Chapter 4: A Land in Bloom

Opening 1

Alfred: Here we are─the kingdom of Firene.

Alear: What a beautiful place.

Alfred: Isn’t it? And no sign of the Corrupted, so that’s good.

Alfred: That was quite a trip, crossing the sea all the way from Lythos. I hope you’re not worn out.

Alear: I’m fine.

Alfred: Good, good. Listen, I’m sorry for twisting your arm to come with me.

Alear: Alfred, it’s all right. I wanted to come.

Alear: How about before we arrive at the castle, you tell me more about this kingdom of yours?

Alfred: Happy to! Let’s see…

Alfred: Firene is one of the four nations of Elyos, in the southwest.

Alfred: It’s ruled by my mother, Queen Ève. We’re known as a…land of plenty.

Alfred: Our people value peace above all else. We haven’t seen war for centuries.

Alear: You must come from a long line of capable leaders.

Alfred: That’s kind of you to say. Peace doesn’t always come easy.

Alfred: Mother had to hammer out a nonaggression pact with our neighbors.

Alfred: The pact says there won’t be war between us, Solm, and Brodia.

Alear: Right─Solm, the Queendom of Freedom and Brodia, the Kingdom of Might.

Alfred: You’ve got it. Solm is an open-minded country. They’ve always had good relations with Firene.

Alfred: But an alliance with Brodia took some doing. Their king’s an ambitious man.

Alfred: He’s always launching attacks on Elusia to expand his own territory.

Alear: I take it Elusia isn’t in the alliance.

Alfred: No. Honestly, they’re so far away, we don’t interact with them too much.

Alfred: We know it’s snowy there, with long winters… and that some Elusians worship the Fell Dragon.

Alear: The Fell Dragon?

Alfred: It’s troubling, I know. But…people can believe what they believe.

Alfred: Sorry… I didn’t bring it up to turn you against Elusia.

Alear: It’s not them I hate─it’s the Fell Dragon. Him and the one who killed my mother.

Alear: Can you tell me more about the Emblem Ring that was entrusted to Firene?

Alfred: Oh, sure. It’s the “Ring of the Caring Princess.” Doesn’t look like anything special.

Alfred: Until I met you and Marth, I thought the Emblems were legends.

Alfred: I can’t wait to tell my sister they exist! She’ll really be knocked for a loop.

Alear: You have a sister?

Alfred: Yeah─the princess of Firene, Céline. She’s at the castle with Mother right now.

Alear: Princess Céline. I look forward to meeting her.

Alfred: Just call her Céline. I’m sure you two will get along great.

Alfred: Here’s Florra Mill Town. The castle’s close now. We’ll just cut through here, and…

Alfred: Something’s off.

Alear: What is it?

Alfred: I think there might be trouble ahead.

Opening 2

Alfred: Oh no…

Alear: The Corrupted. They’re everywhere.

Alfred: I can’t stand to see them overrunning this peaceful town.

Alfred: I have to drive them away. Divine One, will you help me?

Alear: Of course.


Céline: Danger looms from every side. I fear we will never make it to my brother.

Louis: Princess Céline. I beg you to make your retreat. We’ll handle this.

Chloé: More of the fiends might be on the way. Hurry!

Céline: Louis! Chloé! You can’t possibly expect me to─

Louis: It is our sworn duty to protect the princess. We will hold the line for you as long as we must!

Chloé: You have to leave. If you should fall here, who warns Prince Alfred of the invasion to come?

Céline: I concede the point. But I’ll return for you both. Please hold out until then!

Louis: Apologies, Chloé.

Louis: It pains me greatly to separate you from Princess Céline, for even a relatively brief amount of time.

Chloé: Might I say, I’m a bit disappointed I didn’t get to see you run off with Her Highness yourself.

Chloé: A knight should never leave his princess’s side.

Louis: The sooner we win, the sooner that will come to pass. What say you, Chloé? Shall we?

Chloé: Yes! Let’s!

Opening 3

Céline: Alfred!

Alfred: Céline? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Mother.

Céline: I was, but… Alfred, the Elusian army is marching on the castle.

Alfred: What? Why?

Céline: I cannot say. Before they arrived, Mother sent me to warn you.

Céline: But then we were ambushed on our way to Florra Port…

Céline: Louis and Chloé stayed behind so that I might have a chance to escape.

Céline: Please, we must hurry back to them!

Alfred: Absolutely.

Alear: Pardon me, Princess Céline, but do you have the Emblem Ring?

Céline: Yes. Mother gave it to me. Why do you…

Céline: Goodness gracious! The Divine Dragon _____?! You’re here, you’re…awake!

Alear: I am.

Céline: May I say, it is truly an honor!

Céline: The Emblem Ring is right here. Please, Divine One. It is yours.

Alear: The words… They’re coming to me…

Céline: Care for us, Emblem of Echoes!


Celica: I am Emblem Celica. I detest violence…but I will always fight to defend the innocent.

Opening 3 (continued)

Alear: Thank you for answering my call.

Alfred: So…this is the Emblem that was in Firene’s ring.

Céline: Emblem Celica. How marvelous.

Céline: Divine One, with your blessing─and hers, of course─I would like to fight by Celica’s side.

Céline: I must protect the people of this village and ensure Louis and Chloé’s safety.

Alear: I entrust this ring to you, Céline.


Chloé: I won’t be able to get very far with these archers everywhere.

Louis: How about this? I take care of the archers and you deal with the magic users.

Chloé: Good idea! While their spells will go right through your armor, I’m resistant to magic.

Chloé: So leave the mages to me. It’s not so bad protecting each other, now is it?

Louis: Indeed. This is a nice change of pace.

Céline: Emblem Celica, it is an honor.

