well familiar with regret. Solace is found in remembering why I fought, and for whom.

A Bond:

Sigurd: Am I to understand your family restaurant was destroyed by bandits, and your parents killed?

Bunet: That’s correct. I swear I will rebuild it for them and for Fogado, who made me his retainer.

Bunet: I’m here because he and others supported me. I perfect my cuisine and combat skills for them.

Sigurd: That is most noble. I am certain your parents would be proud to see you carry on their dream.


C Bond:

Timerra: Having you here is the best, Sigurd. I’d say this calls for one of my ♪signature soooongs!♪

Sigurd: Ahem, that is a most…how to put this…unique way of welcoming me. Truly one of a kind.

B Bond:

Sigurd: My younger sister thinks me quite slovenly. I have tried to improve myself, alas…

Timerra: If anything, you’re too uptight. My dad traipses around the queendom without a worry. Try it!

A Bond:

Sigurd: I envy the royal family of Solm. You seem so close-knit. Alas, my family was taken from me.

Timerra: Oh, that’s so sad, Sigurd. I can’t imagine not being able to see my family.

Timerra: I know it’s not the same, but I hope you’ll think of us as your family now.

Sigurd: Thank you, Timerra. That warms my heart. I shall never forget the bonds between us.


C Bond:

Panette: It is a great privilege to meet the esteemed knight Sir Sigurd. I do hope I may be of service.

Sigurd: Esteemed? No need for such formality. I am among equals. We fight together!

B Bond:

Panette: When I am unhappy, I find that a ride on my wolf clears my head. Care to join me sometime?

Sigurd: Ride a wolf? How intriguing. Were I to possess a physical body, I would most like to join you.

A Bond:

Sigurd: I misunderstood you at first, Panette. I see now that your intentions are quite genuine.

Panette: What do you mean by this? Be warned, flattery will get you nowhere.

Sigurd: I meant that you do not have to try to impress me. You need only be yourself.

Panette: I-I am not trying to impress you. I simply treat you like a kindly elder brother who I admire.


C Bond:

Sigurd: You have stared at me for some time now. If there is something to say, be out with it.

Merrin: I’m sorry, I was just observing how you move. Sir Sigurd, you are the epitome of cool.

B Bond:

Merrin: Sir Sigurd, please tell me… What should I do to become a knight as impressive as you?

Sigurd: It is the duty of a knight to protect their people. Keep this fire lit in your heart always.

A Bond:

Merrin: All I ever wanted to be was a knight, but it was my princess who made that dream a reality.

Merrin: She asked me once if that’s what I truly wanted. I nodded and have been in her service since.

Sigurd: Timerra must have seen something in you and known you were meant for the job.

Sigurd: You must match these expectations. So we shall fight side by side, as knights, for all to see.


C Bond:

Sigurd: My deepest condolences for your father. To see any child bereft of a parent fills me with grief.

Hortensia: Thank you, Sigurd, but it’s OK. I’m grown-up enough to keep focused on rebuilding Elusia.

B Bond:

Hortensia: You’re so dignified and gallant. I’ll bet you were a charmer back in your world.

Sigurd: I thought little of such things. There was only ever one woman I was interested in charming.

A Bond:

Hortensia: I will do whatever it takes to bring Elusia back to its former glory. Consider it an oath.

Sigurd: Your father would be proud to see you swear it. And he would be confident of your success.

Hortensia: Thanks. I’d like to ask for your help too, Sigurd. But I guess that’s up to the Divine Dragon.

Sigurd: Indeed. But wherever our paths may take us, I will always think of you as a friend.


C Bond:

Sigurd: I understand you guarded an Emblem Ring for us. I thank you for looking after my friends.

Seadall: This praise will go to my head if you’re not careful. But truly, I am glad I could do my part.

B Bond:

Seadall: Tell me about the world you lived in. I love to hear about far off places I’ve never been.

Sigurd: My world was filled with conflict and war. Still, it was a world worth protecting with my life.

A Bond:

Seadall: I have two fathers─my blood father and the one who raised me. But both are dead now.

Sigurd: Losing parents…is difficult. It pains me deeply to imagine how a child feels after such a thing.

Seadall: The father who raised me─my master─died saving me from bandits. You remind me of him.

Sigurd: Sacrificing himself for you… I have no doubt your master cared for you as he would a son.


C Bond:

Rosado: Hold still a second, Sigurd. I’m gonna draw you. Give me a nice big smile, OK? Perfect.

Sigurd: Astonishing! How do you draw with such accuracy and speed?

B Bond:

Sigurd: I hear you risked your life to return a ring to the Divine Dragon. What a brave and selfless act.

Rosado: I’m glad I was able to help…and that we all got out of there.

A Bond:

Sigurd: I grieve the lost chance of sitting for a portrait with my family. A picture can mean so much.

