Timing |
Quote |
Gift – Birthday |
You remembered my birthday? I’m so moved, I could almost cry. |
Gift – B’day (S Rank) |
You’ve made my birthday a happier occasion than I thought was possible. Thank you. |
Gift – Good |
For me? Are you sure this isn’t for someone more important? |
Gift – Neutral |
I accept this gift with gratitude. |
Gift – Bad |
Oh, ah… I’m afraid I won’t make much use of this. |
Gift – Horse Manure |
You have a sense of humor, I see. |
Post Strength Training |
I hate to say it, but I think I may have overdone it on training today… |
Farmyard |
A knight should know how to get along with animals. They do fight alongside us, after all! |
Campfire |
The fire is so cozy… Almost too cozy. But I’ll try to conquer my drowsiness. |
Poolside |
What? Is it so surprising that I’m taking a break? |
Café Terrace |
It’s wonderful being able to eat whenever I like. In my world, our food was strictly rationed. |
Fishing |
Gah! I will defeat you scaly scalawags! I swear it! |
Fond of Somniel |
I was a little lonely at first, but I’m beginning to feel at home in this world of yours. |
S rank (A) |
It’s funny… I used to find you so intimidating. Now I can greet you as a friend. |
S rank (B) |
I’d love to chat, but I believe we both have more important things to get to, hm? Back to it! |
Your Birthday (A) |
Another year in the books! Congratulations! This was also my Divine Dragon’s birthday. |
Your Birthday (B) |
Happy birthday, Divine One. It will be my honor to serve as your knight over the coming year. |
Cooking |
I’m glad you stopped by. Now for me to fulfill my duty as chef! |
Dining – Great food |
Delicious! Ah, my compliments to the chef. It tasted so good, I forgot my knightly manners. |
Dining – OK food |
Not bad! I’ll have to get the recipe. With practice, perhaps I can make it just as well. |
Dining – Terrible Food |
Oh… This is just tragic. It’s all I can do not to burst into tears. |
Dining – Lunch box |
Here. I packed you some rations. |
Dining – Asking |
That meal was just what I needed. What have you been getting up to, ___? |
Dining – Asking (Respect B) |
That meal was just what I needed. What have you been getting up to, ___? |
Dining – Asking (Prince B) |
That meal was just what I needed. What have you been getting up to, Prince ___? |
Dining – Asking (Princess B) |
That meal was just what I needed. What have you been getting up to, Princess ___? |
Dining – Asking (Reverence B) |
That meal was just what I needed. What have you been getting up to, ___? |
Dining – Replying |
I’ve been on patrol around the base, mostly. But of course I’m also making time for training. |
Dining – Great ingredients |
These ingredients look so fresh! And you say gathered them all yourself? Impressive. |