C Support:
Citrinne: Excuse me, Divine One. I wanted to thank you for aiding me in battle the other day.
Citrinne: If it’s not inappropriate, I would like to find a gift for you to fully express my gratitude.
Alear: A gift? That isn’t necessary, Citrinne. I only did what anyone would have done.
Citrinne: Haha! Oh, Divine One. You’re too modest!
Citrinne: Aha! A gift idea has just come to me.
Citrinne: An acquaintance of the Brodian royal family is looking to sell their private island─at cost!
Citrinne: What would you say to your own private island getaway? My treat, of course.
Alear: An entire island?! That’s really not─
Citrinne: Not enough. I agree. Shall I add some of my antique jewelry? It’s just a few generations old…
Alear: No! Citrinne, I don’t need expensive gifts.
Citrinne: Really? Then…what sort of gift would you be more inclined to accept?
Alear: Well, if I can’t talk you out of it…
Alear: To be honest, I would prefer the kind of gift that money can’t buy.
Citrinne: Something that money…cannot buy?
Alear: No private islands. No jewelry. I value gifts that aren’t defined by how much they cost.
Alear: That’s the best kind of gift a person can receive. Do you understand?
Citrinne: I see. Let me just…think on this for a while. Farewell for now, Divine One.
B Support:
Citrinne: Hello again, Divine One. I gave your words on gifts some thought.
Citrinne: You said you would prefer something that money could not buy…
Citrinne: I apologize for the delay. It feels as if I’ve kept you waiting for days, weeks, months!
Alear: It really hasn’t been that long…
Citrinne: To me, it felt like an eternity.
Alear: Do you have an idea?
Citrinne: Indeed I have. I think this token of my gratitude will be much more to your liking. For you!
Alear: Oh. It’s, uh…
Citrinne: It’s a pebble!
Alear: Yes. This certainly is a pebble.
Citrinne: I found it sitting on the side of the road and paid nothing to acquire it. What a thrill!
Citrinne: No cost. No worth. I quite literally stumbled upon the perfect gift for you!
Alear: …
Citrinne: Is something the matter, Divine One?
Alear: I guess I didn’t explain myself well enough.
Alear: Imagine that you found this pebble a long time ago and kept it. Maybe you grew attached to it.
Alear: If you were to give me that pebble─one you cherished─I would consider it a wonderful gift.
Citrinne: One that I…cherished?
Alear: You know, sentimental value? Worth that comes from the heart rather than the wallet?
Citrinne: Worth that comes from the heart…
Citrinne: I think I understand.
Citrinne: Next time, I’ll offer you something that will truly delight you.
Citrinne: Rest easy, Divine One! I shall return!
A Support:
Citrinne: Hello once again, Divine One. I’ve come to give you…this gift.
Alear: Oh, Citrinne! What a gorgeous bouquet!
Citrinne: I thought of you as I picked each flower. I hope these will suffice…
Alear: You hand-picked all of these flowers for me? That’s a wonderful gesture.
Citrinne: …
Alear: Citrinne? Are you OK?
Citrinne: I once had a very close friend who loved gifts… and would make a game of begging for things.
Citrinne: Each gift made her so happy. Over time, it became a natural part of our rapport.
Citrinne: Then, one day, I surprised her with a bouquet just like this. She begged for a dress instead…
Citrinne: When I asked if she didn’t like the flowers, she grew angry. She said I was being…cheap.
Alear: That’s awful. Is that why you offered to give me such expensive gifts?
Citrinne: Yes. That’s why.
Alear: If someone won’t be your friend unless you buy things for them, that isn’t a real friendship.
Alear: I think this bouquet is a wonderful gift, Citrinne. It makes me very, very happy. Thank you.
Citrinne: I’m so glad to hear it. I finally found the right way to express my gratitude.
Citrinne: That makes me very, very happy as well. Thank you, Divine One.
S Support:
Alear: Here, Citrinne. Have a look at this.
Citrinne: Is that a dried flower? It looks familiar…
Alear: It’s from the bouquet you gave me. I carefully dried each flower for use as a decoration.
Citrinne: Oh! Yes, of course! I’m delighted to see how you’ve taken such good care of them.
Alear: I think of your kindness each time I look at them, Citrinne.
Citrinne: What a lovely thought. Thank you for sharing this with me.
Alear: I didn’t call you over just to show you the flower.
Alear: This time, I have a gift for you.
Citrinne: You do? For me? What might that be?
Alear: This. The Pact Ring.
Citrinne: What?!
Citrinne: But this is a historic piece of jewelry. I suspect it’s worth more than all of my riches combined!
Citrinne: Why would you give this to me?
Alear: Don’t think of how much it’s worth. I’m giving this to you as a token of our friendship.
Alear: I want you to be my closest confidant, Citrinne. Are you willing to walk and fight by my side?
Citrinne: Oh my…
Citrinne: Of course I am, Divine One. I will happily accept this gift.
Alear: I’m so glad to hear it.
Citrinne: Heh, you know, I love to give gifts, but I rarely receive them myself…
Citrinne: You were right about sentimental value. A gift from the heart is a wonderful gift indeed.
Alear: Couldn’t agree more.
Citrinne: Thank you, Divine Dragon … I must be the luckiest person in the world.
Citrinne: When this war is over, we must attend a formal ball together. I know that’s a long way off…
Alear: Why wait? We could just dance right here and now.
Alear: Think of it as a formal-ish ball. Just for us.
Citrinne: I’d like that very much.
Citrinne: What a gift exchange this is─you and I both offering to support one another. It’s priceless.