
Alear Vander Clanne Framme Alfred Etie
Boucheron Céline Chloé Louis Yunaka Alcryst
Citrinne Lapis Diamant Amber Jade Ivy
Kagetsu Zelkov Fogado Pandreo Bunet Timerra
Panette Merrin Hortensia Seadall Rosado Goldmary
Lindon Saphir Mauvier Veyle Anna Jean
Nel Rafal Zelestia Gregory Madeline


C Bond

Tiki: It makes me so happy to befriend another Divine Dragon. We have so much to talk about!

Alear: I look forward to chatting as well. I’m sure we’ll become good friends. Tell me all about yourself.

B Bond

Tiki: Isn’t it funny? We’re both Divine Dragons, but your hair is different colors. I love it!

Alear: Why thank you, Tiki. Your hair is very pretty too. The green gives you a rather mystical air.

A Bond

Alear: Sometimes I have these bad dreams…especially after fighting the Corrupted.

Tiki: I used to have bad dreams when I was all alone. But I’m OK now, because everyone’s with me!

Tiki: So I’m gonna stay right by your side. That way, I can fend off all the scary dreams.

Alear: Thank you, Tiki. I’m glad to have you with me.


C Bond

Vander: We stewards have served the Divine Dragon for generations. It is an honor to serve you as well.

Tiki: In that case, I wanna become friends! Let’s get to know each other and talk about everything!

B Bond

Tiki: Oh, what are you doing with those little wooden sticks? It looks fun! Can I watch?

Vander: Certainly. I am delighted to have piqued your interest, Lady Tiki. This is called lace knitting.

A Bond

Tiki: Even though I’m not a Divine Dragon of this world, you still want to be my friend?

Vander: It is not your being a Divine Dragon that truly matters to me, but who you are as a person.

Vander: Human or dragon, the heart is what’s important. Yours is pure, and I’m grateful to fight by you.

Tiki: Hm-hm! I see. That makes me happy. I’ll do my best so you can keep saying that about me!


C Bond

Clanne: So, Lady Tiki is a Divine Dragon too… She’s just so sublime. I hope I can keep watching over her!

Tiki: Oh? Why are you watching me from all the way over there? Come closer and let’s chat!

B Bond

Clanne: I still have a hard time believing you want to chat with me. I’m grateful, but I get so nervous.

Tiki: There’s no reason to be nervous, Clanne. We’re friends!

A Bond

Tiki: Hey, Clanne? You always say I’m “sublime,” but what does that mean, precisely?

Clanne: It’s hard to express, but it means amazing or too good to be true. Something like that.

Tiki: Aha! In that case, I think you’re sublime!

Clanne: Huh?! You must be kidding. Really? Aaah, I’m so happy, I could faint!


C Bond

Framme: Oh wow! A Divine Dragon from another world. Ah! She saw me. What do I do? What do I do?

Tiki: Hm? Were you watching me? Don’t stand over there, silly. Come closer and talk with me!

B Bond

Framme: I’m grateful you want to talk with me, Lady Tiki, but I get so flabbergasted when you approach.

Tiki: Hm-hm! In that case, I’ll come around you even more, ’cause I want to become best friends!

A Bond

Framme: Lady Tiki, I tried writing a letter to express my gratitude. Would you like to read it?

Tiki: Aww, thank you! Although, um, I can’t actually pick up the letter…

Tiki: Would you read it to me? I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Framme: What?! Read it out loud? I wasn’t expecting this, but… Uh, I guess I can give it a shot.


C Bond

Alfred: My people are devoted to the Divine Dragon. It’s an honor to meet one from another world.

Tiki: I’m happy to meet you too! I hope we get to become good friends!

B Bond

Tiki: Why, the sun isn’t even out yet. What are you doing so early in the morning?

Alfred: I’m training so I can get even stronger. Are you interested in joining me?

A Bond

Alfred: Why do people go to war, Tiki? Why do we crush beautiful flowers to spill blood?

Tiki: That may be a little over my head… But I think everyone has a good heart, deep down.

Tiki: I wish everyone in the world was like you. If they were that kind, there’d be no fighting.

Alfred: Hm… Thanks. It’s troubling, but training gets my mind off it. Why don’t we go for a run?


C Bond

Etie: Do you like training, Tiki? Maybe we could go for a run to strengthen our friendship?

Tiki: I love being active! And if we’re doing it together, I’m sure it will be extra fun!

