
Timing Quote
Many battles I wasn’t sure how useful I would be to you, but I’m starting to feel like I can make a difference.
Died: Nel Lady Nel, I should have been able to protect you. Isn’t that why the Four Winds are here?
Died: Nel, Gregory, Madeline Lady Nel, Gregory, Madeline… Losing all three of you at once is too much. How do I go on?
Died: Nel, Rafal Lady Nel. Lord Rafal. Inseparable to the end. To think you would fall on the same battlefield.
Died: Rafal, Gregory To have Lady Nel and Lord Rafal fall in the same battle. Gregory too. How did this happen?
Died: Nel, Rafal, Gregory, Madeline My masters and my friends…all lost in one go. What will I do without you all?
Died: Nel, Rafal, Madeline Lady Nel. Lord Rafal. Madeline. That one battle could take you all. It feels so wrong.
Died: Gregory Oh, Gregory. You fought so hard despite your fears. A worthy second-in-command and friend.
Died: Gregory, Madeline Ah, Gregory, Madeline… I knew I might be the last of the Four Winds, but not this soon.
Died: Nel/Rafal, 1 Wind I know war is dangerous, but to lose one of my masters and one of the Winds…it’s so painful.
Died: Madeline You were a magnificent knight, Madeline. You will always be a part of the Four Winds.
Died: Rafal Lord Rafal… How could this have happened? I can’t excuse a failure like this. I’m so sorry.
Died: Rafal, Gregory, Madeline Lord Rafal. You, Gregory, and Madeline… All gone now. The pain is just too much.
Alear Level Up What’s this? You seem stronger. You must have learned a great deal from this battle.
Alear MVP You outperformed everyone in that last battle. I’ll have to work harder to follow your example.
Level Up Look at me now, Divine One! My power continues to grow!
Was Healed Often That was a fierce battle. As leader of the Four Winds, I feel that I should have done better.
Many KOs I regret that we had to fight, but I have to admit that defeating this many enemies helps us all.
Benched Do you no longer need me on the front lines? It’s because of my low magic abilities, isn’t it?
At map: generic 1 This place feels familiar. I must have visited it in my old world.
At map: generic 2 No matter how long I live, I still enjoy going for walks. I can do my rounds at the same time.
At map: generic 3 Since I’ve come all this way, I might as well take in all the scenery I can before we go.
At map: Bracelet Altar This may be a different place, but it reminds me of the Lythos Castle I can never return to.
At map: Verdant Garden This is strikingly similar to the Firene I spent time in. I wonder if the flowers are in bloom.
At map: Royal Road As a Mage Dragon, I don’t mind the cooling rain, but you might fall ill if you get too soaked.
At map: Frigid Forest I wonder what followers hoped to gain by sacrificing themselves to the Fell Dragon here.
At map: Desert Stronghold Is the temple where we lost our Mauvier nearby? Imagine if we could save him…
At map: Florra Mill Town Beautiful flowers everywhere! Just like my world’s Firene, when my Divine Dragon lived.
At map: Firene Castle The Firene Castle in my world was more of a fortress. This one is so open and lovely.
At map: Mountain Settlement War destroys many villages like this. I wonder if the one I’m from looks like this now?
At map: The Grand Crossing What a lovely gorge. I imagine my wyvern would love flying through here.
At map: Brodia Castle The wind has really come up. It’s been blowing dust into my eyes. Be careful, Divine One.
At map: Fort on the Border Mage Dragons are naturally warm, so I’m fine in this cold. Stand closer if you want to get toasty.
At map: Destinea Cathedral Cathedrals are often quite beautiful. It takes humans or dragons to corrupt that beauty.
At map: Shadowy Moor If it had been raining like this when my village was burned, it might have put out the fires.
At map: Tullah Desert Some powerful Mage Dragons would create cold crystals to cool down in sunshine like this.
At map: Oasis Village People, houses, and the bustle of a town. It’s so fun talking with all these different folks.
At map: Solm Palace In my old world, Queen Seforia’s missing. I’m truly happy to see her safe and healthy here.
At map: Northern Fortress The fortress was interesting, but buildings in the desert always make me think of Mauvier.
At map: Azure Coast We get to Firene if we head west along this coast? Odd, in my world, Firene is east of Solm.
At map: Florra Port I know what it’s like to lose one’s home. I can’t help wondering what justifies this destruction.
At map: Route to Elusia There’s a chill to the ocean wind. Divine One, if you’re cold, you can get warmer by my side.
At map: Givre Port This is the port town where I first met Gregory in my old world.
At map: Elusia Castle Elusia Castle was visible from the Mage Dragon village. I wish they all could have seen inside it.
At map: Lythos Castle Lythos Castle brings back memories. It may be presumptuous, but it feels like coming home.
At map: Lava Fields I like warmth, but this place is too hot. Even without that, I just don’t really like it here.
At map: Gradlon Temple To think I would end up in Sombron’s temple. I’d destroy it if it would bring my home back.