C Support:
Alear: Hahaha!
Etie: Huh?
Etie: What’s up? You’re looking at me kinda weird.
Alear: Sorry. I didn’t mean any offense. I just couldn’t help it.
Etie: Is there something wrong with how I look?
Alear: Oh, no! Nothing like that!
Etie: Then tell me why you’re laughing already.
Alear: Hahaha!
Alear: Well, you know how you’re always so confident?
Etie: Huh?
Alear: I was thinking about how plain it is on your face.
Alear: There’s confidence all over you. It’s kind of inspiring to look at.
Etie: Which is why you were staring.
Alear: Forgive me, Etie. If it bothers you, I’ll stop.
Etie: Nah, I don’t mind. I’m actually a little honored to help out the Divine One.
Etie: If staring at me lifts your mood, go ahead and stare all you want.
Alear: Thank you!
Etie: I mean, it’s a little embarrassing, but a quick jog will help get my mind off it.
Etie: See you around, Divine One!
B Support:
Etie: I see you’re staring at me again, Divine One.
Alear: I was. Again. Sorry, I just can’t help it.
Etie: You know I don’t mind. It’s pretty neat, in fact.
Etie: That said, I can think of better ways for you to feel good than just admiring my confidence.
Alear: Such as?
Etie: A hundred laps around the Somniel!
Alear: Like…running?!
Etie: Even I get stressed sometimes. And when I do, I always go for a run.
Etie: As long as I’m running, my mind is empty. It’s like I’m sweating out all my troubles.
Alear: Huh. Still…are a hundred laps really necessary?
Etie: In my experience? Yes. Anything less runs the risk of a few stray, lingering doubts.
Etie: So how about it? You interested?
Alear: Yes. I think.
Etie: Great. Let’s get started!
Alear: You mean now?!
Etie: No time like the present! Do you wanna get confident or not?
Alear: I hadn’t planned on running a hundred laps today. But I guess it’s worth a try.
Alear: You’re on, Etie! Let’s go for a run!
Etie: Now you’re talking!
A Support:
Etie: How did you like our run the other day?
Alear: That was my first time ever doing 100 laps around anything. I slept like a baby afterward.
Alear: And then came the muscle aches the next morning.
Etie: Oops. I should’ve warned you about that.
Alear: But the run itself was just like you said!
Alear: When I ran, I could feel my troubles fade away. There was nothing on my mind but the run.
Alear: It was honestly pretty strange.
Etie: So you get it now! Oh, it’s such an honor to be able to do that for you.
Etie: But we’re not done yet. Next time, I’d like you to try some muscle balm afterward.
Alear: Some what now?
Etie: You have to let yourself recover after serious exercise or your muscles will complain again.
Alear: Ahh. That makes sense.
Alear: If I keep jogging with the muscle balm you mentioned, will I be as confident as you?
Etie: Of course. It works for me, and I’m just a normal person.
Etie: The Divine One on this program? You’d be so confident that you might actually start glowing.
Alear: Hehe, the way you say it, I almost believe it could happen.
Alear: I was content before to be inspired by your confidence, but with these exercises…
Alear: Maybe I could be the one inspiring others, just like you did for me. You’ve helped a lot, Etie.
Etie: Aww, Divine One. You’re gonna make me blush.
Etie: This seems like a good time for a quick jog. I’ll see you later!
Alear: Wait! I think I embarrassed her into going on another run.
Alear: Well, that’s OK. If I follow her, I can get in a few laps around the Somniel myself!
S Support:
Etie: What is going on with you lately? You keep jogging solo, like you’re avoiding me.
Alear: The thing is…
Etie: If it was something I said or did, I apologize. Seriously.
Alear: Let me finish! There’s something that’s been on my mind.
Alear: No matter how much I run, I can’t shake it off. I don’t know what to do.
Alear: Sorry about this, but can I get something off my chest?
Etie: Go right ahead.
Alear: I’d really like for us to partner up.
Etie: Uh…
Etie: Sure. That sounds good.
Alear: What?! Just like that?
Etie: You mean like training partners, right? Someone to spot your workouts?
Alear: Well…that’s not exactly it.
Alear: I meant supporting each other no matter what. That’s why I’m giving you the Pact Ring.
Etie: Uh…
Etie: For real?!
Etie: You can’t mean that, right? Why would you give me something so important?
Alear: Partly because of your confidence. I feel stronger just by being around you.
Alear: But you’re also kindhearted and determined. It’s the right choice.
Alear: I’ve been wanting to bring it up for a while now, but I was afraid you’d say no.
Etie: So that’s why you’ve been jogging alone.
Alear: Yeah.
Etie: Well, you can stop worrying. From now on, we’ll always jog together.
Etie: You and me are gonna run side by side for a million laps before we’re through.
Alear: So you’ll accept?
Etie: Sure. Whatever I can do to help.
Alear: Thank you! This is such a load off my mind.
Etie: Thinking about this has got me all keyed up. I could go for a run to burn off the energy.
Etie: What do you say? Dead sprint around the Somniel until we can’t move?
Alear: That sounds wonderful. I’m ready if you are!
Etie: Then let’s get moving, . Last one back to the Somniel is a rotten egg!