B Bond

Etie: My homeland prides itself on its beautiful peach blossoms. I hope I can show you them one day.

Tiki: Really? I’d love that! Flowers are so pretty. I hope we can go soon!

A Bond

Etie: You look upset. Is there something on your mind? I’m happy to listen.

Tiki: It’s just…I was thinking about the past. Back when I was all alone and constantly asleep.

Etie: Oh… Well, I’d recommend running to power through. You can tell me the rest while jogging!

Tiki: You know, being around you cheers me right up. Thank you, Etie. Let’s run!


C Bond

Boucheron: An Emblem that can change into a dragon… Impressive! I’ll do my best not to fall behind.

Tiki: Yeah! And I’ll try lots, lots harder too! I’ll show you just how cool I can be!

B Bond

Tiki: That book must be really moving if it can make you cry. I’d love for you to read it to me.

Boucheron: Oh, you saw me crying? Well, this book is my favorite. Have a seat, and you’ll hear why.

A Bond

Tiki: You really like reading, don’t you? It seems like whenever I see you, you have a book in hand.

Boucheron: I do. Stories are wonderful things, and they’re a nice change from fighting. Do you like reading?

Tiki: Well, I do love having things read to me! Hey, could you read something to me today?

Boucheron: Absolutely. I have plenty of stories to tell you, and there are always more to look forward to.


C Bond

Céline: Why, hello, Tiki. I see your smile is as radiant as ever.

Tiki: It’s impossible not to be cheerful when surrounded by so many amazing people!

B Bond

Céline: I’ve heard you’re troubled by bad dreams. I’ve brewed some tea─the scent may help.

Tiki: Aww, you made this for me? You’re the best! It smells so calming. I’m sure I’ll sleep well now!

A Bond

Céline: What are the things that bring you joy? As your friend and ally, I believe it’s important I know.

Tiki: Hmm, let me think… Maybe when I’m surrounded by good friends?

Tiki: I want to be with the people I love. So even just being here with you makes me so very happy!

Céline: Really? I’m glad I can be a source of happiness. In that case, let’s spend more time together!


C Bond

Chloé: If you’re a Divine Dragon, does that mean I should address you as “Divine One”?

Tiki: Please don’t! You can just call me Tiki. It feels strange for new friends to be that formal!

B Bond

Tiki: I always see you flying through the sky. What are you doing up there?

Chloé: Oh, sometimes I like to ride while snacking. You are welcome to join whenever you like.

A Bond

Tiki: I feel so good when I’m around you. Like I’m all warm and cozy.

Chloé: I feel the same way when I’m around you! The two of us have become a good team.

Tiki: Speaking of cozy, would you tell me another fairy tale? I really liked the one you told before.

Chloé: All right. Sit by my side, and don’t worry if you doze off. I’ll be here until you wake up.


C Bond

Louis: How unusual to see such a darling girl like Tiki turn into a ferocious dragon on the battlefield…

Tiki: Why are you just staring at me? Come on over here and talk to me!

B Bond

Tiki: Mmm! Something smells sweet… Louis, are you hiding tasty treats?

Louis: I have some grapes, my hometown’s specialty. Please, try a few if you’d like.

A Bond

Louis: Spending time with you is fun. I’d imagine that this is what it’s like having a little sister.

Tiki: In that case, you should think of me as your little sister!

Louis: Ha! I appreciate the sentiment, but you are an Emblem. I’d simply be too awestruck.

Tiki: Don’t be silly now or I’ll have to start calling you “big brother” whether you like it or not!


C Bond

Yunaka: You must be super tired of hearing what a cutie you are all the time, Tiki.

Tiki: Hehe! No, no. You can call me cute as much as you want!

B Bond

Tiki: Hey, Yunaka! What do you think of this? Zappy!

Yunaka: Whoa! Be still my heart. That was incredible!

A Bond

Yunaka: You’ve got a way of brightening folks up. I always feel better whenever I see you.

Tiki: It makes me happy to be around people. Being alone always makes me cry.

Yunaka: You too, huh? I relate to that.

Tiki: Well, now that we have each other, we never have to worry about that again, do we?


C Bond

Alcryst: I can’t believe you’d talk to the likes of me. You really are great, Lady Tiki! I’m undeserving…

Tiki: What do you mean? I enjoy talking to you. I want us to talk even more!

