
Timing Quote
Chapter 14 Thank you, Divine One. Starting now, I’ll be on the right side─for you and for Ivy.
Chapter 15 I wonder why she came here. But as long as she isn’t coming after me, I guess it doesn’t matter.
Chapter 16 I was worried I’d never see these two again. Ah, I’m so relieved…
Chapter 17 Goodbye, Father. Forever this time.
Chapter 20 So what if you were born a Fell Dragon? I used to worship the Fell Dragon. Anyone can change.
Chapter 22 Seeing you as one of the Corrupted, just like my father… I was worried you’d never come back.
Many battles It’s starting to feel normal fighting with you instead of against you. I’m glad for that.
Died: Goldmary I don’t understand… How could someone as talented as Goldmary ever fall in battle?
Died: Rosado No! Rosado can’t be gone. He can’t! Tell me it’s a lie, Divine One! Please!
Died: Rosado, Goldmary Rosado… Goldmary… Please don’t leave me. We swore to stick together to the end…
Alear Level Up You’re looking stronger today, Divine One. And if I’m the one saying it, you know it’s true!
Alear MVP You were stylish out there today, Divine One. I should study your technique.
Level Up Better keep an eye on me, Divine One─I’m getting more powerful by the second!
Was Healed Often I really took a beating today. I’d better get even next time or I’m never gonna live this down.
Many KOs I took out a lot of enemies. Not sure I should be proud of that, but at least I know I did my part.
Benched How come you haven’t called on me lately? Don’t you want the cutest possible army?
At map: generic 1 This place is pretty! I wouldn’t mind coming back for a visit after the war’s over.
At map: generic 2 With all the traveling we’re doing, I’m thinking a lot about how to be cute in any environment.
At map: generic 3 I want to wander off and explore! Oh, but that’s probably a bad idea. Princess of Elusia and all…
At map: Florra Mill Town I’ve always loved Firene’s flower gardens. I’m glad I don’t have to hide it anymore!
At map: Firene Castle This is a beautiful castle. I mean it’s not as pretty as Elusia’s, obviously, but it’s nice.
At map: Mountain Settlement It’s a complete mess now, but you can tell this used to be a cute little village.
At map: The Grand Crossing I’m really sorry about that time I tried to take the rings from you, Divine One.
At map: Brodia Castle Brodia’s got some strong soldiers. I hope Ivy can make peace when she becomes queen.
At map: Fort on the Border This is where Ivy confronted you, isn’t it? I had no idea at the time. I was waiting at the church.
At map: Destinea Cathedral I can’t get the sight out of my head. Father…
At map: Shadowy Moor I’ve never come near this place before. I was told it was full of bandits and other nasty stuff.
At map: Tullah Desert Ugh, it’s sooo hot. I’m not built for this. I feel like I’m roasting alive.
At map: Oasis Village The scenery here is amazing. Look at the stars reflected in the water─almost as cute as me!
At map: Solm Palace I can’t bear to face Queen Seforia. I’ll have to apologize to her again when all this is over.
At map: Northern Fortress Of course I’m not scared. Nope, not at all. But in case you’re scared…you could stick by me.
At map: Azure Coast I never thought about this back in Elusia, but… I think I might like to give swimming a try.
At map: Florra Port I keep catching myself looking for Father. As if seeing him wouldn’t mean fighting him again…
At map: Route to Elusia Elusia’s close. I hope no one gets in our way─ I don’t want to have to fight my own people.
At map: Givre Port So many other towns are barely holding it together. We need to press on, Divine One.
At map: Elusia Castle The castle feels so cold and empty without my father in it.
At map: Lythos Castle Maybe Lythos Castle will open its doors to Elusians someday. One can hope.
At map: Lava Fields Careful not to burn yourself on anything here, Divine One. And don’t push yourself too hard!
At map: Mountainous Region All red suited you well enough, but personally I like your eyes best the way they are now.
At map: Gradlon Temple We should raze Sombron’s temple to the ground for what he did to Father and Queen Lumera.