C Support:
Alcryst: …
Pandreo: So, Prince Alcryst! What did you think of your first party?
Alcryst: Why… Why did I think I could do that?!
Pandreo: Hm. I can see how an all-night blowout would be kind of overwhelming for a beginner…
Alcryst: The music was so loud. Everyone was shouting. And the dancing─the DANCING!
Alcryst: It was like a scene from my worst nightmares. I shouldn’t have joined you. I wasn’t ready…
Pandreo: Hahaha! Ah, good times.
Alcryst: Pandreo, please… I don’t think I can do that again. I’m sorry, but partying is not for me.
Pandreo: Hey, hey─let’s not be too hasty here.
Pandreo: I saw you standing on the sidelines─watching the action from afar.
Pandreo: To really know what it’s like, you have to dive in and lose yourself with the rest of us.
Pandreo: I’ll be sure to drag you into the crowd next time.
Alcryst: No, I can’t! I must decline.
Pandreo: Now why would you do that? Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you have fun.
Pandreo: Leave it all to me! AROOO!
Alcryst: Y-yes. Of course. Awooo…
B Support:
Alcryst: …
Alcryst: I have ringing ears…and wobbly knees…and so, so many regrets…
Alcryst: Why? Why did I give this a second shot? I already knew I didn’t belong there…
Pandreo: AR-AR-AROOO!
Alcryst: Oh. Pandreo…
Pandreo: Prince Alcryst! You had fun this time, right? I saw you mixing it up on the dance floor!
Alcryst: I did join in and try to dance, but…
Alcryst: Well, I can only assume that I’m incapable of enjoying any party.
Pandreo: What makes you say that?
Alcryst: I had no idea what I was doing back there.
Alcryst: Everyone around me was whirling and gyrating so effortlessly. I only know formal dances!
Alcryst: And the howling! I do not understand why everyone keeps howling! My skull is rattling…
Pandreo: Ah. Now I see the problem.
Pandreo: Listen, Your Highness. There’s something I forgot to tell you.
Pandreo: At a party, you don’t need to worry about whats, whys, and hows. It’s not that deep.
Alcryst: Really? Are you sure?
Pandreo: Yep! There’s no correct way to dance. And as for the howls… They don’t mean anything!
Alcryst: So all of the cheering and dancing is…chaotic on purpose? People are just making it up?
Pandreo: Exactly. It’s about getting lost in the motion and having fun. Other than that, anything goes.
Alcryst: I was trying so hard to understand the structure of the party─the behaviors and movements…
Alcryst: I was in my own head, not on the dance floor. I wasn’t embracing the spontaneity.
Pandreo: Let’s give it another shot! You, me, a solid beat, and two completely empty heads!
Pandreo: AROOO!
Alcryst: Awooo!
A Support:
Alcryst: …
Pandreo: Your Highness.
Alcryst: Pandreo…
Alcryst: …
Alcryst: AWOOO!
Pandreo: Haha! AROOO!
Alcryst: That party was amazing! I had such a fun time.
Alcryst: I shouted until I was out of breath. I let my body dance and sway all on its own…
Alcryst: And I had so, so much fun!
Alcryst: This is what it’s like to party… It feels as if I’ve crossed over into a new world!
Pandreo: Aw, yeah! Welcome to the wild world of parties!
Alcryst: Thank you for guiding me, Pandreo.
Alcryst: I came very close to fleeing again. I started to dance, and I felt so self-conscious…
Alcryst: But then I saw you, limbs flailing, torso twisting, dancing without a shred of shame…
Alcryst: I suddenly felt this wave of relief. I cast aside my own hesitation and just…danced.
Alcryst: Thanks to your erratic and incomprehensible dance moves, I was finally able to enjoy myself.
Pandreo: You know, it’s funny.
Pandreo: My friends like to make fun of the way I dance. They call it the Dance of Darkness.
Pandreo: But today, it was the Dance of Light─ illuminating your soul like a big, bright torch.
Alcryst: Yes! That’s exactly how it felt, Pandreo!
Alcryst: Parties are so wonderful. I know we just left one, but can we go to another soon?
Pandreo: We’ll go to as many as you like, bud! There’s always another bash on the horizon.
Alcryst: Pandreo, I… I…
Pandreo: Just let it out, Your Highness.
Alcryst: AWOOO!
Pandreo: AROOOOO!