
Timing Quote
Chapter 9 I should make a proper introduction. I’m Jade. I won’t rest until King Morion is safe again.
Many battles I may never get used to the way things work in this army…but it’s an honor to fight beside you.
Died: Amber Amber has passed into legend, Divine One. That would have made him smile…so why can’t I?
Alear Level Up “The knight’s eyes went wide at the sight of the Divine Dragon’s might…” Well done, Divine One.
Alear MVP Watching you mow down enemies in that last battle… Inspiring as always, Divine One.
Level Up Losses in battle can be devastating, but growth in power and experience make it worth the risk.
Was Healed Often That was a hard-won victory for me… How can I defend my allies if I can’t defend myself?
Many KOs I did well here, but I won’t rest on my laurels. Diligence is key, in battle and in life.
Benched I know my skills need work, Divine One, but… may I request to join you on the front lines?
At map: generic 1 This place is so tranquil… The air is so fresh… I should find time to meditate while we’re here.
At map: generic 2 I picked up a pebble here. I may keep it. It’s just a tiny rock, but it felt like it had a story to tell.
At map: generic 3 Battling here has inspired me. I have an idea for a new novel─a true story, for once.
At map: Florra Mill Town This feels like the setting of a wonderful fable. Even the air tastes sweet. It’s so hard to leave…
At map: Firene Castle It’s not every day you get to see Firene Castle. I’ll have to capture this experience in writing.
At map: Mountain Settlement The people that lived here had stories to tell. I wonder if any of them have fallen into legend…
At map: The Grand Crossing I’ve stood watch on this bridge many times. With scenery like this, it’s never a chore.
At map: Brodia Castle I’m relieved to see the castle still stands. May it remain until Prince Diamant can become king…
At map: Fort on the Border The fort on the Brodian side was built into the cliffs. Invading foot soldiers aren’t fond of that.
At map: Destinea Cathedral King Morion… May you rest in peace…
At map: Shadowy Moor In our first battle here, we were humiliated. Now we can fight. Let’s reclaim some pride in that.
At map: Tullah Desert This heat is brutal, but I can’t stop now. It feels as if things are about to get interesting…
At map: Oasis Village There’s so much warmth in this town… I’m glad we were able to protect it.
At map: Solm Palace These floors are so heavily polished! A fool off their guard could slip and fall quite easily.
At map: Northern Fortress Dark places are fearsome…and fear is a poison. Let’s try to focus on the humor in our situation.
At map: Azure Coast “Looking out at the sea, the knight reminisced…” Its color reminds me of the minerals from home.
At map: Florra Port We should protect this harbor and ensure these people don’t suffer any further casualties.
At map: Route to Elusia A sea breeze, that briny smell, the sound of the waves… It’s almost as calming as meditation.
At map: Givre Port Harsh sea winds, piled-up snow turning to ice… It’s as if this place is frozen in an eternal winter.
At map: Elusia Castle It doesn’t look like anyone else is here, but I’ll post sentries all the same. Can’t be too careful.
At map: Lythos Castle Such high-quality stone… Ah! I apologize. I was admiring the rubble. How disrespectful of me.
At map: Lava Fields Meditation is much more difficult in this heat…
At map: Gradlon Temple I’m trying to think up new jokes to lift my spirit, but the Fell Dragon’s temple is so…humorless…