C Support:
Ivy: …
Alcryst: …
Ivy: Did you need something from me, Prince Alcryst?
Alcryst: Hm.
Ivy: I see. You are pretending to ignore me.
Alcryst: I still refuse to forgive you. You know why.
Alcryst: How else should I behave in the presence of someone who helped to murder my father?
Ivy: …
Ivy: I apologize for my part in your father’s death.
Alcryst: Y-you do?!
Ivy: I know an apology can’t heal your wounds, or… really achieve much at all.
Ivy: But we are now allies.
Ivy: I think it’s important we find what common ground we can and meet each other halfway.
Alcryst: Uh…
Ivy: That is why I’m taking this crucial first step.
Ivy: I am truly sorry about your father.
Alcryst: Princess Ivy, I…
Alcryst: I used to fear your family and your country. I never dreamed we’d end up on the same side.
Alcryst: Life is so unpredictable…
Alcryst: It pushes us forward, ready or not. Holding on to past prejudices will only trip us up.
Alcryst: From now on, I promise to do my best to find that common ground you mentioned.
Ivy: Thank you. But you should know that staring is rude.
Alcryst: Ah! You’re right! I apologize for being so careless. I won’t let it happen again.
Ivy: At least we’re looking in the same direction. Perhaps better times lie ahead…
B Support:
Alcryst: …
Ivy: …
Alcryst: Princess Ivy? Are you…glaring at me?
Ivy: No, Prince Alcryst. At least not intentionally.
Ivy: But I can’t take my eyes off of your armor.
Ivy: In Elusia we are taught from an early age to keep watch for Brodian armor.
Alcryst: Ooh. I think I understand…
Alcryst: Brodia has invaded Elusia more times than I can count. My country has a lot to answer for.
Alcryst: For what it’s worth…I am sorry.
Ivy: Oh? And what do you mean by that, exactly?
Alcryst: Huh? I, uh, wha─
Ivy: Did you just issue a formal apology from the kingdom of Brodia for its invasions of our land?
Ivy: Are you admitting fault on behalf of your people and swearing to adopt peaceful foreign policy?
Ivy: Reconciliation between nations is a serious matter, not to be taken lightly.
Alcryst: Th-that’s not what I─
Alcryst: What I meant to say was, uh, if Brodia is at fault then we absolutely should apologize.
Alcryst: But that apology is not mine to give! The king and nobility would have to convene and agree…
Alcryst: So when I said I was sorry, it came from me as an individual, not as a representative of…uh…
Ivy: Heh heh, I know that. I’m sorry─you are a little too easy to toy with.
Alcryst: Oh, Princess Ivy… I was so nervous.
Ivy: My ill feelings toward Brodia are in the past, but I could not resist teasing you a little.
Ivy: Look on the bright side─we are comfortable enough now to joke with one another. Right?
Alcryst: Y-yes, of course! I did think my heart was going to stop, but I suppose it was…funny…
A Support:
Alcryst: Pardon me, Princess Ivy?
Alcryst: In our last conversation, you made it clear that you still harbor resentment toward Brodia.
Ivy: Yes. I did.
Alcryst: Well, at the risk of overstepping my boundaries, I hope you’ll allow me to say one thing.
Alcryst: The relationship between Brodia and Elusia has never been civil─certainly not in my lifetime.
Alcryst: But as you’ve mentioned, we are now allies… We work together.
Ivy: That’s true.
Alcryst: This alliance was as unpredictable as it is wonderful.
Alcryst: I will work hard to ensure that our countries become allies when this conflict is over.
Alcryst: I may not be able to do as much as my brother, the crown prince, but…
Alcryst: Well, I thought I owed you a clear statement of my own intentions at the very least.
Ivy: …
Ivy: My first impression of you was that you were weak-willed and uncharismatic.
Ivy: I feel differently now.
Alcryst: You do?
Ivy: When it matters, you speak your mind. And what you say is kind and thoughtful.
Ivy: These are qualities I consider princely.
Alcryst: Oh, no, please don’t think too highly of me. You’re much more regal and capable than─
Ivy: Are you suggesting that I, crown princess of my kingdom, am not a good judge of character?
Alcryst: N-not at all! I would never, ever…
Alcryst: Ah. Another joke?
Ivy: Very good. You’re catching on.
Alcryst: Haha, I take it as a sign that our relationship is improving.
Ivy: Agreed. I hope our friendship continues to grow.
Ivy: In honor of our fathers…and for the future of our kingdoms.
Alcryst: Yes. Here’s to a better future!