Chapter 1: Awake at Last

Opening 1

Alear: …

Alear: Where am I?

Framme: Huh?

Clanne: Whoa. Tell me you’re seeing this!

Alear: Hello there. And you are?

Framme: You’re awake!

Alear: Huh?

Framme: You’re really awake, yeah?

Clanne: You’re the Divine Dragon _____!

Alear: Uh…

Framme: No way!

Clanne: No way!

Clanne: The Divine Dragon is finally awake!

Alear: Hey, hold on!

Vander: Calm down, calm down, you two. What’s all of this ruckus about?

Alear: Uh… Huh?

Vander: Divine Dragon _____!

Vander: It’s a miracle. An utter miracle. The Divine One, awake at long last…

Vander: That I might live to see you standing before me. What an honor.

Alear: Um, not to be rude, but…who are you?

Vander: Ah! Apologies. I lost myself for a moment there.

Vander: My name is Vander. I am the 32nd Steward of the Dragon.

Alear: Hello, Sir Vander.

Vander: Oh my, Divine One! There is no need to address me as such. Simply “Vander” will do.

Framme: See! I told you the Divine Dragon was awake!

Clanne: Yeah! We were telling the truth!

Alear: You two. I don’t believe I got your names.

Clanne: Oh, sorry! We were so excited we forgot to introduce ourselves.

Clanne: We’re the 33rd Stewards of the Dragon! My name’s Clanne. Pleased to meet you.

Framme: And I’m Framme! We’re twins.

Framme: We’ve been waiting forever for you to wake up!

Vander: As Stewards of the Dragon, our mission is to protect and provide for you.

Vander: Generation after generation of our predecessors waited for you to rise from your slumber.

Vander: I’ll admit, I am astonished to see it has finally happened.

Vander: You see, a thousand years have passed since the first steward took their post.

Alear: A thousand years? That’s how long I’ve been asleep?

Vander: Indeed. Your mother─Lumera, the Divine Dragon Monarch─has long awaited this day.

Vander: Finally you, a Divine Dragon yourself, have awakened. This surely signifies great things.

Alear: Slow down. This monarch you mentioned─ she’s my mother?

Alear: And I’m a “Divine Dragon,” you called it?

Vander: Oh dear. Is your memory hazy, Divine One?

Alear: I know my name, but…that’s about it.

Clanne: You can’t remember anything else?

Framme: Maybe you’re just feeling groggy ’cause of all that sleep?

Alear: But I don’t even know who I am.

Vander: Fret not. Such lapses in memory are to be expected after sleeping for so long.

Vander: If I may… You are a Divine Dragon, a member of a royal family of dragons revered as deities.

Vander: Queen Lumera, the Divine Dragon Monarch, rules over the Holy Land of Lythos.

Vander: In the war a thousand years ago, she defeated and imprisoned the wicked Fell Dragon.

Vander: You, Divine One, are her only child.

Alear: The war, the Fell Dragon… I feel like I can almost remember, but…

Vander: Please, do not trouble yourself trying to bring it all back at once.

Vander: Your memories will return in time. You are a being of immense power─a deity, no less.

Vander: I have heard many a tale of your kindness, nobility, and bravery. Your unflinching heroism.

Alear: That’s a lot to live up to.

Vander: For now, let us head to Lythos Castle. Queen Lumera will be thrilled to see you.

Vander: Perhaps the reunion will help stir your memories.

Alear: I hope so.

Clanne: OK, then! Onward and downward!

Framme: To Lythos Castle!

Opening 2

Alear: All this time, I’ve been sleeping in the sky?

Vander: You have, yes. The place where you slumbered is known as the Somniel.

Vander: A fortress built upon an airborne island to ensure your safety.

Vander: It is perhaps the most secure place in all of Elyos. Only a select few can set foot there.

Alear: I see. And you three live there with me?

Framme: Yup! As stewards, we spend our time caring for you and managing things around the Somniel.