Céline: So it was your voice I heard on the way from the castle. I am glad you’re here with me.

Celica: I feel the same, Céline. I will fight by your side from now on.

Celica: Together, we will protect that which you hold dear.

Céline: Thank you.

Céline: I feel a great power within… We have united, haven’t we?

Céline: My resolve is strong. I will protect my people. I will protect everyone!

Alear: Look at that house. The gate is wide open.

Alear: We’d better warn them to lock up so the Corrupted don’t get in.

Firenese Villager: What’s that? Monsters, here?! Gosh all! Thanks for letting me know!

Firenese Villager: Take this. Might come in useful.

Firenese Villager: Thank you for warning me. Here─use this to bring peace to our land.

Rodine: We’re losing ground, are we? Well, that’s easily remedied. Release the Corrupted!

Ruffian: Ahaha! These houses are ripe for the picking. Time for a good, old-fashioned village pillage!

Alear: The crystal… It’s glowing.

Marth: _____, where did you get that?

Alear: It was in the Ring Vault. Vander found it after the battle at Lythos Castle.

Alear: Why? Do you know what this is?

Marth: The Draconic Time Crystal. An artifact capable of reversing time itself.

Marth: There is a limit to its power, but still, it could give us a keen advantage.

Alear: Time Crystal, huh? So it’s not just a pretty piece of jewelry.

Marth: Since we have it, I suggest we put it to use.

Marth: Give it a try.

Céline: With Celica’s help, I ought to be able to reach Chloé and Louis more quickly.

Céline: I am resolved to fight for peace. Hold on, you two! I am on my way!

Céline talks with Chloé

Céline: Chloé, I am relieved to see you’re all right.

Chloé: You too, Princess Céline!

Céline: I was able to find Alfred─and the Divine Dragon, no less!

Céline: After that, the Divine One summoned Emblem Celica from within my ring.

Chloé: A noble dragon, summoning ancient spirits to save the day… That sounds just like a fairy tale!

Céline: It does. Now that I have this power, let’s give this story a happy ending, shall we?

Chloé: Let’s do it.

Céline talks with Louis

Céline: Louis, thank goodness!

Louis: Princess Céline! How relieved I am to see you unharmed…

Louis: Hm? You seem…different.

Céline: The Divine Dragon brought Emblem Celica forth from my ring. I am imbued with her strength.

Louis: Pardon? The Divine Dragon is here?

Céline: Indeed. I will explain everything later. For now, let us restore order here.

Céline: I promise I will never leave you behind again. Come─let us fight together.

Louis: As you wish. Princess Céline and Emblem Celica… What a pair.

Versus Rodine

Rodine: Soon I’ll be a legend… The man who captured the princess of Firene!

Rodine Defeated

Rodine: I would have won, you know…if they’d given me real soldiers…


Alear: Huh?

Veyle: There’s no need to be afraid. It’s gone.

Ending 1

Alear: You saved my life. Thank you.

Veyle: It was nothing, really! I only did what anyone else would do.

Alear: Are you here by yourself?

Veyle: I am. I saw the fighting and thought I could help.

Alear: You’re braver than I am. I can’t stand the Corrupted.

Alear: I was so startled I couldn’t think. You really did save my life.

Veyle: I see…

Alear: Oh, I haven’t introduced myself yet. I’m the Divine Dragon _____.

Veyle: What a lovely name. I’m Veyle.

Alear: Veyle…

Marth: Might I interrupt?

Alear: What is it?

Marth: Even with the Corrupted gone, it may not be safe for her out here.

Marth: Perhaps we should escort her home or to an inn.

Alear: That’s a good idea.

Alear: Hey, Veyle, do you live around here?

Alear: Huh?

Alear: She’s gone…

Céline: Divine One!

Alear: Céline.

Alear: Did you see a girl pass this way? Small with long hair? Barefoot?

Céline: No, I’m afraid I didn’t see anyone matching that description.

Alear: OK, thanks. Did you need something?

Céline: I wanted to thank you.

Céline: Alfred told me that you accepted Firene’s request for aid.

Céline: And your help in the battle was the difference between victory and defeat. Thank you, truly.

Alear: Don’t mention it.

Alear: Alfred and I are friends. I was happy to help.

Céline: Friends? He said that? Imagine speaking so casually with the Divine Dragon…

Céline: Please, allow me to apologize on his behalf.

Alear: There’s no need to put me on a pedestal.

Alear: I just woke up, and the world is new to me. I make mistakes like anyone.

Céline: Is that so? I thought surely the Divine Dragon would be an all-seeing, all-powerful being.

Céline: But here I find that you are rather more…human than I expected. Perhaps we can be friends.

Alear: Then what do you say, Céline? Friends?

Céline: I would be honored.

Ending 2

Durthon: Hey, folks! Mind if we bend your ear a minute?

Alear: Hm?

Durthon: Name’s Durthon. I’m an armorer. And this here’s Anisse, purveyor of goods.

Durthon: We saw you tradin’ thumps with those things. Figured you might be in the market for supplies.

Anisse: Yes. If you need, we’d be happy to provide you with quality weapons and items.

Anisse: Anything to defeat those creatures. They pose a terrible threat to traveling merchants like us.

Alear: How would you feel about moving to our base? You can sell your wares from there.

Vander: Ahem, Divine One…

Alear: What? We don’t have any facilities. These two could be a good addition.

Durthon: You’re gonna let us open shops at your base?

Alear: If you’d like to. We’ll need plenty of weapons and items from here on out.

Alear: It’s a haven. You won’t find any creatures there.

Durthon: You got yourself a bargain! Can’t wait to do business together.

Anisse: Thank you for this. I will do my utmost to ensure you receive the finest items.