
Timing Quote
Many battles Now I’ve made a name for myself in this world, I again pledge my loyalty to your cause.
Died: Nel I am sorry, Divine One. I have failed you…and I have failed Lady Nel.
Died: Nel, Rafal Lady Nel and Lord Rafal, both taken from us… How could I fail to protect them?
Died: Nel, Rafal, Gregory Gregory, see that Lady Nel and Lord Rafal are safe and happy among the clouds.
Died: Nel, Rafal, Zelestia Zelestia, see that Lady Nel and Lord Rafal are safe and happy among the clouds.
Died: Nel, Rafal, Zelestia, Gregory Impossible. Lady Nel, Lord Rafal, and Zelestia and Gregory too… What am I to do now?
Died: Nel, Zelestia, Gregory At least Lady Nel isn’t alone… Zelestia and Gregory will protect her in the hereafter.
Died: Gregory Gregory, you idiot. You hated pain! Why did you put yourself in harm’s way?
Died: Nel/Rafal, 1 Wind How is this possible? Not only did I fail to protect my liege, but I also lost a fellow Wind.
Died: Rafal It was my duty to protect Rafal, and I let him down. How dare I call myself a knight?
Died: Rafal, Zelestia, Gregory Lord Rafal… I know Zelestia and Gregory will accompany you to your place in the heavens.
Died: Zelestia Zelestia said we were a family, and we would always be together… So why did she leave us?
Died: Zelestia, Gregory Zelestia and Gregory, gone. Which means that only I can uphold the Four Winds’ mission.
Alear Level Up You got even stronger? Then I’ll have to train harder to catch up!
Alear MVP I hope to one day match your skill, Divine One… Er, is that too presumptuous?
Level Up When it comes to polishing your skills, training is no match for battlefield experience.
Was Healed Often Pathetic! I’m sullying the good name of the Four Winds. You must let me redeem myself.
Many KOs Please, no need to praise me. Just keep me in mind for the next battle.
Benched I know I am just a novice, but I wish to fight by your side again if you’ll let me.
At map: generic 1 I’m grateful to be honing my skills in an unusual place like this.
At map: generic 2 I saw old hoofmarks on the ground. Knights or travelers must have passed this way long ago.
At map: generic 3 I’m tempted to take a pebble home as a little memento, but no, that would be childish.
At map: Bracelet Altar I thought for a second I was in my own world. But the indent I left with my blade isn’t here.
At map: Verdant Garden I admit, I don’t care for this castle. Those blood-red flowers… Eugh.
At map: Royal Road My world’s Brodia used bridges as choke points. They once took out a bridge with foes still on it!
At map: Frigid Forest I went scouting in a place like this. I still recall the pained screams of Sombron’s followers…
At map: Desert Stronghold That temple is like the one where Mauvier died. Part of me wants to run to it, to save him…
At map: Florra Mill Town The landscape here is so lovely… Only a rainbow could make it more beautiful.
At map: Firene Castle The knights of Firene are a dutiful sort! You can almost smell the patriotism in the air.
At map: Mountain Settlement I’m sure many villagers died trying to defend this place. May we not forget their courage.
At map: The Grand Crossing What a sight this bridge is. I’m especially moved by those armored-knight statues.
At map: Brodia Castle The royal guard all have such grave expressions, as if they’re ready to fight at a moment’s notice.
At map: Fort on the Border The blizzard doesn’t bother me. It takes more than a little snow to slow me down.
At map: Destinea Cathedral The wickedness done here… How will we find justice? How can we ever make this right?
At map: Shadowy Moor We had a Shadowy Moor in my world too. It wasn’t this damp, though.
At map: Tullah Desert Even I might lose my composure if we have to fight another battle in this heat.
At map: Oasis Village I never spent much time with Solm’s people before. They seem nice! Very lively.
At map: Solm Palace Clearly the guards are proud of their palace. Be careful you don’t scuff the marble, hm?
At map: Northern Fortress A knight doesn’t get scared of the dark. But the roach I saw earlier did give me pause…
At map: Azure Coast It seems a shame to mar this beautiful beach with the ugliness of battle.
At map: Florra Port My hometown was destroyed too… But this town can be rebuilt. I know it can.
At map: Route to Elusia I’d love to keep sailing a while…see the sun set over the ocean. Sadly, this isn’t that kind of trip.
At map: Givre Port A whole town filled with the Corrupted… Not something I ever hoped to see again.
At map: Elusia Castle I was born in Elusia. The kingdom’s soldiers are unmatched. How tragic that they’re all gone…
At map: Lythos Castle I feel an awful pain behind my sternum. But why? I don’t recall being struck there…
At map: Lava Fields Normally I’d be grateful for that kind of battle experience, but I’m just glad I’m still alive.
At map: Gradlon Temple What will we do with this temple after the battle’s over? Me, I think we ought to destroy it.