B Bond

Tiki: That attack you made in the last battle was amazing! Everyone was talking about you!

Alcryst: You shouldn’t praise someone like me. You’re too dazzling… Ah, I can’t bear it! I’m sorry!

A Bond

Alcryst: You’re so strong, Lady Tiki. Everyone depends on you. Allow me to protect you as best I can.

Tiki: OK! And I’ll protect you in return, Alcryst!

Alcryst: What?! You can’t… That would be a waste. Please, go and protect someone more worthy.

Tiki: I think you’re worth a lot! Besides, it’s even safer if we have each other’s backs!


C Bond

Citrinne: I love my hometown and my friends. I want to protect them. Thank you for helping us fight.

Tiki: You’re welcome! I’ll do my best so that everyone can be safe and happy!

B Bond

Citrinne: To wield such power and still retain your innocence, you must have had excellent friends.

Tiki: Oh! I’m so happy to hear you say that! My friends are all lovely people. You included!

A Bond

Citrinne: I bought lots of toys for us to play with, Tiki. If you have time, we can have great fun today.

Tiki: Whoa… You bought all these? This is amazing! Umm, how do you play with them?

Citrinne: Honestly, I’m not familiar with them either. Why don’t we try them out together? It will be fun!

Tiki: Hm-hm! I can’t wait to try them. What should we try first? It’s so hard to decide!


C Bond

Tiki: Oh, your cuff is frayed! Did it get caught on something?

Lapis: Hmm. Maybe in the last battle? I’ll patch it up. I guess I need to spin more thread.

B Bond

Tiki: I saw you making a lot of food, Lapis! It looked tasty. You’re good at cooking, aren’t you?

Lapis: Yams from my town came in, so I boiled them with greens I dug up and─ Ah, no… It’s nothing.

A Bond

Lapis: I want to thank you for all your help. Is there something you’d like? I can make most things.

Tiki: Whoa, really?! Then, um… I think I want to spend time with you. A whole lot more!

Tiki: Being there for me, chatting with me… That’s what I’d really like.

Lapis: That’s definitely something I can do! Leave it to me! We’ll spend lots of time together.


C Bond

Diamant: I’m amazed another Divine Dragon has joined our ranks. I hope we can count on each other.

Tiki: Yeah! You know, I’m really very strong. I’ll work very hard to help everyone!

B Bond

Diamant: Could you tell me about the world you were in? Was it the same world as Marth’s?

Tiki: It was. The battles went on and on, but Mar-Mar ended them. I hope this world finds peace too.

A Bond

Tiki: Wow, there’s a bad scar on your left arm. Did you injure it in battle? Does it still hurt?

Diamant: Ah, this. I got it when I failed using fire magic at a young age. Honestly, I am still terrible at it.

Diamant: It still hurts sometimes, but I am in no danger from it. It’s kind of you to worry about me, Tiki.

Tiki: Oh… But it must be distracting if it hurts even a little. Um, uh… Pain, pain, go away!


C Bond

Amber: A Divine Dragon from another world… It’s the essence of a dream! Tell me more about you!

Tiki: Sure! I’ll tell you lots and lots about me! Then you can tell me all about you!

B Bond

Amber: The more I hear about your world, the more in awe I am of getting to be here with you.

Tiki: Mm-hmm! I’m excited to be here with you too. Hey, what are we going to talk about today?

A Bond

Tiki: What are these “alpaca” you’re always talking about? I don’t think I’ve seen one.

Amber: They’re fluffy animals with long necks. They’re adorable. My town has an alpaca ranch!

Tiki: Oh, they sound really cute! I wanna see one someday. Do you think I could pet it?

Amber: We’ll make it happen. I, hero of the alpaca hamlet, will make sure of it!


C Bond

Tiki: Jade, why do you sometimes stand with your eyes closed? Are you sleeping standing up?

Jade: No, I’m meditating. So that I may still my mind… Would you like to try it?

B Bond

Tiki: You’re writing instead of meditating today. What are you writing? A letter? Ooh, or a diary?

Jade: This is a story. I usually do it at night, but I thought writing outside would be a nice change.

A Bond

Tiki: Something good must have happened. You’ve got a really big grin on your face today!

Jade: I’m surprised you noticed. Most people don’t, even when I smile.

Tiki: Well, we’ve spent lots of time together talking. So, did something happen? Please tell me!

Jade: Someone was interested in my latest work. If I read it to you, can you tell me your opinion?


