C Support:
Alear: I really enjoyed our tea party today. Thanks for inviting me, Céline.
Céline: The pleasure is all mine, Divine One.
Céline: Our conversation made for an excellent spice over an already fine tea.
Alear: The tea was fine, wasn’t it? That floral note it had was almost unbelievably good.
Céline: I’m glad you appreciated it. The leaves were grown in Firene, you know.
Céline: The delicate, subtle taste embodies the spirit of our kingdom.
Céline: It is my utmost favorite.
Alear: Yeah, I’ve heard the Firenese prefer the pastoral life over any kind of open conflict.
Alear: That really came through in this tea.
Céline: There’s a Firenese folktale I think you might find interesting.
Céline: Our royal palace is home to a spirit who ensures happiness for the virtuous.
Céline: For thieves or interlopers, however, the spirit drives them off with mischievous tricks.
Céline: Hahaha, imagine! Driven off by the prankish antics of a spirit!
Céline: No serious consequences at all. How effective a deterrent do you suppose such a spirit really is?
Alear: Even so, it’s a lovely story.
Alear: It’s the kind of goodhearted tale that reflects the Firenese character, I think.
Céline: Yes… Yes, it is. Well then, we must have tea together again sometime, Divine One.
B Support:
Céline: …
Alear: You’re looking a bit grim, Céline. Problems?
Céline: Ah, Divine One. Do you remember the tea we enjoyed together the other day?
Alear: It was so good that I’m not likely to forget it anytime soon.
Céline: It would appear that shipments of those leaves are becoming a favorite target for highwaymen.
Céline: Changing the trade routes has made little difference. Each day brings more victims.
Alear: That’s awful.
Céline: I am not often called on to intervene directly in matters such as this.
Céline: But this is an emergency, and no one in Firene knows more of tea than I.
Céline: So Mother has requested that I handle the problem personally.
Alear: How do you feel about that?
Céline: I suspect it may be part of my education.
Céline: Even if my brother is first in line for the throne, I am still princess of Firene.
Alear: So what’s your plan for dealing with them?
Céline: I thought I might drive them off with pranks.
Céline: Ah, wouldn’t it be lovely if things were as simple as they are in folktales?
Céline: But real life isn’t so…pastoral.
Alear: No, it’s not.
Céline: I will show no mercy to anyone who causes suffering to the people of Firene.
Céline: And I will go to any lengths so that my people may enjoy the peace they are accustomed to.
Alear: …
Céline: Don’t look at me like that, Divine One. This is a duty I must bear.
Céline: Now then, please excuse me. Action must be taken in this matter…swiftly.
A Support:
Céline: If I worried you the other day, Divine One, I sincerely apologize.
Alear: What happened to the highwaymen attacking those tea shipments?
Céline: We supplied funds to heighten the caravan’s security.
Céline: Then they let the thieves escape, which led our new security forces directly to their stronghold.
Céline: I just came from giving the order to eliminate their base.
Alear: I see.
Céline: They are bandits, but they are still Firenese, and I have now signed their death warrant.
Céline: I would do it again without hesitation.
Céline: No one─not one soul─can be suffered to violate Firene’s peace.
Alear: But it must have been a painful choice.
Céline: It wasn’t.
Céline: Anguish is one of the few privileges not afforded to those in my position.
Alear: Hmm… I know you have to harden your heart, but you have a heart all the same.
Céline: Your empathy is appreciated.
Céline: There is nothing I would not do to protect my kingdom.
Céline: I would draw my blade for peace without hesitation. I have steeled myself for it all my life.
Céline: Even so…
Céline: I find no satisfaction in what must be done.
Céline: I worry that is a mark of weakness in me.
Alear: That’s not weakness. It’s kindness.
Alear: It’s the same kindness that’s reflected in the Firenese character.
Céline: You are most generous, Divine One.
S Support:
Céline: Divine One, might I have a word?
Alear: Of course, Céline.
Céline: It concerns a matter we spoke of previously.
Céline: I told you that I would not hesitate to draw my blade for the sake of my nation.
Céline: That to bring peace to my people, I would wage war.
Alear: Yes, I remember.
Céline: Yet now I find my resolve wavering.
Céline: I wonder whether I could truly be so merciless in the pursuit of peace.
Alear: That’s understandable for someone so kind as you, Céline.
Céline: It is not kindness! It is a sort of…cowardice.
Céline: The unique cowardice that comes of what others may think. I fear that you would hate me.
Alear: Oh…
Céline: Therefore I ask that you hold me in contempt.
Céline: Scorn me for putting my personal feelings ahead of my royal duties.
Céline: If I already bore your disappointment, I could again be merciless for the sake of my people.
Alear: …
Alear: I think you should have this, Céline.
Céline: Is this…the Pact Ring?
Alear: You could never disappoint me. I’ll always be there to support you, whatever you decide.
Alear: Whether it’s for the kingdom of Firene or for yourself. Whatever your motivations…
Alear: I will stand by you.
Céline: Then…you see nothing to loathe in my steel heart?
Alear: No. I know there’s more to your heart than that. Whatever decisions you feel you have to make…
Alear: We can work through the consequences together. You don’t have to be alone.
Céline: Thank you, Divine One.
Céline: With you at my side, what reason would I have for cowardice?
Céline: I should find only joy instead.
Céline: Divine One, your unwavering support has lifted a great weight from me. You are a true friend.