Rosado: It’s nice to have a keepsake, sure. But either way, you’ll always have your memories.

Sigurd: True. With no portrait to leave my son, I can only trust that the memory of me will endure.

Rosado: I’ll bet that’s much more precious to your family than a picture could ever be.


C Bond:

Sigurd: Please continue to help us fight the Fell Dragon, Goldmary. The people of this world need you.

Goldmary: With a sweet entreaty like that, how could I possibly refuse?

B Bond:

Goldmary: Befriending Hortensia at the academy in Elusia was perhaps my life’s greatest turning point.

Sigurd: I, too, met my dearest friends at an academy. Our bonds carried us through a great deal.

A Bond:

Sigurd: After all that has transpired, Goldmary, I have come to deeply cherish your friendship.

Goldmary: I see. So not even Emblems are immune to my stunning charm.

Sigurd: You are indeed graceful and highly skilled in battle. It is a pleasure to have you as an ally.

Goldmary: Of course. I’m sorry if the standard set by my talent is unfair to all your other friends.


C Bond:

Lindon: Got a moment, Sigurd? I’m about to start an exciting experiment, if you’d care to participate.

Sigurd: I admit to some curiosity about scholarly pursuits such as yours. By all means, show me.

B Bond:

Lindon: My wife was a beauty beyond compare. I can prove it too! Have a look at this portrait.

Sigurd: She is truly marvelous to behold. Ah, my own wife was lovely and kind as well.

A Bond:

Lindon: I haven’t seen my children much since retiring. It’s a lonely life, but what can you do?

Sigurd: The prospect of seeing them when peace has been restored is one more reason to fight.

Sigurd: And a reason to stay alive, as well. Our time is short, and we must seize all of it that we can.

Lindon: You have suffered greatly, Sigurd. I can see it in your eyes. May we fight to our very last.


C Bond:

Saphir: As a royal soldier, there’s no higher honor than to fight side by side with a knight like you.

Sigurd: The honor is mine, Saphir. Let us work together to bring peace to this world.

B Bond:

Saphir: After seeing what you can do, I get why they call you the holy knight. Consider me convinced.

Sigurd: It was not my effort alone that earned the title. Without allies by my side, I would have nothing.

A Bond:

Saphir: My parents would have loved to see me become a knight. Elusian soldiers took that from them.

Sigurd: To leave a child behind is the greatest pain a parent can know. I speak from experience.

Saphir: It’s been a long road, and I only made it this far thanks to them. I wish I could tell them that.

Sigurd: By realizing your dream, you are carrying on their legacy. That is all the thanks they need.


C Bond:

Veyle: Sigurd, I’m so sorry I made you fight the Divine One. It was a terrible thing to do.

Sigurd: No one here blames you, most certainly not me. You are a precious friend. Never forget that.

B Bond:

Sigurd: You are smiling more often, I see. Bonding with friends is a good way to banish fears.

Veyle: Yes, it is. And having you here to fight beside us makes me less afraid too. Thank you, Sigurd.

A Bond:

Veyle: We’ve been in many battles together, Sigurd. So, I wonder…can I request something of you?

Sigurd: You are someone who knows and understands the grief of others. How could I refuse?

Veyle: Thank you. But what I want to ask is…would you consider being my friend?

Sigurd: Gladly, Veyle. More than gladly. And I promise, our bond of friendship shall remain for eternity.


C Bond:

Mauvier: You accept me although I once served the Fell Dragon. Thank you for such unearned respect.

Sigurd: Your shame has no value in this world. I choose to fight alongside you because you are worthy.

B Bond:

Mauvier: I was an orphan in the church in Elyos. So, I saw something of myself in Veyle.

Sigurd: And so a bond was formed between Veyle and yourself, and a friendship grew. What a blessing.

A Bond:

Mauvier: Marni’s death must be avenged. As it stands, her soul may never find rest…

Sigurd: This vicious cycle you propose… I am afraid sadness is its only reward.

Sigurd: Grief is worthy of introspection. Accept the pain of it, and your truest enemy will be felled.

Mauvier: Your words strike my heart, Sir Sigurd. I shall hold them there as I try to find my way.


C Bond:

Sigurd: I must say, Anna, I balk at the notion of allowing one so young on the battlefield.

Anna: Relax! I can handle it. And we’re way too close for you to call me anything but Lady Anna.

B Bond:

Sigurd: Having seen more of your performance in battle, I admit my prior mistake. You are a staunch ally.

Anna: I’m pretty good, huh? Glad you noticed. With that out of the way, wanna see what’s for sale?

A Bond:

Anna: Hey, Sigurd! Do you know what holiday it is?

Sigurd: Is it a holiday? I suppose my ignorance is obvious. None spring to mind, at any rate.