C Bond

Ivy: It’s an honor to have the aid of a Divine Dragon from another world. I am truly grateful.

Tiki: I hope everyone else thinks so. I’m going to try extra hard to make them all happy!

B Bond

Ivy: You seem not to mind that my nation worships the Fell Dragon. Are all Divine Dragons so kind?

Tiki: I don’t know about anyone else. All I know is I like you very much!

A Bond

Ivy: May I confide something to you? I cannot say so publicly, but I am devoted to the Divine Dragon.

Tiki: So you have to hide it from your people? That must be really hard. You’re very strong.

Ivy: That is kind of you to say. Thank you, Tiki. I hope you will continue to remain with us.

Tiki: Don’t ever worry about that. I’ll always be with you, because we’re friends!


C Bond

Kagetsu: You are always in good cheer, Tiki. Sometimes your spirits are even higher than mine!

Tiki: Being with you and all our friends makes me happy, Kagetsu! What do you want to do today?

B Bond

Kagetsu: So your stone allows you to change into dragon form. Will you show me more of this ability?

Tiki: I’d be happy to. My dragon form is pretty strong though, so you’d better get ready!

A Bond

Kagetsu: Will you tell me about your home? I am always curious to hear about new places.

Tiki: It’s very peaceful and filled with wonderful people. Like Ban-Ban!

Tiki: Maybe one day I’ll show you around. I’ll turn into a dragon, and you can ride on my back!

Kagetsu: Exciting suggestion! I will look forward to it.


C Bond

Zelkov: You seem to be a *precocious* young Emblem. I look forward to working with you.

Tiki: Young? I’m over a thousand years old, you know!

B Bond

Zelkov: Behold this soothing *emerald* candle. I crafted it with you in mind.

Tiki: Ooo, it’s so pretty! Can we light it right now?

A Bond

Zelkov: Old *nightmares* preclude me from proper sleep. I only dare to nap.

Tiki: I used to have lots of nightmares too. I was scared to go to sleep alone.

Zelkov: Not even the *innocent* are immune to such trauma, it would seem. I am sorry to hear that.

Tiki: Don’t be. I’m much better now. With so many friends around, I never worry about bad dreams!


C Bond

Fogado: Tiki, you’re a hoot and a half. We’ve gotta hang out more when we’re not in battle.

Tiki: I’d like that, Fogado. You seem like quite an interesting person.

B Bond

Fogado: I like most sports, but I’ll be the first to admit that fishing is not my forte.

Tiki: I’m not much good at it either. But that’s mostly because I can’t pick up the rod…

A Bond

Fogado: Tiki, you’re looking way less cheery than usual. What’s going on?

Tiki: I had a bad dream… I really thought those would go away, since I’m not alone anymore.

Fogado: If only we could choose our dreams. Hey, how about we play to take your mind off it?

Tiki: Hm-hm! You always know how to brighten my mood! What game should we play today?


C Bond

Pandreo: An Emblem and a Divine Dragon? Emblem Tiki, you have my wholehearted devotion.

Tiki: Oh dear! No need to be so formal, Pandreo. And just Tiki is fine.

B Bond

Tiki: That dance you do is so charming, Pandreo! I’d love to join in next time.

Pandreo: Oh. You, uh, you saw that? That’s a little embarrassing…but I’m glad you liked it.

A Bond

Pandreo: Hey, Tiki! We’re having a big bash later. You wanna come?

Tiki: Ooo, yes, please! I love festivities!

Pandreo: I knew you’d be on board! Here’s to putting smiles on faces! AROOO!

Tiki: Yes! I love seeing people smile! And you’ll have to teach me how to make that odd sound…


C Bond

Bunet: Hm… Your smell is quite different from that of the other Divine Dragon I know.

Tiki: Oh! I didn’t even realize I had a smell!

B Bond

Tiki: Do you have a green thumb, Bunet? I saw you watering some plants the other day.

Bunet: That was my ingredient garden. In fact, there are some flowers there that smell just like you.

A Bond

Bunet: My parents ran a bistro, until it was attacked and razed by bandits.

Bunet: Forgive me, Tiki… I do not mean to burden you with my feelings. You are just so easy to talk to.

Tiki: That’s all right. I appreciate you sharing that with me.

Tiki: Chin up, Bunet. I know you’ll make your parents proud. I have faith in you!


