C Support:
Anna: Hmm. Maybe I’m coming at this wrong.
Alear: What’re you thinking about, Anna?
Anna: That’s Lady Anna to you! But to answer your question, I’m brainstorming new products.
Alear: More stuff to sell, huh?
Anna: Yup. You know what Sweethearts Day is?
Alear: I think I’ve heard of it. It’s where couples give each other gifts, right?
Anna: That’s the one.
Anna: Usually people just give each other flowers, but the same old gift every year loses its luster.
Anna: So I’m out to market something mind-blowing that’ll bring the spark back to Sweethearts Day!
Alear: Wow. That’s a pretty lofty goal.
Anna: Quit treating me like a kid and help me out here, Divine One.
Anna: Nothing I’ve come up with so far has grabbed me, so I could use someone else’s input.
Alear: Hmm… Let’s see here. Something new for Sweethearts Day…
Alear: How about necklaces?
Anna: Haha, I see you have your finger on the pulse of the average Sweethearts Day participant.
Anna: Necklaces are almost as played-out as flowers. They’re hardly going to blow anyone’s mind.
Alear: I see.
Anna: Customers don’t want something they can get anywhere. They want something one-of-a-kind.
Anna: The constant need to come up with goods like that is what makes my line of work so tricky.
Alear: Got it. I’ll keep thinking. We’ll come up with something good eventually!
B Support:
Alear: Hello, Lady Anna. Did you ever get a good idea for something to sell?
Anna: No. The idea well’s run dry.
Anna: …
Alear: Oh… Are you crying?
Anna: No!
Anna: But I am feeling a little down. You know, I tell everyone I’m not just a kid.
Anna: Stuff like this reminds me that I am─I’m a kid, and that’s all there is to it.
Anna: It’s why I can’t think of a single new product for Sweethearts Day.
Alear: I’m sorry, Lady Anna. Though, I think I know how I can help.
Anna: Huh?
Alear: I have a new pitch for something you can sell.
Alear: I’ve been thinking about it for a while, actually. Here it is…handcrafted necklaces!
Anna: Necklaces again? We’ve been over this!
Alear: I know you mentioned that they’re a pretty common Sweethearts Day gift.
Alear: But handcrafted ones would each have a unique feel to them. That’s what you’re after, isn’t it?
Alear: I seem to remember glassblowing being a popular handicraft where you’re from.
Alear: Add a string to that and you’ve got a necklace!
Anna: …
Alear: Was it that bad of an idea?
Anna: No, no, I like it! This could really sell.
Anna: Aww, thanks a bunch, Divine One! You’ve really lit a fire under me!
Alear: Glad I could help, Lady Anna.
A Support:
Alear: How are the necklaces coming along?
Anna: Hey, Divine One! Happy to report that I’m about halfway done.
Alear: Wow. These are turning out really cute.
Anna: Credit to you for the idea. Seriously, thank you!
Anna: Sorry I complained to you before. If I can pull this off, there’ll be no more complaints from me.
Alear: That’s very grown-up of you.
Alear: Although everyone complains sometimes. Even adults.
Alear: If something’s frustrating you, you can always talk to me about it.
Anna: I’m so happy to hear you say that! I really owe you for this, Divine One.
Anna: That reminds me. I was thinking I’d call these necklaces “Divine Dragon Pendants.”
Alear: What?
Alear: I appreciate the thought, but maybe you should name them something that would sell better.
Anna: It’s so cute that you’re shy about it! But I’m definitely calling them that now.
Alear: Come on! Why don’t you sleep on it? I’m sure you can come up with something punchier!
Anna: Lalalala! I can’t hear you!
Anna: As soon as I finish the rest of these babies up, they’ll sell out on day one.
Alear: Ah… Well, I guess I can let the name slide as long as you’re enjoying yourself.
Alear: Fingers crossed that business booms for you, Lady Anna.
S Support:
Alear: Today’s Sweethearts Day, isn’t it? How’s the new product selling?
Anna: Already sold out.
Alear: Really?!
Anna: Yeah, really! Those suckers practically flew off the shelves!
Alear: Wow. Congratulations, Lady Anna.
Anna: It wouldn’t have happened without you, Divine One.
Alear: It’s too bad I didn’t get to see any of the finished necklaces, though.
Anna: Actually… I did keep one. Check it out.
Alear: Oooh! You did a great job with this. No wonder they sold so quickly.
Anna: You can keep it if you want.
Alear: Huh? You’re sure?
Anna: That one wasn’t for sale. It came out the best, so I set it aside just for you.
Anna: I hope you like it.
Alear: This is the best one? You really don’t mind if I have it?
Anna: I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t mean it!
Anna: I just…you know…really appreciate how much you help me out.
Alear: That’s kind of you to say.
Anna: We made a good team, coming up with this product together. I’m really grateful.
Anna: So I thought you should have the best one as a sign of our friendship.
Alear: Aww.
Alear: I’m happy it worked out so well. And I’m honored to accept the necklace. Thank you.
Alear: You know what? I have a gift for you too. It’s the Pact Ring.
Anna: What?! Oh, come on! That thing’s way too valuable.
Alear: That’s exactly why I want you to have it. The best goods are one-of-a-kind, right?
Alear: I got a memento of our great teamwork, so why shouldn’t you?
Anna: True… We did come up with a smash hit, so I guess that does make us partners after all.
Anna: All right, all right, I’ll take it. What a great day this is turning out to be!
Alear: Hahaha, I agree.
Anna: Right, then. Starting tomorrow, we’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.
Anna: First, we need to source artisans who can mass- produce those necklaces.
Anna: If you thought they sold quick before, wait until people find out the Divine Dragon wears one!
Alear: Hahaha! How mercenary of you. Never change, Lady Anna.
Alear: I can’t let my business partner go soft, right?
Anna: Nope! This partnership is our ticket to fame, fortune, and finding my family!