C Support:
Alcryst: Excuse me, Princess Hortensia?
Hortensia: Prince Alcryst? What’s up? You’re not usually much of a talker.
Alcryst: Well, I was just, uh…
Alcryst: No, never mind. It’s not important.
Hortensia: Nope! No running off after a buildup like that!
Hortensia: Come on, spit it out!
Alcryst: …
Hortensia: Nope─didn’t hear you. Louder.
Alcryst: I, uh… I…
Alcryst: Please teach me how to be more confident!
Hortensia: Ow! Too loud!
Hortensia: Tone it down, back it up, and explain yourself properly.
Alcryst: You always have such boundless confidence, Princess Hortensia. It amazes me.
Alcryst: I don’t think very highly of myself…so I hoped you might teach me to be more like you.
Hortensia: Aaah, OK. Yeah, makes sense.
Hortensia: Too bad for you though! I’m not teaching you a thing.
Hortensia: Maybe if you weren’t a prince of Brodia, I’d have considered it. But you? Nope. No way.
Alcryst: Of course. I understand…
Hortensia: Wait, what?
Alcryst: Brodia has invaded Elusia more times than I can count. You have every right to deny me.
Alcryst: Besides, you shouldn’t waste your precious time on someone as worthless as me.
Alcryst: Honestly, I’m shocked by my own impertinence. How embarrassing… I’ll leave you be.
Hortensia: Hang on a sec! I never said that!
Alcryst: It’s all right. Please, forget I even approached you like this.
Alcryst: I won’t sully your ears with my pitiful mumbles ever again. You have my word.
Hortensia: Wait! Prince Alcryst!
Hortensia: Hm, I was so sure he’d get mad and snap back. He’s even worse off than I thought.
Hortensia: I’ll have to try a new approach the next time I see him.
B Support:
Hortensia: Prince Alcryst.
Alcryst: …
Hortensia: Hey! I know you can hear me!
Alcryst: Ah…Princess Hortensia!
Alcryst: Please, speaking to me will only dampen your mood.
Hortensia: Always a bundle of joy, you are. But that’s exactly what I wanna talk to you about.
Hortensia: Listen. I’m gonna help you get some confidence, just like you asked.
Alcryst: What? Really?! Oh, thank you!
Alcryst: Why did you change your mind? You seemed so strongly opposed to it earlier.
Hortensia: That was a joke. I got carried away. Sorry.
Hortensia: I may not love Brodia, but you’re my friend.
Hortensia: And when a friend’s in trouble, you help. Simple as that.
Alcryst: Princess Hortensia, I… I…
Hortensia: Hey! What’s with all the tears?!
Hortensia: Actually, you’re kinda cute when you get all emotional. Anyway, let’s get started, shall we?
Alcryst: N-no, don’t come any closer. Please, don’t look at me like this…
Hortensia: Huh?
Hortensia: What’s the problem this time?
Hortensia: Are you really gonna turn down my help after all that?!
Alcryst: You called me a friend. You agreed to help me…
Alcryst: Princess Hortensia… You are, without a shadow of a doubt, a wonderful person.
Alcryst: But the more wonderful you are, the deeper I tumble into despair…
Hortensia: What?
Alcryst: Your kind heart shines too bright! It reveals my heart for the worm-ridden filth that it is!
Alcryst: So please, don’t come near me! Spare me! I am so, so sorry!
Hortensia: That boy has self-deprecation down to an art form.
A Support:
Hortensia: Prince Alcryst.
Alcryst: Princess Hortensia!
Hortensia: Hey, before you run away, you should know I’ve decided to stop trying to help you.
Hortensia: I don’t think anything I do is gonna suddenly make you confident.
Alcryst: That feels like the right decision. I know it was me who came to you for help at first.
Hortensia: Yeah, and that was pretty rude.
Alcryst: I understand. Once again, I apologize.
Alcryst: To make things right, you’re free to ignore me from this point forward.
Hortensia: Nope. I refuse.
Alcryst: Huh?
Hortensia: Look. You’re a quivering pile of pessimism, and maybe that’s not gonna change.
Hortensia: Either way, I accept you exactly as you are.
Alcryst: What?
Hortensia: I think I understand why you came to me for help in the first place.
Hortensia: It was because you thought confidence would bring you closer to people, right?
Alcryst: Well…yes.
Alcryst: I thought that gaining confidence might lead to more meaningful friendships with everyone.
Hortensia: Lovely sentiment, but you don’t need to reinvent yourself for it.
Hortensia: Sure, you’re kind of a downer. So what? You’ve got plenty of great qualities too.
Hortensia: That’s why we’re friends. You don’t need to change a thing.
Alcryst: Really? Thank you, Princess Hortensia.
Hortensia: Eh, just being honest.
Alcryst: You are honest but also kind. I still feel the light from your radiant heart, and yet…
Alcryst: This time, I can remain by your side… Perhaps it’s because I understand you better.
Hortensia: Hey, how about that? You’re looking me in the eye!
Alcryst: I am. I want to make up for how I acted before. I feel ashamed to have run from you like that.
Hortensia: Now you’re, uh…getting pretty close to me…
Hortensia: Hey, you’re a prince. It’s improper for you to… look at me like…
Hortensia: Aaah! That’s supposed to be my thiiing!
Alcryst: Princess Hortensia?
Alcryst: Haha, now I know how it feels to talk to me.