C Bond

Timerra: Whoa, so you’re a Divine Dragon? We’ve just gotta be friends.

Tiki: I look forward to it, Timerra!

B Bond

Timerra: Tiki, since we’ve been friends for a while, I decided to write you a song. Wanna hear it?

Tiki: Oh! Yes, please! I love your songs. You’ll have to teach me the words so we can sing together.

A Bond

Timerra: I think everyone, dragon or human, can benefit from talking to others and making friends.

Tiki: I agree! It really changed my life when I started living with people from the outside world.

Timerra: That’s so great, Tiki. I’m really glad to have you here with us.

Tiki: Me too, Timerra… I’m especially happy I met you! Let’s stay friends forever, OK?


C Bond

Panette: I am Panette, one of Princess Timerra’s retainers. How fare you today?

Tiki: Ooo, I love the way you talk! It’s so fancy! We’re going to get along well, I know it.

B Bond

Tiki: Why hello there, dearest Panette! Oops, hm-hm! I guess it’s rubbing off on me.

Panette: Consider yourself lucky. Such elegant speech suits a lady of good upbringing!

A Bond

Panette: I dare say that even setting aside your Divine Dragon roots, we were destined to be friends.

Tiki: Absolutely! And the more friends the better, I say. I don’t care if they’re human or dragon.

Panette: How remarkably accepting of you, not to judge others based on status or species.

Tiki: Sure. I wish everyone thought the same way. Then no one would be without friends!


C Bond

Merrin: A Divine Dragon from another world… How fascinating. Would you tell me about yourself?

Tiki: Happy to! You know, you seem very cool, so I’d like to hear about you too!

B Bond

Merrin: I’m a fan of sweets and critters from around the world. What are your interests, Lady Tiki?

Tiki: Ooo, good question! Hm… I really like lively conversations and playing games.

A Bond

Merrin: In my country, we express our joy with song. Do you like music, Lady Tiki?

Tiki: I sure do! Listening to it, singing it… I love it all!

Merrin: Really? In that case, I’d love to hear your singing voice.

Tiki: Sure thing! Here, I’ll sing you a ditty from back in my world. *ahem*


C Bond

Hortensia: Why do you get to be cute, sweet, and strong? This shouldn’t be allowed. You’re too charming.

Tiki: That’s so nice of you to say! I know we’ll be great friends, Hortensia.

B Bond

Hortensia: Sunny days like this are pretty rare in Elusia. It’s a nice change of pace, though.

Tiki: I like it too. Maybe we should take a nice afternoon nap!

A Bond

Hortensia: Does it bother you to hang out with a princess whose kingdom is devoted to the Fell Dragon?

Tiki: Why would that bother me? I don’t even think about it. All that matters is I like you very much!

Hortensia: That means a lot to me, Tiki. I like you too. You’re one of my closest friends.

Tiki: You’re one of my best friends too! And you always will be!


C Bond

Seadall: Even the Divine Dragon of another world can dance… I must thank the stars for this fortune.

Tiki: Thank the stars? Oh, I love stars! The way they sparkle looks so happy. Don’t you agree?

B Bond

Tiki: You can do fortune-telling, right, Seadall? Could you tell my fortune?

Seadall: But of course. L’étoile in the upright position. Your honest heart will lead to a bright future.

A Bond

Tiki: My heart starts to race when I watch you dance. I get the urge to begin dancing too.

Seadall: I’m happy if my performance moves you. My master taught me this dance. It’s special to me.

Seadall: I’d like to show off some special choreography to symbolize our ongoing friendship.

Tiki: Wow, really? A special dance! That makes me happy! Let’s dance together every day!


C Bond

Rosado: Is everyone in your world as cute as you are, Tiki? Even your dragon form’s adorable!

Tiki: Hm-hm! Thanks, Rosado! You’re sweet!

B Bond

Tiki: I love the ribbon your wyvern wears! I wish I had one just like it.

Rosado: I’ve got plenty to spare. You may not be able to wear them, but I can put one on your bracelet!

A Bond

Rosado: I’m so tired of this war. It’s a crime that cuties like us have to keep fighting.

Tiki: That just means we have to hurry up and end it, so everyone can be happy!

Rosado: You’re right. And once it’s over, we can go shopping for cute ribbons anytime we want.

Tiki: You promise?! Oh, I’m so excited! I can’t wait!


C Bond

Tiki: It’s been nice getting to know you, Goldmary! I think we’re going to be great friends.

