
Timing Quote
Chapter 12 Thanks for helping us defeat those monsters! No way we could’ve done it without you.
Chapter 13 Hate to admit it, but they were smart to hit us while we were away. Now, let’s get back there.
Chapter 14 Things were touch-and-go there for a bit. But you and Timerra played it cool. Real nice work.
Chapter 20 The people of Solm don’t care about origins. We care about the you NOW. And you are amazing.
Chapter 22 I’m happy you’re back, but take it easy, will ya? What if you’d really died?! I couldn’t take it!
Many battles Thanks, Divine One. All this experience I’ve been getting in your army─it’s been great!
Died: Bunet Bunet, my friend, no… I never wanted to taste this kind of grief.
Died: Pandreo Divine One, please, can you pray for Pandreo? An honor like that…he’d have been so happy.
Died: Pandreo, Bunet Pandreo, Bunet…wherever you are, may you get a party every night and a taste of peace at last.
Alear Level Up Don’t think I didn’t notice. You got stronger, didn’t you? I’ve got my eye on you. I can tell.
Alear MVP Wow, Divine One, you are seriously strong. Our enemies must be shaking in their boots!
Level Up Can you tell? I got stronger! I mean, it’s probably obvious. But how awesome is that?
Was Healed Often I’m sorry, Divine One. I really took a beating there, didn’t I? I’ll do better next time.
Many KOs You came to congratulate me, didn’t you? Well, I appreciate it. It felt really good to be so useful.
Benched I’m bored! C’mon, you gotta put me back in the fight! Just kidding. I can wait until you need me.
At map: generic 1 Pretty spot, eh? We’re not here to have fun, I know, but it can’t hurt to enjoy the view.
At map: generic 2 Traveling around Solm, I was sure I knew the world. But seeing this place…I realize I don’t.
At map: generic 3 I actually like this place. It has a good vibe. If we hung around, we’d make some fun memories.
At map: Florra Mill Town Look at this beautiful place! It smells so…green! We have got to import some flowers to Solm.
At map: Firene Castle This may be a peaceful country, but the soldiers here are no joke! Let’s not get on their bad side.
At map: Mountain Settlement Even in Solm, bandits are always attacking villages. Seeing this…I feel so powerless.
At map: The Grand Crossing That’s an epic bridge. One day, when there’s peace, let’s race across it! Bet I can beat ya!
At map: Brodia Castle This is more of a fortress than a castle, eh? One thing’s for sure, I do not want them as enemies.
At map: Fort on the Border Snowfields are a lot like the desert. No matter which way you turn, it all looks the same.
At map: Destinea Cathedral This church is a beauty. Even the floor sparkles! Eh, just try to ignore the red stains over there.
At map: Shadowy Moor In a dark place like this, you gotta think bright thoughts. Imagine Solm’s sun shining on you.
At map: Tullah Desert Mission accomplished! Feels good, eh? The Sentinels and I appreciate the help, Divine One.
At map: Oasis Village On a night like this, I feel like a song is in order! Don’t tell my sis, but I am the better singer.
At map: Solm Palace I’ve spent more time than usual at the palace since the war began. It’s reassuring, you know?
At map: Northern Fortress Bleak fortress, eh? Sit in the sun, and eat some fruit when you find time. That’ll cheer you up.
At map: Azure Coast I’ve visited this coast lots of times. It’s beautiful and fun, and I won’t let anyone destroy it.
At map: Florra Port Long ago, Solm’s port town was wiped out like this. It bounced back, and so will Florra.
At map: Route to Elusia I love traveling by boat! If I told you I snuck off to Lythos in secret once, would you believe me?
At map: Givre Port I keep thinking, “I’m so sorry we couldn’t make it in time.” They must have been so scared.
At map: Elusia Castle I was sure Elusia Castle was going to be, well, dark and scary. But just look at this beauty!
At map: Lythos Castle Congrats, Divine One! You turned into an Emblem here, right? That’s a big deal!
At map: Lava Fields The heat vapors here! Mirages in Solm don’t even affect visibility this much. I see two of you!
At map: Mountainous Region If I met the old me, I wouldn’t try to change a thing. Mistakes and all, I like being the me I am.
At map: Gradlon Temple So many sad things happened here. But at least Queen Lumera’s last moments were good ones.