Anna: Don’t feel bad. I just made it up! Today is officially “Anna-Sigurd Friendship Day.”

Sigurd: Oh? That has a nice ring to it. I shall remember to celebrate each time the day arrives.


C Bond:

Sigurd: War is a cruel thing. Should one so young as you be exposed to its horrors?

Jean: Young or old, it’ll touch all our lives anyway. I can make a stand, so I will.

B Bond:

Jean: My father is the only doctor on our island. I want to follow in his footsteps.

Sigurd: He must be proud to know his legacy will endure. But do not be so quick to grow up…

A Bond:

Jean: What made you become a knight, Sigurd? Was your father one too?

Sigurd: My lineage was a factor, yes. More than that, I wished to use my might to protect the people.

Jean: Yeah, that makes sense. I want to help people too. Medicine is my way of doing that.

Sigurd: You have a heart noble as any knight. Let us swear together to watch over our countrymen.


C Bond:

Sigurd: I hear that you are as stout of heart as you are strong. I look forward to working with you, Nel.

Nel: The same to you, Emblem Sigurd. I have heard tell of your great skill and nobility as a knight.

B Bond:

Sigurd: Your close bond with the Four Winds reminds me of many of my own friendships.

Nel: I would be curious to hear tales of your friends and allies, if you are willing to indulge me.

A Bond:

Sigurd: I heard you held strong through quite a terrible hardship. You have my sincerest respect.

Nel: I would do anything for the sake of my brother. I do not consider it to be a terrible hardship.

Sigurd: Familial bonds are strong and everlasting. I know that all too well.

Nel: Let us ensure that our bond will be equally powerful and enduring, Emblem Sigurd.


C Bond:

Sigurd: I hear you are a dragon warrior from another world. I thank you for aiding our cause.

Rafal: I am no hero. But for the sake of what you have done for my sister, I will do what I can.

B Bond:

Sigurd: I oft recall my son from my former world. I regret I was unable to meet him in his youth.

Rafal: So you are a father. Worry not─doubtless your son follows dutifully in your storied footsteps.

A Bond:

Sigurd: In this world and my own, I have seen siblings on opposing sides in war. It truly is a tragedy.

Rafal: Are you hinting at something? Because I am in no mood to be lectured.

Sigurd: No. You made a mistake, and you corrected it. I believe that strength will guide us.

Rafal: I did not do it alone. There is something to be said for friendships such as ours, I must admit.


C Bond:

Sigurd: From the look in your eyes, I can tell you are a warrior with a strong, just heart.

Zelestia: I’m honored to hear that from a knight like you, Sigurd. I’ll do my best not to disappoint you.

B Bond:

Zelestia: I failed to protect my friends in the past. I won’t lose anyone that way ever again.

Sigurd: And yet despite that pain, you continue on. I am sure they watch over you, even now.

A Bond:

Sigurd: The resolve of the Four Winds fighting for peace is inspiring. I could learn from you all.

Zelestia: Mauvier founded the Four Winds, and it became a family. I treasure it with all my heart.

Zelestia: Such bonds don’t disappear. Even if we lose someone, we will always be the Four Winds.

Sigurd: Having bonded with you myself, I’m proud to fight beside you. I will give all to end this war.


C Bond:

Sigurd: The animal doll I saw you staring at earlier was rather charming. Is it a gift for someone?

Gregory: No, um, that’s for me. I like cute things. Like your horse, Sigurd! It’s the cutest horse ever.

B Bond:

Gregory: I think that sometimes…escaping is as important as fighting. It’s better to live than to lose.

Sigurd: A wise battle tactic, albeit…not always possible. You have clearly seen the brutality of battle.

A Bond:

Sigurd: You must have had a charmed childhood, to be gifted with such a pure and honest heart.

Gregory: That’s…far from true. My childhood wasn’t kind at all.

Gregory: I became who I am because of the Four Winds… and from meeting real heroes like you.

Sigurd: I am honored to hear you say that, Gregory. May our paths remain intertwined.


C Bond:

Sigurd: I hear you single-handedly defended your town. It’s comforting to have such a knight with us.

Madeline: It is a knight’s duty to protect their people! I swear to prove myself worthy of your praise.

B Bond:

Sigurd: Your spirit befits a knight. It shows in your behavior, and most of all, in your skill in battle.

Madeline: It’s an honor to receive such praise from you. I aspire to become a knight like my parents.

A Bond:

Sigurd: Your parents must have been fine knights. Was it always your goal to be a knight like them?

Madeline: Yes. I admired them greatly, and I wanted to honor that legacy by following in their path.

Sigurd: You are a splendid knight, whom I trust to have my back. Let us end this fighting together.

Madeline: Gladly! Let the strength of our bond pave a new road for the future.