Goldmary: I’m relieved to hear you say that, Tiki. I was worried you’d be too jealous of my charisma.

B Bond

Goldmary: If you like hot springs, you’d love the town in Elusia where I grew up.

Tiki: It must be a lovely place! Will you take me there someday?

A Bond

Goldmary: If not for Princess Hortensia, I might have turned out…ordinary. Perish the thought.

Tiki: Sometimes you meet someone by chance and it changes everything. For me, that was Mar-Mar.

Tiki: But it’s the same for us, isn’t it? We met by chance, and now we’re really close friends!

Goldmary: It’s lovely to hear you say that. Thank you, Tiki.


C Bond

Tiki: What have you got there, Lindon? It smells really good!

Lindon: I am baking a cake using thunder magic. Would you like to give me a hand?

B Bond

Lindon: You remind me of my children when they were young. They’re all grown now, of course.

Tiki: I’m sure your kids turned out real nice. I hope I’ll be as great as them when I’m grown up too!

A Bond

Tiki: You’re kind of like Ban-Ban. He’s like a granddad to me!

Lindon: I can see why you would say that. I do, in fact, have a lot of grandchildren.

Lindon: They are just like you, Tiki. Charming and full of life. Perhaps I’ll get to see them again one day…

Tiki: You will! The people you love are never far away, though. They’re always in your heart!


C Bond

Saphir: I shouldn’t be shocked you’re so strong for your age, Tiki. You’re a Divine Dragon, after all.

Tiki: Thank you, Saphir! I do my best!

B Bond

Saphir: My village back home had some incredible fishing. Do you like seafood?

Tiki: I do! I like all kinds of meat. Veggies too. Now that I’m an Emblem though, I never eat at all!

A Bond

Saphir: I heard you were alone for a long time. It must have been tough having no one to rely on.

Tiki: It was quite frightening. Now that I have all of you, though, I don’t have to be sad anymore!

Saphir: Haha, that’s right. If you ever do feel lonely, give a holler and we’ll all come running.

Tiki: I’ll do the same for you anytime, Saphir! That’s a promise!


C Bond

Veyle: I know you’re a Divine Dragon, and I’m a Fell Dragon, but…will you still be friends with me?

Tiki: Of course! I’d really like to be friends with you, Veyle. I want to know all about you!

B Bond

Veyle: I lose track of time when I’m talking to you. I just never want the moment to end.

Tiki: Me too, me too! I feel exactly the same way! There’s still so much I’d like to talk about!

A Bond

Veyle: I’d like us to be friends, Tiki. I hope that’s not too presumptuous.

Tiki: Of course not! I like you a lot. That’s why I want to spend lots of time with you.

Veyle: Thank you for saying that. That makes me really happy. Will you always be my friend?

Tiki: Absolutely, it’s a promise! We’ll be friends forever and ever and ever and ever!


C Bond

Mauvier: I have committed unforgivable sins, but I am prepared to do what it takes to earn your trust.

Tiki: You’re one of us, Mauvier. I already trust you!

B Bond

Tiki: I like talking to you, Mauvier. It’s fun to tell you about all kinds of things.

Mauvier: There is no need for praise. I have simply enjoyed listening to your stories.

A Bond

Mauvier: Lady Veyle has instructed me to rest. I’ve not the slightest idea what to do with myself.

Tiki: Hmm… How about we relax, watch the clouds, and chat for a while?

Mauvier: If you have more stories to tell, I would be glad to listen.

Tiki: I have plenty. I’d like to hear some of your stories, too, though!


C Bond

Tiki: What?! It’s Anna! But you’re kind of small. Oh, I get it, you’re not the same Anna that I know.

Anna: “Small?” How rude. I’m about as big as you. As a friendly gesture, I’ll let you call me Lady Anna.

B Bond

Anna: Do you want to help me look after the shop? It’s sure to be popular with both of us there.

Tiki: Me, tend the shop? That sounds fun! If I get to do it with you, Lady Anna, then I want to try!

A Bond

Anna: Congratulations! We’re having a festival today! That’s because it’s a special holiday!

Tiki: Wh-what’s going on? What kind of holiday? I have to know!

Anna: I made it a holiday for you and me. To celebrate how our bond has grown really, really strong.

Tiki: Our bond… That sounds great! I’ll never forget this holiday!