Framme: It’s a sacred place, so we work as hard as we can to keep it shipshape!

Clanne: Royal family members visit us all the time! Well, visit you, really.

Clanne: The prince and princess of Firene─a deeply religious country─visit especially often.

Framme: They pray next to you, like this. Then they just… talk for a while, like they’re chatting to a friend.

Alear: I see. Thanks for filling me in, Framme. You too, Clanne.

Framme: Ah! The Divine One said our names! And thanked us!

Clanne: I think I’m going to faint…unless I already did. Am I dreaming?

Vander: Need I remind you that you are in the presence of the Divine Dragon!

Vander: How many times must I tell you to behave in a manner befitting your station?

Vander: Divine One, please forgive this embarrassing breach of decorum.

Alear: Breach of decorum? Haha, I’m actually enjoying their enthusiasm.

Framme: Hehe! You’re just as kindhearted as I always imagined!

Clanne: Oh, look, there it is!

Alear: Lythos Castle. The…Divine Dragon Monarch is there, you said?

Vander: Yes. I suppose a thousand years have passed since you’ve been home.

Framme: Don’t worry. We’ll be right there with you.

Clanne: You can hold my hand if you like.

Alear: Thank you.

Alear: Hm?

Alear: How long have I been wearing this ring? Since before I fell asleep?

Alear: That blue stone… It reminds me of something…


Corrupted: Raaargh!

Alear: Huh?!

Framme: Wh-what are those horrible things?!

Alear: Vander! Are creatures like that common around here?

Vander: They’re not. I’ve never seen them.

Vander: Nor have I heard of such monsters appearing in Lythos before. This is a land of peace.

Alear: Understood. Well…

Vander: Shall we fight them?

Vander: As you wish, Divine One! You whose bravery knows no equal.

Alear: No. Let’s run.

Vander: Huh?

Alear: We haven’t the slightest idea who they are.

Alear: And we don’t know how they came to be here.

Alear: Also… They worry me for some reason.

Alear: So, we run!

Vander: I, er, well… Did the Divine Dragon really command me to retreat?

Framme: OK! Get to safety!

Clanne: We’ll keep them distracted for you!

Vander: What the─ Come back! Come back this instant!

Corrupted: Raaargh!

Clanne: Ah! Oh no!

Framme: Uh, this isn’t looking good…

Alear: Clanne! Framme!

Vander: Hold on! We shall come to you!


Alear: Vander!

Vander: Divine One! Stay back─it’s too dangerous!

Alear: Clanne and Framme were trying to protect me. I have to help them.

Alear: I take back what I said─this is no time to run. Please, let me fight.

Vander: All right… But stay on your guard.

Alear: I will.

Vander: What are these creatures doing in Lythos?

Vander: We had best use the foliage to take cover.

Vander: Are you wounded, Divine One? Please use a vulnerary.

Vander: These enemies are formidable indeed…

Vander: Divine One, please use a vulnerary if you are wounded!

Framme: There are too many of them… Divine One, get outta here!

Framme: …

Clanne: Framme, are you all right?!

Vander: Clanne, Framme, it’s not safe for you here! Retreat to the castle!

Clanne: I gotta protect Framme… You rotten monsters don’t scare me!

Vander: More enemies!

Alear: They just keep coming.

Alear: You’re all trying to protect me.

Alear: I should be protecting you! If only I could… somehow.

Marth: _____…

Alear: Huh?

Marth: You must remember, _____…

Alear: Who… Who said that?

Alear: The ring…

Marth: Know that my strength can be yours.

Alear: I know that voice.

Marth: If ever we cross paths again, I hope you will remember me.

Marth: Indeed, that you will remember all of us who took up arms to fight by your side.

Alear: The 12 Emblems…

Vander: Divine One?

Vander: Divine One! You mustn’t do this alone!

Alear: Don’t worry! Please! I’m not alone!

Alear: Help me. Lend me your strength in this fight!

