C Support:
Hortensia: Hey, Divine One! What do you think?
Alear: Of what?
Hortensia: Come on! Am I cute? Sweet? Charming? Use your words!
Alear: Sure, you’re cute enough. Just like always.
Hortensia: That’s all you have to say? I put a lot of effort into being adorable, y’know.
Hortensia: The least you could do is notice!
Alear: I had no idea. Uh, forgive me for not noticing?
Hortensia: That’s all I get? Hmph…
Hortensia: Ugh…
Hortensia: I can’t believe that didn’t work. A pouty face is usually all it takes for people to be extra nice.
Hortensia: Do you have some kinda god training that lets you see through fake crying, Divine One?
Alear: God training?
Alear: I don’t think anyone needs special training to see through an act like that…
Hortensia: Hey! Fine, then let me ask you something else.
Hortensia: How come you’re not fawning over me? I’m unimaginably cute!
Alear: I don’t treat people differently just because they’re cute. Kindness matters much more.
Hortensia: Wrong! Being nice is great and all, but cuteness is a huge advantage. Everyone knows that.
Alear: I see…
Hortensia: So, we’ll try this again─only I’ll be even cuter next time, so you can’t possibly miss it.
B Support:
Hortensia: Hey, Divine One! What do you think of me this time?
Hortensia: I went out of my way to be extra-super cute.
Hortensia: So, are you ready to concede defeat and admit that you’re completely charmed?
Alear: You certainly are cute. And I’m sure you put in a lot of work for it, but…
Alear: I told you before that cuteness doesn’t affect how I treat people. Why are you fixated on this?
Hortensia: …
Hortensia: I didn’t want to bring it up, but…OK.
Hortensia: My mother was one of the king’s mistresses. She suffered a lot of backstabbing in the court.
Hortensia: I never saw her upset, though. She took every insult with a poised and graceful smile.
Hortensia: That smile secured her place in court. It even won the king’s wife over.
Hortensia: That’s how I know charm has a power all its own. And I’m gonna use mine the same way.
Alear: I understand. But can I ask you something?
Alear: Do you think maybe your mother had more than just her own survival in mind?
Hortensia: What do you mean?
Alear: Maybe she did all of that in part so you could learn to survive the court as well.
Hortensia: …
Alear: She must have known she couldn’t always be there for you. She’d want you to learn from her.
Alear: To me, that is real charm─what we do to help the ones we love.
Hortensia: Mother… I never realized…
A Support:
Hortensia: Here you go, Divine One─enjoy!
Alear: Did you, uh, cook me something?
Hortensia: Yeah! And it’s got spices that’ll keep you warm.
Hortensia: I also gathered some healing herbs for you. Here you go.
Alear: Um, thank you.
Alear: This is all great, but…what’s going on?
Hortensia: You said something that opened my eyes.
Hortensia: If I’m gonna be for-real charming, I need to practice helping people.
Hortensia: I’m sorry for the way I acted before. Do you forgive me?
Alear: Of course. I was never upset with you to begin with.
Hortensia: I’m glad to hear that.
Hortensia: Everyone loved my mother because she was both charming and kind.
Hortensia: I’ve got a long way to go to be like her.
Hortensia: But thanks for helping me figure that out.
Alear: You’re welcome. And for what it’s worth, I think you’re well on your way.
Hortensia: I have to wonder, though… If I do become truly charming, inside and out…
Hortensia: How are you gonna keep pretending you don’t care about cuteness, Divine One?
Alear: I’ll figure something out.
Hortensia: Ha! I dunno about that! I think you just might change your tune!
Alear: We’ll see.
S Support:
Alear: You seem to be in high spirits lately, Hortensia.
Hortensia: Yeah, I am. Turns out being kind to people makes them happy. And that makes me happy.
Alear: That does explain why you’re constantly surrounded by friends these days.
Hortensia: I guess so. Hey, hang on. What’s that I hear?
Hortensia: Am I picking up a hint of jealousy in your voice, Divine One?
Alear: What? Of course not!
Hortensia: Hehe, I can’t believe the Divine Dragon’s actually jealous of me. What an ego boost.
Hortensia: But you have nothing to worry about. However popular I may get, I’ll always make time for you.
Hortensia: Because you’re special to me.
Alear: I am?
Hortensia: …
Hortensia: AHH! All my graceful composure destroyed by one moment of weakness!
Hortensia: Can we just pretend you didn’t hear that?
Alear: Not a chance!
Hortensia: Merciless.
Alear: You were right, Hortensia. I was jealous.
Alear: I’ve always enjoyed our time together. I’m sad to have less of it now that you’re so popular.
Alear: Understanding all this makes it clear what I need to do next.
Hortensia: That’s…the Pact Ring.
Hortensia: You’re giving it to me?
Alear: Yes.
Hortensia: I can’t even begin to tell you what this means to me. I’ll treasure it forever.
Alear: I’m in awe of what a wonderful person you’ve become.
Alear: So much so, in fact, that I feel I need to start working on my own kindness just to keep up.
Hortensia: Don’t be ridiculous. You’ve been amazing since the day we met.
Hortensia: And you’ve only become even more amazing in the time since.
Alear: Haha, keep saying that sort of thing and you might actually convince me.
Hortensia: Good. The sooner the better.
Hortensia: Because if all that wasn’t true, you wouldn’t be so special to me.