C Support:
Alear: Hyah!
Framme: AHH! Divine One, you look so shiny when you sweat!
Alear: Hyah!
Framme: Hey! Hey! Look over here! Hey!
Framme: AH! The Divine One looked right at me!
Framme: Thank you, universe, for creating someone so awesome and so very…shiny.
Alear: Um…Framme?
Framme: Oh, sorry! Am I distracting you?
Alear: Well, you’re not…not distracting me.
Framme: Oops! Sorry, sorry.
Framme: See, I’m here in my capacity as a president of the Divine Dragon Fan Club.
Alear: I have a…fan club?
Framme: Yep! Our mission is to support you. That’s why I’m here giving you extra motivation.
Alear: Huh. Thanks for cheering me on.
Alear: But could you maybe not do it so…close?
Framme: You bet. I can stand back a little.
Framme: Four, three, two, one, who’s our favorite dragon?! You! You! Y-O-U!
Alear: Ah, that didn’t help…
B Support:
Alear: Hyah!
Alear: Whew. Time to take a short break and get a drink of water.
Framme: AHH! The Divine Dragon looks so cool drinking water!
Framme: Note for the fan club─the Divine Dragon loooves to drink water.
Alear: …
Alear: Hey, Framme? Can I talk to you for a minute? It’s kind of important.
Framme: You want to have an important conversation with ME? Am I dreaming? Is this happening?
Alear: No, you’re not, and yes, it is. Look, I’m sorry to say this, but…
Alear: Could you take it easy with the cheers and whatnot?
Framme: Huh?
Alear: I appreciate the enthusiasm, but really. You’re making it hard to focus.
Alear: When each battle is more difficult than the last, I can’t afford to be distracted during training.
Framme: …
Framme: You’re… You’re right. I wanted to support you, but I’m just being annoying.
Framme: …
Alear: Oh! I’m sorry. I didn’t intend to─
Framme: No, it’s not your fault. I’m only crying ’cause I’m so worthless…
Framme: I promise to stay out of your hair from now on! Your beautiful, flowing, perfect hair! WAH!
Alear: Aw, Framme…
A Support:
Alear: Framme, I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean to upset you.
Framme: Nah, it’s OK. I’m sorry for bursting into tears like that.
Framme: I’ve just felt…really attached to you since you woke up. No, scratch that.
Framme: Since BEFORE you woke up. I used to sit and chat with you about my life.
Alear: Really?
Framme: Yeah. If something exciting happened, I’d tell you the good news with a big smile on my face.
Framme: Or if something was making me sad, I’d sit next to you and have a good cry about it.
Framme: You were always so easy to talk to. Every single day I sat there and waited for you to wake up.
Alear: I… I didn’t realize that.
Framme: I knew you couldn’t actually hear me. I was just living out my own little fantasy.
Framme: But then you woke up! I was so excited to talk to you for real, I…I got kinda carried away.
Alear: Framme, I have a request.
Alear: Please go back to cheering for me like you did before.
Framme: What?! But you said…
Alear: I did. But that was before I knew you kept me company for so long.
Alear: As far as I’m concerned, you can be as loud and distracting as your heart desires.
Framme: Oh, Divine One… You’re every bit as amazing as I always imagined.
Framme: OK. I, Framme, a president of the D.D.F.C., swear to continue my wholehearted support.
Framme: As your number-one fan, I’ll keep cheering for you with all my heart and soul!
Alear: Perfect. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
S Support:
Alear: Hey, Framme! There you are.
Framme: Divine One, it’s you! What can I do for you?
Alear: I have something important to talk to you about. It’s time, I think, to re-evaluate the D.D.F.C.
Framme: Wha…
Framme: I… I tried to make sure my cheering wasn’t so annoying. I guess it didn’t work, huh?
Alear: No, no! That’s not it at all.
Framme: Oh, are you promoting the Divine Dragon Fan Club to Divine Dragon OFFICIAL Fan Club?!
Alear: No, that’s not it either.
Framme: Demoting us to unofficial fan club then…
Alear: Um, definitely not that.
Framme: Well, what is it then, Divine One? Come on!
Alear: OK, OK, here goes. I don’t want you to be my number one fan.
Framme: WHAA?
Framme: N-no…too painful… Can’t breathe…
Framme: If I’m not a fan of the Divine Dragon, then… then…who am I even?!
Alear: Whoa, Framme. Please calm down. I don’t want you to be my number one fan because…
Alear: I want you to be my number one ally.
Framme: Number one ally…
Alear: You had my back long before I woke up.
Alear: You watched over me on sunny days and on rainy days. On happy days and sad days…
Framme: Y-yes! Of course! I’d love to be your number one ally! You and me, battle friends forever!
Alear: Well then, Framme, this is for you…
Framme: The P-pact Ring?! But, Divine One, that’s super valuable. Are you sure?!
Alear: I am.
Framme: WAAAH!
Alear: Oh no, Framme, are you OK?!
Framme: I’m─ I’m just so happy! You didn’t just look at me, you offered me the Pact Ring!
Framme: I─ I accept! I really, really do!
Alear: That makes me happy, Framme.
Framme: Oh, uh, but just one teensy thing… I don’t want to stop being your fan.
Framme: I want to be your number one ally and your number one fan. Is that OK?
Framme: You mean everything to me. Plus, I think I can handle both roles, ya know?
Alear: Hahaha, if anyone can, you can. I am very lucky to have an ally and a fan like you.
Framme: Thank you, .
Framme: From now on, I’ll be cheering you on and standing by your side. Allies for always!