Alear: Shine on, Emblem of Beginnings!


Marth: I am known as Marth. Emblem Marth, to be clear.

Mid-Battle (continued)

Framme: That was amazing!

Clanne: Cool!

Alear: We did it!

Alear: Thanks for your help, Marth, truly!

Marth: Of course. It is good to see you.

Marth: I was able to answer your call, because you remembered me.

Vander: Do my eyes deceive me…or is that an Emblem of legend?

Alear: Clanne! Framme! Get to safety, now!

Clanne: Uh, right!

Alear: With your help, Marth, we might just make it. Will you join us?

Marth: Of course. I will fight alongside you from here forward─your ally, until the very end.


Framme: Divine One! Vander! Thanks for saving us.

Clanne: Yeah. And, uh…sorry. This all happened because we ran ahead.

Alear: I’m the one who should apologize. You put yourselves in danger trying to protect me.

Alear: It’s such a relief you’re both safe now…

Vander: Divine One, I hear more enemies approaching.

Alear: More? I thought we’d gotten them all.

Vander: Evidently not.

Vander: These creatures… Will there be no end to them?


Alear: There’s more?

Alear: And they’ve got a dragon?!

Alear: AH!

Lumera: At last. You are awake.

Ending (continued)

Lumera: Is it really you, _____?

Alear: Yes, it’s me. Thank you for saving us.

Lumera: What a joy it is to see you, _____.

Alear: Huh?

Lumera: I’ve waited for so long!

Alear: Oh!

Lumera: When I sensed you had awoken, I flew here as fast as my wings would carry me.

Lumera: I hope you’re not hurt.

Alear: I’m… I’m fine.

Lumera: What a relief! You cannot understand how I’ve missed you, my dear child.

Alear: Oh! You’re…my mother.

Lumera: What’s the matter? Don’t tell me…

Vander: Since awakening, the Divine One’s memory is clouded.

Lumera: Oh! I see.

Alear: I’m sorry. I’m sure you weren’t expecting this.

Lumera: No, I must apologize. I was so overcome with joy, I hugged you as hard as I could.

Lumera: I take this to mean you’ve forgotten…everything.

Lumera: I suppose it’s to be expected. A thousand years is a very long time.

Alear: Vander explained that I’ve been sleeping since… since some war that happened back then.

Lumera: Yes. You suffered a terrible wound. And… and because of that…

Alear: A wound? I don’t remember that. Or this world, or anything.

Lumera: Don’t fret, young one. I will speak to you of all you’ve forgotten.

Lumera: Regardless of what you remember, I’m simply glad to have you back, my dear child.

Alear: Still…this isn’t the reunion you hoped for.

Lumera: Oh, don’t worry about me. It’s solace enough just to hear that sweet voice of yours!

Lumera: And to gaze once more into your eyes. What lovely colors they are, _____.

Lumera: Let’s head to the castle. Climb on my back.


Lumera: We live on the continent of Elyos. Four realms surrounding a holy land at its center.

Lumera: Firene, Kingdom of Abundance.

Lumera: Brodia, Kingdom of Might.

Lumera: Elusia, Kingdom of Knowledge.

Lumera: Solm, Queendom of Freedom.

Lumera: The Land of Lythos, home of Divine Dragons.

Lumera: And Gradlon, domain of the Fell Dragon. Fallen to ruin.

Lumera: A thousand years ago, our lands endured a vicious war with the Fell Dragon.

Lumera: We called upon heroes from other worlds to aid us. Heroes known as Emblems.

Lumera: With them, the warriors of our nations fought as one.

Lumera: In the end, we were victorious in defeating and imprisoning the Fell Dragon.

Lumera: In the years since, our world has been safe.

Lumera: But now, I sense a resurrection. The binding weakens.

Lumera: If his shadow stretches across the land again, then we must fight him anew, as we did in ages past.

Lumera: Fell Dragon Sombron must be stopped.