C Support:
Alcryst: Divine One, watch out! There’s a wolf!
Alear: What? Where?!
Alcryst: Mr. Wolf! Please go away! Leave the Divine Dragon alone─I beg you!
Alcryst: Ugh… It isn’t listening to me… No choice. I’ll have to get serious.
Alear: That pose! Is he about to…bow in apology like the incident at the border?!
Alcryst: Mr. Wolf! I’m so, so sorry!
Alcryst: I’m sure that my apologies will enrage you further─to the point you might devour me!
Alcryst: And if I wind up in your stomach, my allies may waste days looking for me, but I must persist!
Alcryst: Please, though I have no right to make this request, I ask you to go home! I’m begging you!
Alear: The wolf is actually turning away… Incredible.
Alcryst: There it goes…
Alcryst: Thank goodness you’re all right, Divine One.
Alear: Thank you, Alcryst. I’m glad you’re OK too. That was a risky move…
Alcryst: Think nothing of it. Your life is worth far more than mine, so I just did what needed to be done.
Alear: Uh, no. My life, your life, everyone’s lives… None of us are above anyone else.
Alcryst: Ah. You’re right, Divine One… Looks like I’ve fallen short yet again.
Alcryst: The Divine Dragon’s radiance should lighten my mood, but I’ve managed to darken it instead…
Alcryst: I sincerely apologize─I should leave.
Alear: What? Alcryst! Wait!
Alear: Wow. He’s so fast…
B Support:
Alear: Alcryst? Do you have a moment?
Alcryst: I do, Divine One. What is it?
Alear: Why are you standing like that? Are you OK?
Alcryst: I’m preparing to bow.
Alear: And…why are you doing that?
Alcryst: I want to be ready in case I need to apologize for something.
Alear: Oh, for the love of─ There’s no need for that! I just wanted to discuss that wolf incident.
Alcryst: Oh? What about it?
Alear: I need you to understand something about me and about you. I’m not higher. You’re not lower.
Alear: We share the same footing. Try not to think or act otherwise, OK?
Alcryst: I wish I could follow that order, but…I just don’t believe it.
Alear: Hey, come on… Why is it so hard for you to accept that?
Alcryst: I’m very sorry to disappoint you, Divine One.
Alear: I guess it can’t be helped. I worry, but you do get results. Keep handling things your own way.
Alcryst: My own way? Are you sure?
Alcryst: I’m aware that I often bring the mood down around others, and I struggle with compliments.
Alcryst: I’m nowhere near as confident as my brother, so I’m sure my hesitation frustrates people.
Alcryst: Despite all of that…you really think it’s OK for me to keep handling things…my own way?
Alear: I do.
Alear: But I hope that, someday, you’ll take what I’ve been saying to heart.
Alcryst: Very well. Thank you for your advice, Divine One…
A Support:
Alear: Alcryst! There’s another wolf!
Alear: It’s heading toward you! Look out!
Alcryst: Yes. I see it.
Alear: Why are you standing still?! We need to get to safety!
Alcryst: It’s OK, Divine One. I can handle this.
Alcryst: Smell that, boy? I brought some jerky with me. Come on, eat up…
Alear: I don’t believe it. Alcryst just tamed that wolf!
Alcryst: This is the same wolf that almost attacked you before, Divine One.
Alcryst: You’d better head back up the mountain now. Stay safe out there, OK?
Alear: When did you two become friends?
Alcryst: I’ve been coming here to practice my archery. He keeps showing up to watch.
Alcryst: We were pretty tense around each other at first, but then I remembered your advice.
Alear: Which advice was that?
Alcryst: You said I should handle things my own way. I didn’t want to attack the wolf, so I relaxed.
Alcryst: He must have sensed that because he relaxed in kind. Now it’s like we’re friends.
Alear: Alcryst! That’s amazing!
Alcryst: Thank you. It was all because of your guidance.
Alcryst: Oh! What am I doing?! I’m thanking the Divine Dragon in such an informal manner! I should─
Alear: Please, Alcryst, no more throwing yourself at my feet.
Alcryst: Huh?
Alear: Don’t be upset. Your apologies are impressive, but you could stand to, well, stand more often.
Alear: If you really want to thank me, that wolf did look awfully friendly toward you…
Alear: Could you help me win him over?
Alcryst: That should be easy. Just bring some jerky next time. Then we can all play together.
Alear: I’ll do just that! Can’t wait. Thank you, Alcryst.
S Support:
Alcryst: Uh, excuse me…Divine One?
Alear: Alcryst? What is it?
Alcryst: Uh… Well, you see…
Alear: You stopped yourself from bowing! Very nice recovery, Alcryst.
Alcryst: Yes. I must try to stand tall.
Alcryst: Please, Divine One, have a look at this.
Alear: Oh! What a beautiful gemstone! It has such a mysterious color.
Alcryst: It’s a stone of Brodian origin. The coloring is quite rare, with red and blue mixed together…
Alcryst: My father gave it to me when I was born. He liked how it matched my features.
Alear: Ah, I see! This is a match for your blue hair and red eyes, isn’t it? This gem suits you perfectly.
Alcryst: B-but…your features are even more of a match, Divine One. The color distribution differs, but…
Alcryst: It reminds me of you. I see someone I treasure who encouraged me to do things my own way.
Alear: Wow. Someone you treasure, huh?
Alcryst: My father told me to choose an important person to give this to someday. So…
Alcryst: Divine One… Please accept this as a token of… well, a token of my feelings toward you.
Alear: …
Alear: Thank you, Alcryst. I gladly accept your token.
Alcryst: …
Alear: Now it’s my turn. I’d like to give you this ring.
Alcryst: This is the Pact Ring…
Alear: It is. And now it’s yours.
Alear: Prince Alcryst… I, the Divine Dragon, grant you this, a symbol of our special bond.
Alear: Let’s share our lives as fellow soldiers…and partners in peace.
Alcryst: C-coo…
Alear: I’m sorry, did you just…coo?
Alcryst: Cool! Astoundingly cool! Impossibly cool! I can’t believe this!
Alcryst: I thought I stuck the landing for sure, but then you outshined me with an even grander gesture!
Alcryst: And I don’t even mind! This makes me so happy. Th-thank you, Divine One…
Alear: Oh, Alcryst, please don’t cry!
Alcryst: I won’t. I promise. I’ll do my best to stand tall for you─and for myself.
Alcryst: Or, uh…taller than before, at least.
Alear: I suppose that’s a start.
Alcryst: And I will get stronger! Despite how I seem, I am a prince of Brodia…
Alcryst: As a son of the kingdom of warriors, I will become someone you can rely on…
Alcryst: And I pledge to always protect you, Divine Dragon .
Alear: Thoughtful as ever, Alcryst.
Alcryst: I can say all of this with the utmost confidence. In fact, I swear it upon this ring.
Alear: I believe you, Alcryst. Thank you.
Alcryst: I will stand beside you proudly and be the best prince I can be, to the very end.