C Bond

Jean: We look about the same age, but you’ve lived a long time, right? That makes you my senior.

Tiki: I’ve lived a long time, but I haven’t been awake that long. Don’t worry about it─let’s be friends!

B Bond

Jean: I’m a bit shy, so I hope I can learn from you. You make friends with everyone, don’t you?

Tiki: That’s because I adore everyone. I love both talking and listening to you all!

A Bond

Jean: Even if you haven’t been awake long, you really are amazing. You’re so strong even by yourself.

Tiki: But you’re working hard all by yourself too. I think that’s really impressive!

Jean: Thanks. There’s a lot I have to learn…but I’ll try. I’ll stand on my own two feet yet, you’ll see!

Tiki: Yeah! You’ll be an incredible doctor, Jean. And I’ll help you see it through, so it’ll be OK!


C Bond:

Nel: At last, Tiki, we are reunited. It is my honor to fight by your side.

Tiki: I must have slept a real long time. Well, I’m happy to be back!

B Bond:

Tiki: I don’t remember who put me to sleep. I only know they had gentle hands, like yours.

Nel: Gentle hands, you say…

A Bond:

Nel: If it is all right with you, Tiki, I would like a hug.

Tiki: Of course! I feel so safe with you. I think the gentle hands had to be yours…

Nel: So you do recall my sending you to slumber. Well, I am glad you are back with us for good.

Tiki: Me too! Now we’ll never be apart!


C Bond:

Tiki: I don’t remember you too much, but I feel like I’m safe with you for some reason!

Rafal: That is the wrong instinct to have. Nevertheless, I will endeavor to be kind to you from now on.

B Bond:

Tiki: Why do you make such scary faces all the time, Rafal? We’re friends, so you should be happy.

Rafal: Are we…truly friends? Very well, let us spend some time together. What shall we do?

A Bond:

Tiki: You know what, Rafal? I like you a lot!

Rafal: The feeling is mutual. But when I think of what I did in the past…

Tiki: Don’t worry about that. You’re not the same person anymore, so it’s fine.

Rafal: You remember, and yet still consider me a friend? I do not deserve this, but thank you.


C Bond:

Tiki: You’re a Mage Dragon, aren’t you, Zelestia? Would you like to be my friend?

Zelestia: Of course, I would. I never had much chance to learn about you in our original world.

B Bond:

Tiki: I get drowsy when I’m talking to you. It’s just so nice, and I feel really safe…

Zelestia: Come sit next to me, then. If you fall asleep, I’ll stay with you until you wake up.

A Bond:

Tiki: The people here are all so friendly! It’s like everyone’s family. It must be so nice…

Zelestia: Haha, that’s right. A precious family. We already think of you as part of that family too.

Tiki: Really?! Yay! I want us to stay together like this forever. That’s OK, right?

Zelestia: It is. My bond with you has grown very strong. It’ll link us forever and ever. I promise.


C Bond:

Gregory: Even though Tiki was an Emblem from my old world, I don’t know how to even approach her…

Tiki: Hm? Is something wrong? Wait, do you want to talk to me? Come here! Let’s chat!

B Bond:

Tiki: Your clothes look so cool! I wish my outfit was more intimidating!

Gregory: You think they’re cool? Thanks. I’ve found that the scarier I dress, the less people want to fight.

A Bond:

Gregory: Is everything OK? You don’t seem to be your usual cheerful self. Are you tired or hungry?

Tiki: No…I was thinking about a dream I used to have where I turned into a beast and hurt people…

Tiki: I don’t know why I’m thinking about it. Not when I have all my friends around me, like you.

Gregory: That’s right. You’re not alone anymore, and we aren’t going anywhere. So you can rest easy.


C Bond:

Madeline: It is an honor to meet you in this world too. I am happy to fight alongside you again.

Tiki: Thanks! Well then, talk to me! Tell me everything about you, Madeline!

B Bond:

Madeline: Lady Tiki, why do you put yourself on the line when you fight? There must be some reason?

Tiki: I want to help end the fighting so everyone can smile again!

A Bond:

Madeline: When I speak to you, I… Well, if I may be so bold, I feel as though I’ve gained a little sister.

Tiki: Really?! That’s wonderful, because it feels like I just got a big sister!

Tiki: I wanna know you better, Madeline! Will you stay like a sister to me from now on?

Madeline: I’d be honored, Lady Tiki. I promise to journey with you into our future peaceful world.